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Highlander Season 13: Mid Playoffs

Grand Final

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by FoxC (Selective Attention)



2 - 0

[Screenshots: A B ]



0 - 2

[Screenshots: A B ]



3 - 0

[Screenshots: A ]

Belgium Selective Attention vs SouthKorea Victory Road
6 - 3

SourceTV: www.twitch.tv/austinnls

SteamID Screenshots: A


Selective Attention (8) Psycho, Chemistry Cat, FoxC, Cabbage, yak, Iro, bonobo, NuTRiCuLa
Victory Road (8) robin, Lurkki, Nebula, mystt, sasami, AlesKee, narkkari, Sketis
Unrostered (2) Vinni, dabeste92



  1. tuja: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    ace carry?

  2. Sketis said:

    U mean , Sketis carry right ?

  3. AustinN: SC - GRAHAM said:

    Will cast @ https://www.twitch.tv/austinnls if no one better does

  4. fizz: G said:

    ez 4 vr

  5. auto: wG - xodijkrgoi said:

    ez 4 vr

  6. Strike said:

    I really want to cast this game, so please shedile on any day other than friday

  7. Strike said:


  8. FoxC: GIEL - S-A said:

    Combined logs from our previous clash for those interested: http://logs.tf/1804394

    Can confirm https://www.twitch.tv/austinnls will be the one to receive STV for cast if it’s up to me. I do hope Tatty can join him as he also casted some mid games.

    We’re still working on a shedule.

  9. robin said:

    i go shield

  10. sasami: ERCAPITANO - VR said:

    i throw

  11. supra: (Webmaster) - BIRD - BIRD said:

    Jedi(fla)master : is this payload or nascar racing??? xxxddd

  12. John Cena: 哟什 said:

    top 10 anime battles

  13. redlix said:

    I would totally nut on this match
    rate 11/10

  14. Demieus said:

    my powers have doubled since the last time we met

  15. supra: (Webmaster) - BIRD - BIRD said:

    @Demieus are you talking about your FPS?

  16. narkkari: traphouse - VR said:

    i play @ 640×480 sub 80 fps

  17. tXX said:

    If Alonso doesn’t play this game I’ll get someone to play for me

  18. Sketis said:

    ofc i play this match means life to me

  19. Demieus said:

    @supra that too lol

  20. FoxC: GIEL - S-A said:

    Sunday the 17th at 20:00 would be best for us.

  21. stexer: KKK said:


  22. FoxC: GIEL - S-A said:

    16:49 – Foxyfluff: Can we use http://etf2l.org/forum/user/105085/ ?
    16:53 – Tenshi: yes

  23. sasami: ERCAPITANO - VR said:

    18.07 – Tenshi: ban gullywash
    18.07 – Foxyfluff: ~elevator music, please hold~
    18.08 – Foxyfluff: ban steel
    18.08 – Foxyfluff: pick badwater
    18.08 – Tenshi: pick upward
    18.08 – Foxyfluff: ~elevator music, please hold~
    18.09 – Foxyfluff: product decider I guess
    18.09 – Foxyfluff: nobody likes borneo

  24. sasami: ERCAPITANO - VR said:

    foxy u gay

  25. FoxC: GIEL - S-A said:

    not if you put these on: https://i.imgur.com/dunpUBS.jpg

  26. sasami: ERCAPITANO - VR said:


  27. FoxC: GIEL - S-A said:


  28. Perlex said:

    sasami gona stomp

  29. Dave_IR8: SENS said:

    Good Luck to my friends on both teams!

  30. AlesKee said:

    hello can i merc sniper?

  31. sasami: ERCAPITANO - VR said:

    hello can i merc sniper?

  32. Demieus said:

    prioritises pyro over scout… http://logs.tf/1804394

  33. narkkari: traphouse - VR said:

    gonna miss you demieus ;((((

  34. AlesKee said:

    top 10 anime deaths

  35. Synrise: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    my boys…make me proud

  36. AlesKee said:

    sadly since sasami wont be playing sniper, we will use http://etf2l.org/forum/user/71514/ as def merc.

  37. sasami: ERCAPITANO - VR said:

    rip me i got cut

  38. samii: myx - SUCK said:

    Matzi to rape

  39. bonobo said:

    Using a default merc thats high :thinking:

  40. stexer: KKK said:


  41. stexer: KKK said:

    He has played 0 games in high^

  42. TimTum: (ETF2L Donator) - myx said:

    Wrong: “If a player is on a roster of a team in a higher tier than the match in question, he cannot be claimed as a default merc.”

  43. zetsu said:

    Sasami gonna stomp, even if he cant play on this match :(((

  44. robin said:

    sasami was watching some weird anime….
    his mother found him jerking off to some traps so she destroyed his pc…
    rip worst team leader of spaghetti land 9/11/2000 – 9/11/2017 [*]

    for everything add aleskee or me

  45. NuTRiCuLa: D925 said:

    matzi is better sniper than sasami.

  46. ddf: ceo said:

    campioni ditalia

  47. Hist3rim: eZ said:

    ace to mad cuz bad

  48. dark skinned average iq individual: زب said:

    Oh boy lobby lord’s Vs lobby lords

  49. Cronk: ︻芫═一☺ - Lucrosa said:

    When someone with 4 officials in mid is labeled as a high player #aoshigate

  50. matzi said:

    I literally played 4 officials as merc scout and spy in mid. Just because being rostered on a high team (which i didn’t even trial for) doesn’t mean I am a high player. Admins, get your shit together

  51. FoxC: GIEL - S-A said:


  52. sasami: ERCAPITANO - VR said:

    Don’t worry, aleskee asked bloodis on irc :)

  53. sasami: ERCAPITANO - VR said:

    And apparently bloodis made a mistake, nice

  54. robin said:

    sabato 16 settembre 2017
    14:14 – 02: hey
    14:18 – Bloodis: hello
    14:18 – 02: so
    14:18 – 02: i’ve read the rules
    14:19 – 02: about mercs and sasami asked you and memelex about getting matzi as def merc and both of you gave us different responses
    14:19 – 02: what to do
    14:19 – 02: also irc is useless
    14:19 – Bloodis: I gave the wrong answer to that
    14:19 – Bloodis: since he’s in a high roster
    14:19 – 02: nice_life
    14:19 – Bloodis: so he’s confirmed better than a mid player
    14:19 – Bloodis: I don’t know shit about hl rules

    i am done

  55. AlesKee said:

    leave bloodis alone BibleThump #BloodisGate

  56. Atzebumm: (ETF2L Donator) - Dr. med. said:

    well, can’t you ask them, if he is allowed to merc?

    either they allow, or look like idiots if they deny.
    win win for you anyway.

  57. matzi said:

    15.26 – Foxyfluff @Home: I’m done playing games, what is all this bullshit you’re trying to pull off with matzi anyway? We lobbied for days for a date you could play
    15.27 – Foxyfluff @Home: And now you want a sniper merc?
    15.27 – Foxyfluff @Home: Answer is no.

    15.32 – Tenshi: can we use matzi as merc for today?
    15.33 – Foxyfluff @Home: He has plat experience?
    15.33 – Tenshi: no
    15.33 – Foxyfluff @Home: 15:32 – Foxyfluff @Home: Claim a default merc or ask me about mid/silver mercs
    15.33 – Tenshi: he only has mid matches on etf2l
    15.33 – Tenshi: and should be gold on ugc?
    15.34 – Foxyfluff @Home: I have toroughly explained my stance on all this, my team is already crippled by the loss of Demieus
    15.34 – Tenshi: and mine is crippled by the loss of saga
    15.34 – Foxyfluff @Home: I will not allow anything that isn’t eligible as default merc at this point

  58. FoxC: GIEL - S-A said:


  59. NuTRiCuLa: D925 said:


  60. FoxC: GIEL - S-A said:

    I hereby regretfully announce that during this Final we will no longer stand in the precense of King Demieus Meatshotborn of House Selective Attention, First of His Name, Strafe God Amoungst Men, Lord of Banter, the Un-Mystted, Pusher of Carts, Conqueror of Control Points and Father of Banter.

  61. MoBa said:

    so is matzi the def merc or not

  62. AlesKee said:

    no we got cucked

  63. MoBa said:

    all i have to say is LULHL

  64. FoxC: GIEL - S-A said:


  65. Atzebumm: (ETF2L Donator) - Dr. med. said:

    this is just sad by selective attention. rostering several people with high or prem experience, but denying a merc who has nearly no experience at all xD

    b33p lite?

  66. blayze said:

    hello friends (:

  67. MoBa said:

    hello blaze o/

  68. Zamparonie: op_sqd said:

    https://www.twitch.tv/brofriendo live and in color

  69. Anus Stretcher said:

    brofriendo will not cast this cancerous shit anymore

  70. FoxC: GIEL - S-A said:


  71. Sketis said:

    dw gonna rek these nobs

  72. narkkari: traphouse - VR said:

    dont know bout the other 8 people but i wont go down without a fight

  73. FoxC: GIEL - S-A said:


  74. Sketis said:


  75. narkkari: traphouse - VR said:

    gonna throw in a personal insult and show the worse part of me:

    foxy, you and people alike are the reason ive further lost non-existing tolerance toward furries only thinking of them as degenerates

    not only you get a merc from higher tiers twice and dont respond the same way which is extremely unsportsmanlike, you also flood this very comment page, just like the other pages with worthless cutscenes of tv shows on youtube and cringy looking posts making you look even more of a degenerate

    i can feel nothing but sad for you and those associated who share your views and state of mind

  76. matzi said:


  77. parkingturtle: RY said:

    ^ tru dat ^

  78. Cronk: ︻芫═一☺ - Lucrosa said:


  79. TimTum: (ETF2L Donator) - myx said:

    Nowadays you need to wait until the last moment when you are sure you don’t need a merc. so that you don’t screw yourself by allowing a merc while the other team doesn’t. “If your opponent allows a merc, you are expected to extend the same courtesy to them.” But that doesn’t happen anymore.

  80. HBFS said:

    ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ SKETIS TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

  81. FoxC: GIEL - S-A said:


  82. MoBa said:

    its kinda sad that he is enjoying being a dick

  83. Klin said:

    drama yum

  84. mellow said:


  85. MoBa said:


  86. Mason: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    foxes are now rodents

  87. sasami: ERCAPITANO - VR said:

    gg, psycho is simply too good

  88. NuTRiCuLa: D925 said:

    awesome but stressful aswell , gg

  89. FoxC: GIEL - S-A said:


  90. Morgan: [R]eason said:

    i was in team with psycho once

  91. Chemistry Cat: GIEL said:

    A lot of tilt during finals, still less toxic than with polarium. GG WP all. Our tactic: feed on offense, feed less on defense. Shout out to nutri and psycho for carry, demi and vinni for being good scouts. Thx to yak for having pasta 6’s DM and kinda decent calls. All the rest did great 2. Bonobo sucked tho.

  92. AlesKee said:

    combine the logz nibbaz

  93. narkkari: traphouse - VR said:


  94. robin said:


  95. Sketis said:

    couldnt carry enough this nob team sorry

  96. AustinN: SC - GRAHAM said:


  97. tXX said:


  98. Sketis said:

    so why u dont play then retard

  99. NuTRiCuLa: D925 said:

    thanks to british
    combined logs:

  100. Harry: MAGDONAL - :Blinky: said:

    Get me on a prem log-combining team please

  101. yak: VNC said:


  102. narkkari: traphouse - VR said:



  103. FoxC: GIEL - S-A said:

    Just to clarify all the merc and shedule drama in hindsight:

    Both teams knew it was very likely we’d end up in the final together. For this reason I had been asking Sasami to play on Sunday the 17th since Week 4. He promised to try and reserve availability. We had two mains with an overseas vacation booked and some others were pre-occupied on various days including Saturday. Sunday was the only day we’d be able to play without mercs as a result.

    It wasn’t until a couple days before the final was due to be sheduled that Sasami suddenly backed out and refused to play on Sunday because Nebula couldn’t play. He insisted to play on Friday where we would miss two players. I offered to play Sunday and allow a high Spy merc but the offer was not taken. Sasami wouldn’t/couldn’t play Sunday for private reasons.

    At this point we couldn’t come to an agreement and had some admins involved to clarify matters. Eventually I decided to settle for Saturday where I would play right after a 12 hour flight jet lag and without our carry scout on the condition I could pick a reasonable high merc. While Vinni is a sick HL scout, he wasn’t an upgrade to Demieus. This was a settlement, not a “get your own high merc”-free card. VR could now play with all mains and we had a little less firepower.

    Shortly after all that Sasami started asking for potential high mercs to replace Sketis (with sy S) and parkingturtle (with Mason). He was benching his weaker mains to play with straight upgrade high mercs even though they were available. Like that wasn’t enough he later he tried to get matzi to replace himself which made even less sense considering Demieus got bamboozled out of the final so Sasami could play.

    At this point I decided not to allow anything because VR had all of their mains available in the first place.


  104. sasami: ERCAPITANO - VR said:

    1) asked to replace sketis with sy S because sketis was trolling during the whole season 2)asked for a ENGIE merc who was playing in the “worst” team in high (maybe, i don’t know) because parkingturtle played every match with us on 130 ping 3)asked for matzi as merc because you rejected mason, i would have played demo with ace on heavy and aleskee on engie 4)you and bloodis (thx) basically forced us to find a merc 3 hours before the offi and we ended up playing with an engie with no mic 5)now, i have nothing against you, but you know, we accepted you 2 high mercs (dave in week 4 and vinni for finals) and you denied every merc who played above mid or silver (ENGIE MERC)

  105. sasami: ERCAPITANO - VR said:

    1) asked to replace sketis with sy S because sketis was trolling during the whole season
    2)asked for a ENGIE merc who was playing in the “worst” team in high (maybe, i don’t know) because parkingturtle played every match with us on 130 ping
    3)asked for matzi as merc because you rejected mason, i would have played demo with ace on heavy and aleskee on engie
    4)you and bloodis (thx) basically forced us to find a merc 3 hours before the offi and we ended up playing with an engie with no mic
    5)now, i have nothing against you, but you know, we accepted you 2 high mercs (dave in week 4 and vinni for finals) and you denied every merc who played above mid or silver (ENGIE MERC)

    better now

  106. narkkari: traphouse - VR said:


    im largely uninformed, since i did not talk about the whole situation to anybody in my team, but ive got a few things to say:

    parkingturtle is on the “main spot” on the teampage solely because of his availability, that didnt stop s@ga from playing 5/8 matches played the whole season, the last one being unable to play and was the reason of a grand final roster shuffle

    what roster shuffle you might ask? in the event of matzi being allowed, there would be a large change in the starting roster: sasami on demo,Ace on heavy and AlesKee on engi, thats how we decided to deal with the denial of engi merc (lets face it: there are very few good engies in mid this season)

    we played a night of scrims just prior to the final with the abovementioned changes to the roster, 4 maps played total vs Foxycodone(previously Unassisted e-Sports), i think sasami/aleskee/ace pointed out to Foxy that with a roster shuffle that huge and so close to the final, would cause shaky teamplay overall and i think they were trying to convince him to look at the logs,proving the legitimacy of a roster shuffle

    whether he looked or not is unknown

    ill quickly move over to matzi default merc issue

    its extremely retarded that matzi could not be claimed as a default merc since he has no officials played in high, he has a grand total of 4 officials on etf2l with every single one being played in mid and he was last seen playing ugc in gold s19, that equates to mid by the etf2l rules regarding experience

    while its true that a player rostered in a team that plays in a higher tier than the tier of match played in question cant be claimed as a default merc, we’ve came up with a solution: matzi would leave the roster of SENSATION leaving him technically teamless on etf2l, coupled with no high experience, eligible to be claimed as a default merc in mid grand finals

    somebody asked Bloodis day prior to the final(the one we played 4 maps of scrims on) if everything is ok and he said YES, then somebody asked Menty and he said NO, and then on the finals day somebody asked Bloodis again and he replied with NO and this gem of a quote:

    14:19 – Bloodis: I don’t know shit about hl rules

    which i personally find hard to not agree on, considering he changed pick/ban system for the season 12 playoffs in the middle of the playoffs, posting a different example of pick/ban system in the match comments with 6 points: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and you guessed it, 8(nice ctrl+c skills bro) also failing to update the explanation in the s12 home page which my team based their picks and bans on, being fucked in the process since theres less steps(due to coalplant being removed from the map pool) we had no clue about

    it was too late to repick, since both teams already found out weaknesses of each other

    i honestly cba to call out people at this point, bye

  107. FoxC: GIEL - S-A said:


    “1) asked to replace sketis with sy S because sketis was trolling during the whole season”

    I didn’t take this claim to bench him seriously. And still don’t. Scrims will be scrims and Sketis will be Sketis. You picked him, did not cut him and he was available for the Final. I don’t know about comms but gameplay wise he certainly did not throw neither in Week 4 nor the Final. He even outpyro’d a jetlagged/grumpy me during the latter so props to him. You cannot deny that sy S would be a gigantic upgrade. He’s probably the most recent Pyro prodigy.

    “2)asked for a ENGIE merc who was playing in the “worst” team in high (maybe, i don’t know) because parkingturtle played every match with us on 130 ping”

    Just because a team does bad in a division doesn’t mean it can’t have some strong individuals. I don’t know this Mason guy nor how capable he is. What I do know is that parkingturtle was my sub (and friend) and did fine when he played with us, even with 85-110 ping.

    He left us to main for you and I wished him all the best. And when he tells me in private that he was perfectly capable of playing but you chose to bench him I don’t exactly become inclined to allow anything other than a default merc. I do understand your position on this and I would have easily allowed Mason if not for the circumstances specified in the last part of this comment.

    “3)asked for matzi as merc because you rejected mason, i would have played demo with ace on heavy and aleskee on engie”

    With all due respect in my opinion this entire matzi roster shift plan was just absurd to begin with and I have nothing else to say about it.

    “4)you and bloodis (thx) basically forced us to find a merc 3 hours before the offi and we ended up playing with an engie with no mic”

    I don’t have much of a comment on your misunderstanding with the admins. I only spoke to Menty and he was very clear and professional about everything. What I can say is that you never told me anything about this matzi plan until the day of the Final (and even then you were vague) and it’s exactly that what caused you to need a merc last minute.

    “5)now, i have nothing against you, but you know, we accepted you 2 high mercs (dave in week 4 and vinni for finals) and you denied every merc who played above mid or silver (ENGIE MERC)”

    I will credit you for allowing Dave and it’s exactly for that reason I was more than willing to allow a high merc to take one of your players’ place if you were missing them on Sunday. You know. The day I had been asking/begging to play on for a month? I even specifically offered you to use a high merc of your choosing on Sunday because you would be missing Nebula.

    Instead you opted to kind of cuck me and have your own roster complete on Saturday and allow us a high scout merc as a minor consolation. Vinni is excellent, but not an upgrade to Demieus. You knew this. We knew this. I only proposed this as a settlement to end the bullshit and play the game. You already came out on top here. Several of our players felt cross about losing one of our most key players. Demieus almost killed me through my computer screen just with text. Allowing sy S or Mason would have been straight upgrades on top of that and you know it. You can’t expect me to shoot my team in the foot even more at that point. Time for favors was over.

    Off the record I believe we both had our justifiable reasons for everything. But in the end we had a slightly weaker Scout than usual and you had a slightly weaker Engineer than usual. Nothing earth-shatteringly impactful to the matchup. I apologize for any inconvenience it might have brought but I did what I felt was right/fair taking all factors in to account.

    PS: I think I might love drama more than life itself.

  108. narkkari: traphouse - VR said:

    foxy need a sub? xd

  109. Sketis said:

    10/10 would love to play again

  110. Clark: Arti Rush said:

    what the fuck is this match page

  111. sasami: ERCAPITANO - VR said:

    a match page.

  112. AlesKee said:

    hello can i merc sniper??

  113. AlesKee said:

    and im pretty sure we would have lost regardless of roster, so stop the salt lol

  114. supra: (Webmaster) - BIRD - BIRD said:

    I think you could just look for other engies in mid. Well I havent met every single engineer and I haven’t checked everyone, but afaik you could pick at least Steven or K.O.wal because they’re just experienced. I think reorganising the roster was really bad idea, because well…I think you had really good chance to win.
    BTW looks like KARMA works – sasami did the same thing with denying wonszu during s27 low playoffs against penguins.tf after taking a merc.
    Also, TimTum had good point in waiting for the last moment. That’s pretty sad, because it means people are aware that other teams may not be fair in merc requests (this match is an example of doing so).

    Anyway congratulations for the winners. I hope we’ll face on scrims in the next season (at least with S-A, because VR is rippa).

  115. sasami: ERCAPITANO - VR said:

    yeah sorry for denying a high merc for a low team while our merc didn’t play the past 3 seasons and had 5 hours in the past 2 weeks (we also had 3 subs but shhh)

  116. NuTRiCuLa: D925 said:

    SA is dead

  117. narkkari: traphouse - VR said:

    i miss those days

  118. narkkari: traphouse - VR said:

    i have done it

  119. AlesKee said:

    congratz bratan

  120. sasami: ERCAPITANO - VR said:

    good old days

  121. robin said:

    raga è qui la festa?

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