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Season 3

Division 5e

Week 2

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by RaideN (guinneX.fox)



0 - 6

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4 - 3

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Germany guinneX.fox vs Italy Titans
3 - 3


  1. MrFrAg said:

    guinneX Turkish is not on the guinneX’s roster,and i want to know if Titans knows that guinnex were playing with a ringer.
    please comment here,Titans about that.

  2. RaideN said:

    No, turkish isn’t a ringer, I removed him from the team yesterday. He left our Clan a week ago, but he was in the team the match day.

  3. RaideN said:

    EDIT: There’s a mistake in my comment… I didn’t removed him a week ago, but the week ago… I think I deleted him Saturday or Sunday. :)

  4. MrFrAg said:

    ok, i check the logs and it is all fine.Turkish left at 12:11 07/09/08

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