Highlander Season 13: High Playoffs
Quarter Final
Round commencing: -
Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:
Results submitted:
by Sebastianey (Pizza Police)
Doctors Of Mediocrity
Pizza Police
0 - 6
Pizza Police | (10) Teatime, Flowy, Buck824, Kosuke, Spanns, drew, Sebastianey, goner, Piro, shades |
Doctors Of Mediocrity | (8) Sennaj_Legend, AEsirson, ., prpht, DizAmbiguation, Kylähullu, LionKing, Beckler |
Unrostered | (1) Vinegar Strokes |
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Hello teams, and welcome to the Playoffs. The winner of this match will advance to the Semi Finals and the loser will be knocked out.
To pick the maps, we’re using Map Elimination [Explanation]. Please post your maps on this page at least a day in advance of the match for good measure.
Since season 13 has 6 maps, you will have one elimination round.
Team A bans a map
Team B bans a map
Team B picks a map
Team A picks a map
The higher seeded team picks the decider map from the remaining two
Doctors Of Mediocrity are the higher seed
Keep in mind that payload is still played in a best of three (BO3) format.
The result deadline is September 2nd.
If you have any questions make sure to contact the admins as soon as possible.
Good luck and have fun to both teams.
21:06 – redwood: ban gully
21:09 – LionKing: ban product
21:09 – LionKing: pick steel
21:11 – redwood: pick upward
21:11 – LionKing: borneo decider
https://www.twitch.tv/brofriendo cast feet, anus strecher Zamparonie
gl doctors!
dr mäd nimm meine energie!!!
put Teatime on huntsman sniper, easy win
i wish to see one matchpage without cronk comment on it
I wish I wouldn’t see him on etf2l at all.
dr mäd nimm meine energie!!!
dr mäd nimm meine energie!!!
go doctors!
Kosuke, seb, shadyr, and My boi Redwood got this
we will use http://etf2l.org/forum/user/111563/ as def merc
Half a year ago Pizza Police knew they’d meet dr med one day in playoffs. so they picked up flowy to their roster, to prevent him mercing for dr med tonight :-/
Or is flowy an insider? A V-Mann? A Spy? gl to both teams, may dr med win it!
21:14 – LionKing: seems like our heavys internet connection died, not sure if he will be back
21:15 – redwood: u can use buck if u need
Got shat on by Lion tbh
Combined logs