Season 3
Division 5f
Week 6
Results submitted:
by Du@L (Pajaros de Barro)

2 - 0
[Screenshots: N\A ]

9 - 14
[Screenshots: N\A ]
Pajaros de Barro
3 - 3
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i cant contact u in the email, it says:
Delivery to the following recipient has been delayed:
[email protected]
Pls contact me as soon as posible.
Hey sorry no idea why that email didn’t work but its for the clan leader anyway not the team leaders. Both of us have been without net access this week (without the other one realizing) hence why we haven’t been in touch, add one of us on steam friends and we can sort a date if Locke hasn’t done it already. :)
I’d like to lodge an official complaint, the password for their server was changed between maps and when a player dropped for us he couldn’t get back in until it was put back to what it should have been, score was 8-2 to us before and by the time the password was reset we were 5 points down
screenshot of password being changed back to the given one mid match
thats not the truth, as in every server when u change the map it changes to the default one, when u said that the player cant get in, we change it instantly, so u cant complaint about that, maybe u lose 5 secs.
As u can see in the screenshot.
Im really dissapointed with this complaint, cause is like if u think we change the pass on purpuse, when everybody knows when u change map it changes to the default one. People were playing and they didnt realize until u say that u player cant get in, and as i said when u said that the password changed to “etf2l”.
Changing a servers password between maps or having a setup where that will automatically happen creates a clear problem if anyone should drop for any reason on both sides. I don’t think you changed it on purpose and am sorry if that was implied, it was clearly automated but my point is it shouldn’t change during a match at all.
Also since 2 of our players dropped and the match was not instantly paused there is a clear rule violation.
If this had had no effect on the game I would have said nothing but it was such a clearly game turning incident I feel we have to raise the issue.
one player of us drop before the 2 of u drops and it wasnt a pause either. Also u didnt ask for the pause, neither when our player drops or when ur player drop.
So i dont understand ur complaint tbh.
Also u asked us if it was a problem if someone new get into the game when they drop and we said no problem.