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Prolands Cup powered by serveme.tf - High Bracket


Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Louis (The Playa Haters)



0 - 5

[Screenshots: A ]

Finland Dolmio Family Sized Lasagne fans vs International The Playa Haters
0 - 3


  1. Default Date said:

    A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
    The default date is: Sunday, 06 August 2017, 21:15
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
    If the default date does not suit you, please contact your opponent and ask them to reschedule.

  2. MERPY: GHOST said:

    splunge gaming vs 5 scout mains

  3. Charlie said:


  4. Y$$$: Beyond PL - UP said:

    #not deserved
    you guys have no honor no wonder tf2 is dying

  5. Louis said:

    what did we do wrong?

  6. hr said:

    After we defeated the king ever_x this game was easy

  7. mognog said:


  8. ToemaS_: wG said:

    Cucumber Carl: when you say 2 undeserved rounds
    Cucumber Carl: what about the other 3?
    CRUNGE | charle: we had 5
    CRUNGE | charle: for your rounds
    CRUNGE | charle: the other 3 were us discussing when to leave the serer

  9. Y$$$: Beyond PL - UP said:

    Louis said:
    Today, 21:48

    what did we do wrong?
    you know we didnt have time to set up and you know we had one down since he timed out so you just flanked us (as the one down is on our flank as well) and just won the game thanks to that.
    also, this one is not your fault but first round wasnt deserved as well since our scout was afk and we would have held that. again, first round was not deserved but not your fault

  10. Y$$$: Beyond PL - UP said:

    you knew rather

  11. Louis said:

    We were the ones who asked for the pause…..

    You weren’t even going to pause so it was going to be the exact same thing anyway

    Stop tilting because you have a player lagging and actually play the game please

  12. ToemaS_: wG said:

    you’re complaining for us pushing on one down in the cup final?

  13. Y$$$: Beyond PL - UP said:

    rofl the fact that you try to justify it, is just sad.
    you pushed on one lagging out NOT DOWN after we had one down and you knew we were not fucking ready with 6 as we also gave you mid for that FOR FREE

  14. hr said:

    They’re actually serious lmao

  15. Charlie said:

    yman’s opinions do not represent the team’s. although you won 2 rounds (the ones which mattered)
    while we had 5 people, not your fault for the 1st as neither team knew, although the second you went out of your way to abuse it. congratulations in winning this Prolands Cup powered by serveme.tf – High Bracket Final.

  16. Y$$$: Beyond PL - UP said:

    they do represent the team but in mumble they even said i was right but they were just afraid to get into this or cba idk but as always i will say it, you just didnt deserve

  17. Gazy: REMOVE said:

    I’d understand you being angry if this would be a league grand final but it is literally a fun cup chill out

  18. Y$$$: Beyond PL - UP said:


  19. WR: woofwoof said:

    crunge drama lmao

  20. 30.06: RATS said:

    It’s just a game, chill man, set up a scrim or something if you want to proove them how good you are

  21. Klassy: wG - gandhi is said:

    is there any match page with crunge that isnt filled with juicy drama

  22. Charlie said:

    crunge is the latin word for drama

  23. MERPY: GHOST said:

    guys im really smart and funny trust me, also why am i writing this here lol idk

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