Attention Premiership Highlander Teams: koth_lakeside_r2 has been changed to koth_lakeside_f2. please use this version of the map instead for your Scrims & Officials.

Season 28


Week 5

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by cj (FullPasta)



5 - 0

[Screenshots: A ]



5 - 0

[Screenshots: A ]

European FullPasta vs Belgium Gielewiel9
6 - 0

SteamID Screenshots: A


Gielewiel9 (6) Sodium, .zero, Chemistry Cat, bonobo, Spyro, Synrise
FullPasta (6) ducky, pwanda, vladandreiy, fontar, cj, zherii


  1. Default Date said:

    A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
    The default date is: Wednesday, 18 October 2017, 20:00
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
    If the default date does not suit you, please contact your opponent and ask them to reschedule.

  2. ducky said:

    told you sodium

  3. akachu said:

    “another team for cj to slay…”

  4. Wolfy: HELLAS said:

    Match of the season

  5. fontar: REMOVE said:

    hl thots

  6. nik: ORACLE - TEMU said:


    actually sick laughter will win ily duckynator5k <3

  7. ducky said:

    UWU lets goo boyys

  8. drcrime: illegal said:

    My mentor will destroy you

  9. lukegameage: TC said:

    ducky babe will win

  10. nagle: ..d1ck - pog said:

    haha what a game!!!

  11. ducky said:

    hehe, good luck guys, should be a close game!

  12. Sodium: (Head Admin) - fluffy - :Brick: said:

    @ducky, was thinking you meant ugc for a second. Silly me

  13. ducky said:

    silly u!!

  14. Drezzo said:

    A swift and decisive victory for the ducknator5k and his men, they enhanced beings of raw energy that have ascended from the shackles of creation.

  15. lukegameage: TC said:

    A swift and decisive victory for the ducknator5k and his men, they enhanced beings of raw energy that have ascended from the shackles of creation.

  16. Drezzo said:

    A swift and decisive victory for duckynator5k and his men, they are enhanced beings of raw energy that have ascended from the shackles of creation.

  17. fontar: REMOVE said:

    A swift and decisive victory for duckynator5k and his men, they are enhanced beings of raw energy that have ascended from the shackles of creation.

  18. zherii: ..d1ck - pog said:

    A swift and decisive victory for the ducknator5k and his men, they enhanced beings of raw energy that have ascended from the shackles of creation.

  19. Qohen: ranch said:

    A swift and decisive victory for the ducknator5k and his men, they enhanced beings of raw energy that have ascended from the shackles of creation.

  20. ducky said:

    qohen i love you

  21. cantar: kaban - EDO said:

    cantar pls your country soon not gonna exist

  22. Bycoon said:

    if Ducky5k:kissing_heart::alien:and my girl:girl::heart_eyes: both drowning :scream: :wave: and I can only save one:triumph::grimacing:Catch me at her funeral:door::red_circle: with my boy:point_right: :ok_hand: fergus_fragmagnet :rainbow::clock:

  23. nik: ORACLE - TEMU said:

    if Ducky5k:kissing_heart::alien:and my girl:girl::heart_eyes: both drowning :scream: :wave: and I can only save one:triumph::grimacing:Catch me at her funeral:door::red_circle: with my boy:point_right: :ok_hand: fergus_fragmagnet :rainbow::clock:

  24. Ties said:

    if Ducky5k:kissing_heart::alien:and my girl:girl::heart_eyes: both drowning :scream: :wave: and I can only save one:triumph::grimacing:Catch me at her funeral:door::red_circle: with my boy:point_right: :ok_hand: fergus_fragmagnet :rainbow::clock:

  25. cantar: kaban - EDO said:

    if Ducky5k:kissing_heart::alien:and my girl:girl::heart_eyes: both drowning :scream: :wave: and I can only save one:triumph::grimacing:Catch me at her funeral:door::red_circle: with my boy:point_right: :ok_hand: fergus_fragmagnet :rainbow::clock:

  26. ducky said:


  27. bumbandit said:

    Oh sodium, when u will know what is vagina, check geolocation of clitor pls

  28. ducky said:

    Good luck to Gielewiel9 in this 6v6 matchup!

  29. akachu said:

    my name is chiel, so i denounce gielewiel9 and all its teammates and sentence them to die.
    sick laughter please swing the sword.

  30. ducky said:

    bumbandit will carry us to victory

  31. Mr. Trooper said:

    HL mains?mge me.

  32. Mr. Trooper said:

    would like to have some good practice :)))

  33. Mr. Trooper said:

    oh i forgot that you are hl mains sry (kappa)

  34. ducky said:

    what mr trooper? guff?

  35. Mr. Trooper said:

    just trolling around

  36. Lokko said:

    Noo Noo to clean up in this videogame!

  37. Hellblazer: swole. said:

    cj and friends got this in the bag

  38. ducky said:


  39. pwanda said:


  40. Raz said:

    if Ducky5k:kissing_heart::alien:and my girl:girl::heart_eyes: both drowning :scream: :wave: and I can only save one:triumph::grimacing:Catch me at her funeral:door::red_circle: with my boy:point_right: :ok_hand: fergus_fragmagnet :rainbow::clock:

  41. maggy: APT said:

    cj what hud is that?

  42. Wolfy: HELLAS said:

    @maggy http://huds.tf/forum/showthread.php?tid=425

  43. fstiv_ said:

    @maggy its my hud

  44. ducky said:


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