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Season 29: Low Playoffs

Quarter Final

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Lokko (verbfusion)



5 - 1

[Screenshots: A ]



2 - 1

[Screenshots: A ]

Denmark verbfusion vs Norway The Compound
6 - 0

SteamID Screenshots: A


verbfusion (6) auto, Phong_, Lokko, Blanc, Skip, Cyanic
The Compound (6) Storm, Droy, kn, GalaxyLime, Dying Tom, Adda


  1. ETF2L Staff said:

    Welcome to the Season 29 Low Quarter-Finals!

    This match will be played as a best-of-three.

    Maps will be decided using the following Map Elimination System:

    Team A bans a map
    Team B bans a map
    Team B picks 1st map
    Team A picks 2nd map
    verbfusion picks 3rd map

    As the higher seed verbfusion can decide if they want to begin the pick/ban as “Team A” or if The Compound have to.

    Good luck for both teams!

  2. Divine: (ETF2L Donator) - Wiki said:

    Hello my son

  3. vanqok said:

    verbfusion in playoffs KEK

  4. Cyanic: Velo - BRIT said:

    why is that kek

  5. Blanc: 43 said:

    Cause we lost them in a scrim so they’re obviously better. Cyanic have some respect.

  6. vanqok said:

    you lost to polybrow and heavy))

  7. Blanc: 43 said:


  8. Default Date said:

    A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
    The default date is: Thursday, 22 March 2018, 21:15
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
    If the default date does not suit you, please contact your opponent and ask them to reschedule.

  9. ducky: ..d1ck - pog said:

    go go lokko

  10. Lokko: -ƒ$-BLAHAJ said:

    21:17 – Storm: ok, we ban prolands
    21:17 – Lokko: we ban product
    21:18 – Lokko: we pick snakwater
    21:18 – Storm: we pick process
    21:19 – Lokko: gullywash decider

  11. Offside: Exp said:

    Verb to win this.

  12. maggy: APT said:

    no,the pound mans will win

  13. Nevo: /ff - Jamz said:

    phong 6 doms or riot

  14. Skip said:


  15. auto: wG - xodijkrgoi said:

    gg wp

  16. Cyanic: Velo - BRIT said:


  17. PHONG_: Try. said:


  18. Lokko: -ƒ$-BLAHAJ said:


  19. Cyanic: Velo - BRIT said:

    vanqok: APEX_BLACK said:

    Mon 19 Mar 2018, 14:52

    verbfusion in playoffs KEK

  20. Lokko: -ƒ$-BLAHAJ said:

    shout out to Blanc for coming back from the hospital to play this official

  21. Dummy said:

    ??verb fusion coming for the finals? upsetting

  22. Storm: myx - COGU said:


  23. cantar: kaban - EDO said:

    compound doesnt deserve this

  24. Blanc: 43 said:

    But brick layers do

  25. cantar: kaban - EDO said:

    blanc ur shit haha stop talking man…

  26. Blanc: 43 said:

    And that comes from a lower level scout :LUL:

  27. cantar: kaban - EDO said:

    lmao mge me if u thin ur better

  28. cantar: kaban - EDO said:


  29. Blanc: 43 said:

    u thin mge decides who’s a better scout? lol

  30. Blanc: 43 said:


  31. cantar: kaban - EDO said:


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