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Season 29: Main Tiers


Week 6

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Marshy (Epipslon eSprots)



3 - 0

[Screenshots: A ]



1 - 0

[Screenshots: A ]

European Epipslon eSprots vs Brazil origem
6 - 0

SteamID Screenshots: A B


Epipslon eSprots (6) WFlash, oriano, Jamie c:, Marshy, cegr, Dummy
origem (7) pewpito, Shake, Naas, Unlead, rK, Akrom, unpre


  1. Default Date said:

    A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
    The default date is: Thursday, 08 March 2018, 20:45
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
    If the default date does not suit you, please contact your opponent and ask them to reschedule.

  2. Marshy said:

    Here is the connect information for our match day server:

    connect kroket.fakkelbrigade.eu:27015; password 4j9345jh9nfihjewrt

    Hosted in Netherlands.

    Gl guys!

  3. pewpito said:

    Ofc, you guys can host one map.

    The another one will be hosted by us :)

    But dont worry will be an EU server rented from: serverme.tf

    Probably a French one.
    I’ll post the connect right here at the day match.

  4. Dummy said:

    Hi. we don’t allow any non-default servers you may provide. We will use the default random ETF2L one provides.

    Again, we do NOT allow any of your servers.

    thanks and good luck :)

  5. Dummy said:

    hi, i talked to an admin. since we won’t reach agreement on a mutual server, and other stuff, and ETF2L doesn’t provide servers usually, we’ll probably not play the game and both of us will get 0 points.

    this is the chat log btw:

    [21:26] Then you will have to agree on a server to play on
    [21:27] and if we don’t?
    [21:27] They’re not really budging on anything, so I don’t think they’ll change
    [21:27] Well than the game doesn’t get played and no one gets points

    With the admin, that is.

    I’m just posting this here (also being talked about on steam) so there’s a record.

  6. Marshy said:

    22:00 – sarava: connect kroket.fakkelbrigade.eu:27015; password 4j9345jh9nfihjewrt
    22:00 – sarava: we’ll be at there
    22:00 – sarava: we play in your server

  7. Marshy said:

    22:01 – sarava: WE
    22:01 – sarava: ORIGEM
    22:01 – sarava: AGREE
    22:01 – sarava: TO
    22:01 – sarava: PLAY
    22:01 – sarava: IN
    22:01 – sarava: YOU
    22:01 – sarava: SERVER
    22:01 – sarava: BOTH
    22:01 – sarava: OF
    22:01 – sarava: THE
    22:01 – sarava: MAPS

  8. pewpito said:

    We are going to play in your server.

    connect kroket.fakkelbrigade.eu:27015; password 4j9345jh9nfihjewrt
    Hosted in Netherlands.

    So, exactly at 20:45 CET the server must be active, delays will not be allowed.

    Following the Official ETF2L General Rule 3.4:

    3.4 A delay of 15 minutes is allowed

    A delay of 15 minutes for showing up for a match is allowed. If a team fails to have a complete team ready on the server 15 minutes after the match was supposed to start, the other team may claim a Default Win.

    So 15 minutes after the Default Date (20:45 CET) if our match don’t start with a minimum of 5 players I’ll report the Default Win to us.

    Just to be clear: WE DON’T ALLOW MERCS.

    glhf! =]

  9. Dummy said:

    Allowing mercs would be too good, obviously :) if you don’t show up on the server on time we’ll report the default win for us. Here’s hoping your internet won’t die or stuff, europe is far away! glhf!

  10. pewpito said:

    We’ll be at the server on time right time, don’t worry. Just worry about server be online and in perfect conditions.

    And do not try to send DDoS attacks to me or to any of my teammates, we’ll be recording and doing analyzes of our own internets, so if soon after we get into your server (because, how you will be hosting the server you guys will have access to my and my teammates IP’s), if we start lagging, pingi going outside the normal (more than 250 ping) the ETF2L Admins will be warned.

    Then whatever you guys are expecting to do, not even try it. Might it result in a perma ban of ETF2L and also is illegal. So don’t try threatens us saying something like that =)

    Just remembering: WE DON’T ALLOW MERCS! :)
    gl (you will need)

  11. Dave_IR8: SENS said:

    C R I N G E

  12. Klin said:

    Oh shit boys the other team wants to host a server, we about to be hacked, bank details stolen, robbed of our homes

  13. Klin said:

    gl (you will need)

  14. messy: HIV+ - L9 said:

    brazilians too adapted to crime to fall for your shit marshy

  15. TimTum: (ETF2L Donator) - myx said:

    pewpito, with an attitude like that South American tf2 will never be big

  16. ricci said:

    eG. dozen : vcs n tem a noçao da surra q vcs vao levar

  17. WFlash said:

    Scheduled: Today, 20:45
    Results submitted: Today, 20:05

  18. pewpito said:

    Sorry about that, I made a mistake.
    the Brazilian “summer time” is over and so now we have -1 hour
    but this does not affect your time, sorry for that.

  19. Marshy said:

    gg guys, gl in season!

  20. Dummy said:

    gg :)

  21. Dummy said:



  22. eldocwho: G - GONZALES said:

    wtf is this team, always bitching to get to play on their server

  23. ducky: ..d1ck - pog said:

    hahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahaah

  24. Dummy said:

    I can sort of understand the server thing eldoc, its the whole ‘no mercs xD at all’ and trying to claim default win by lying and then pretending that they got confused thats hilarious

  25. cantar: kaban - EDO said:

    whats up pepito hahahahahahahahahah a

  26. cantar: kaban - EDO said:

    pewpito: org – 10u said:
    Sun 18 Feb 2018, 23:07

    nah, u guys are not going to pass for the grand finals

  27. nagle: ..d1ck - pog said:

    pewpito: frick my bottom we dun hecked up

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