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Highlander Season 15: Top Tiers


Week 2

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Mason (open_squad)



2 - 3

[Screenshots: A ]



3 - 1

[Screenshots: A ]

Sweden Lucrosa vs Germany open_squad
3 - 3

SteamID Screenshots: A


Lucrosa (6) Kosuke, chooper, Bob Bami, FallenLord, Rambosaur, Cronk
open_squad (8) Mason, Strno, ZYKAZ, Just1s, Murpheey, pozker, Zamparonie, mezzo
Unrostered (4) CeeJaey, ekkelund, Steve!, CazaroC



  1. Cronk: ︻芫═一☺ - Lucrosa said:

    Would like to play sometime the week after copenhagen games, as we have five players going there.

  2. Cronk: ︻芫═一☺ - Lucrosa said:

    Opensq are deliberately not answering when we can play, forcing us to default or play from LAN. Imo teams should not be able to abuse the fact that there is a LAN to claim a default.

  3. mezzo: ONCE said:


  4. mezzo: ONCE said:

    “Imo teams should not be able to abuse the fact that there is a LAN to claim a default.” Yes abusing the fact, that we don’t want to miss our maincaller/player in our official.

  5. mezzo: ONCE said:

    18:38 – purple smart: LOL
    18:38 – purple smart: I’m at lan too, i can play
    18:38 – purple smart: s m h

  6. Included_Middle: Bully said:

    in before open squad scrim with their full roster 10 times next week :thinking:

  7. mezzo: ONCE said:

    Who knows :thinking:

  8. Crayon said:


  9. Default Date said:

    A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
    The default date is: Monday, 02 April 2018, 21:15
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
    If the default date does not suit you, please contact your opponent and ask them to reschedule.

  10. mezzo: ONCE said:

    12:14 – Cronk @HOTPC: we play wednesday?
    13:07 – mezzo: Ye we can do that, what time?
    13:07 – Cronk @HOTPC: 21?
    13:07 – Cronk @HOTPC: wait
    13:07 – Cronk @HOTPC: have to check
    13:07 – Cronk @HOTPC: nvm
    13:07 – mezzo: Eh? o:
    13:08 – Cronk @HOTPC: yrs wedn 21
    13:08 – mezzo: Kk cool, cya@

  11. mezzo: ONCE said:

    22:58 – mezzo: you accepted caza aswell, right?
    22:58 – mezzo: as merc
    22:58 – Cronk: y

  12. Cronk: ︻芫═一☺ - Lucrosa said:

    23:02 – mezzo: but yes, i accept ekkelung, cj and liko. :P

  13. denkra said:

    cast ?

  14. Cronk: ︻芫═一☺ - Lucrosa said:


  15. Nightmare said:

    rambo to pound

  16. Cronk: ︻芫═一☺ - Lucrosa said:

    Default merc: http://etf2l.org/forum/user/61907/

  17. proky: G said:

    casted on https://www.twitch.tv/prokytf with people

  18. mezzo: ONCE said:

    gg bois, combined logs http://logs.tf/1998656

  19. Cronk: ︻芫═一☺ - Lucrosa said:

    stvs are too BIG to upload

  20. Mason: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    I compressed and uploaded them already

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