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Soldier 1v1 MGE Cup - Knockout Stage

Grand Finals

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Menkab (Menkab)

MGE - Granary Middle

MGE - Granary Middle

20 - 19

[Screenshots: A ]

Norway HEMPUS vs Russia Menkab
3 - 0


  1. Default Date said:

    A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
    The default date is: Monday, 21 August 2017, 21:00
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
    If the default date does not suit you, please contact your opponent and ask them to reschedule.

  2. biskuu: HF! - pizza said:


  3. ETF2L Staff said:

    Dear teams,

    due to the circumstances of this game we have decided that the third and decider map, Granary Middle, will be replayed on Tuesday at 20 cest default time.


  4. Default Date said:

    A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
    The default date is: Tuesday, 22 August 2017, 20:00
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
    If the default date does not suit you, please contact your opponent and ask them to reschedule.

  5. eldocwho: G - GONZALES said:

    This is good but where is eévove

  6. letto said:

    Hempus will emerge victoriously over lies and russians

  7. wreaz: OCHOBA said:

    All know who is better

  8. ZYKAZ: .:[aAa]:. said:

    No Fucks given about the objctive just DM LORD Proof here —> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNhb52gH7CQ

  9. myownigorek: DIRECTOR said:

    lets do this hemp

  10. Charlie said:

    we’ve all seen hempus win these

  11. Fragm3nt3d: Animate said:

    Go Hempster

  12. V!s said:

    ETF2L Admin deleting my comment proving how gay hempus plays :thinking:

  13. Tickle said:

    Go Hempus!

  14. hemp: ORA said:

    hempus is pretty gay i hope he lose

  15. eskimo said:


  16. Timus the cat: B5 said:

    I can officially confirm R.I.P MGE

  17. hemp: ORA said:

    R.I.P MGE

  18. YYYEBOK: RUS said:


  19. eskimo said:


  20. Menkab: KOROLI said:

    eskimo, what about Ireland?)

  21. Nillado: KOROLI said:

    This dude hemp played very dirty, yesterday he was waiting for the end of time to not lose when the menkab brought proofs to admins they ignored proofs, if a person without aim can win a cup, then this is a gay cup. Jumping with a fucking shotgun – 2ez. Yesterday you avoided a well-deserved defeat as a rat. Menkab deserved this victory.

  22. hemp: ORA said:

    This dude hemp played very dirty, yesterday he was waiting for the end of time to not lose when the menkab brought proofs to admins they ignored proofs, if a person without aim can win a cup, then this is a gay cup. Jumping with a fucking shotgun – 2ez. Yesterday you avoided a well-deserved defeat as a rat. Menkab deserved this victory.

  23. Daul said:

    lol hempus best

  24. eskimo said:

    Hempus : High Tier Up-and-coming Superstar in 6s
    MGE Mains : ???????????????????????

  25. ducky: ..d1ck - pog said:


  26. pajer0 said:

    alaska flowers: Do you even ever play mge
    HEMPUS #1 (2): no lmao

  27. t4ntrum: 3SB - KAAS said:

    why is it a best of 1?

  28. Toast: WEED - S-O said:

    get owned russian mge community

  29. Lanzer: traphouse - DBLE said:

    i told u kids hempushentai will win this

  30. Mason: (ETF2L Donator) said:


  31. YYYEBOK: RUS said:

    why this ru trash in final…
    make emptyee great again!

  32. maggy: APT said:

    This community is dead. Full of prem/high players who cheer for an obvious gay person and a very impolite player. The match should of ended yestrday and we all know why it didn’t finish.

    Aloneinhell is an exception he is open sry.

  33. csiga: kZk said:

    This community is dead. Full of prem/high players who cheer for an obvious gay person and a very impolite player. The match should of ended yestrday and we all know why it didn’t finish.

    Aloneinhell is an exception he is open sry.

  34. oJ: CLARTED - YNWA. said:

    This community is dead. Full of prem/high players who cheer for an obvious gay person and a very impolite player. The match should of ended yestrday and we all know why it didn’t finish.

    Aloneinhell is an exception he is open sry.

  35. maggy: APT said:

    Hvala puno :D

  36. hemp: ORA said:

    This community is dead. Full of prem/high players who cheer for an obvious gay person and a very impolite player. The match should of ended yestrday and we all know why it didn’t finish.

    Aloneinhell is an exception he is open sry.

  37. Azunis: /ff said:

    crooked admins giving rematch when it was obvious to anyone who the better player was… i wouldn’t be surprised if he had rigged the server… i mean 20 to 19? lol? doesn’t that make you feel like someone is trying to cover his tracks???

  38. Chochy: ..d1ck - said:

    if seen mikey play gay in mge xdddddddddddddddddddddddd

  39. MERPY: GHOST said:

    hempus was trying to extend when it was 18-17 and menkab started farming him while he was typing right? lol

  40. WR: woofwoof said:

    haha guys xd

  41. WR: woofwoof said:

    whats etf2l without drama?

  42. yak: VNC said:

    good job hempus

    russia must end

  43. LUKASTANK: wG - E.T.s said:

    good job hempus

    russia must end

  44. Daul said:

    good job hempus

    russia must end

  45. WRU said:

    wait whose alt menkab is again

  46. letto said:

    Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Losing Soldier MGE Even Real Hahahaha Nigga The Shotgun Is Right There Just Press Mouse 2 Like Nigga Shoot Him Down Haha

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