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Prolands Cup powered by serveme.tf - Mid Bracket

Quarter Final

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by prsn (keep your creamy buns out of my face)



3 - 2 (golden cap)

[Screenshots: A B C ]

Morocco keep your creamy buns out of my face vs European Nevalaa
2 - 1


  1. Default Date said:

    A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
    The default date is: Sunday, 06 August 2017, 19:00
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
    If the default date does not suit you, please contact your opponent and ask them to reschedule.

  2. Alive: GONZALES said:

    oh no, i will have to fight against my own favorite recipe, how cruel is this world

  3. eldocwho: G - GONZALES said:

    eldoc LFT: yo do you allow him as demo http://etf2l.org/forum/user/119929/
    Via: yes

  4. eldocwho: G - GONZALES said:

    eldoc LFT: do you accept him as roamer
    eldoc LFT: http://etf2l.org/forum/user/112758/
    Via: yes

  5. Alive: GONZALES said:

    i was never bent over and touched so much without consent and harder then ever then in this match
    this was not fun at all

  6. DCS: (Legend) - notdoggo - Dr. med. said:

    denying mercs in GC when one of their players dropped, forcing them to play 5v6 after they allowed you 2 mercs is very classy

  7. _gar: pen15 said:

    They never played 5v6 lol

  8. eldocwho: G - GONZALES said:

    they denied one also

  9. eldocwho: G - GONZALES said:

    what actually happend is that a sneaky french backstab their med and their demo when they were typing

  10. prsn said:

    we literally played 10 secs with 5v6 lmao

  11. prsn said:

    look at the demos to see it instead of arguing here lmao

  12. prsn said:

    and giving no reason why he couldnt connect when we asked why they needed a merc is also very weird so why would we allow one when the guy who dced was still able to play

  13. Defa: bzzz said:

    Learn how to properly and fairly use the pause function before you talk

  14. Alive: GONZALES said:

    the fact that we held off your push into last when your player backstabbed 2 of ours when they were asking for a pause and disconnected and connected again just so he wouldn’t be killed immediately after unpause just makes the rule of holding the mid very dumb

    but whatever, enjoy this meaningless victory of this cup

  15. Crypto: Cyka said:

    The rule of holding mid is fine, you gotta be able to call the game at some point if no one is winning a round quickly.

    Only issues with rules in cups is that you can’t really get an admin quickly to resolve issues.

    Luckily this isn’t necessary anyway since nobody would be rude enough to pause without asking, unpause without asking and then immediately snipe a scout that is standing still not knowing the game would be unpaused, backstab two players (including a med with full uber add) who are standing still asking for a pause of their own because clearly one of ther players crashed and then deny a merc with proper experience eventhough they have been allowed to use 2 mercs by the other team.

    oh wait…

  16. Crypto: Cyka said:

    Oh wait I forgot about the disconnect and then reconnect thing to avoid respawn timers when the game is paused and you know you are about to die. But nobody would be so desperate to win to actually do that though right?


  17. Alive: GONZALES said:

    crypto probably doesn’t know this cup has money as prize and you get a medal in etf2l
    people wouldn’t be such baddies on a meaningless game

    would they ?

  18. Crypto: Cyka said:

    Alive even forgot the mention all the e-fame getting to the semifinals of this cup brings with it. Can you imagine all the female tf2 gamers (all 3 of them) seeing this game, and seeing how you managed to pull out such a “creative” victory?

    Surely they wouldn’t be able to resist that in the slightest!


    (source: my own experience, sample size: 0)

  19. prsn said:

    20:11:07: “Alive” say “pause ?”
    L 08/06/2017 – 20:11:07: “Dead” say “pause?”
    L 08/06/2017 – 20:11:08: “aernox the pro skribbl.io playe” triggered “medic_death” against “Via” (healing “1637”) (ubercharge “1”)
    L 08/06/2017
    literally one second before you asked us to pause.

  20. Crypto: Cyka said:

    Because a player dropping out and a medic standing completely still for no apparent reason (surely not asking for a pause) is a good opportunity to get a game winning frag!

    Guess we learnt our lesson, next time just do what you did and pause without asking, limits the chances of you getting a cheap death by some gamers way too desperate to win a game, no matter what it takes.

  21. Alive: GONZALES said:

    08>07 from what i remember of math that i learned in school
    so its “after” not “before”

    but it does takes 1 second to ask for a pause in chat, wait for the answer, and then write pause in console to pause the game while still having full concentration on the game and your surroundings

    i mean come on we are professional gamers over here after all

    honestly the drop didn’t even matter cuz we still defended last and pushed you back into mid, if only we had more time and the rule wouldn’t be a thing things would’ve been different

  22. _gar: pen15 said:

    Honestly have no idea what you 2 are so mad about

  23. eldocwho: G - GONZALES said:

    stop being hypocrite if you’re a spy and see a chance to drop the med, you’re not asking yourself why the med is standing still and even if the question to pause was asked 2 before you gonna get the backstab, you’re not paying attention to chat.
    After all, this is just a weekend cup that everyone will forget, even if our win wasn’t very legitimate to you, please don’t be mad and try to argue on nothing.

  24. Via said:

    dropping 2 players due to typing pause is unfortunate, I’m not blaming you for that.

    However, not waiting for confirmation for your own pause and unpause is not cool. At least 1 of you should know the rules regarding pause. Intentionally or not, that caused us the round which led to GC.

    AND denying us a low/mid merc when our pocket crashed (how would we know why he crashed, when he’s not in discord lol?) with the reasoning that we denied you ONE HIGH merc is just not cool, especially considering we allowed the other 2 mercs.

  25. Alive: GONZALES said:

    I’m not even mad at the fact that the spy backstabbed 2 of our players, i mean after all we did held last and wiped you afterwards anyway
    The bm part was him leaving the server and coming back just so he wont be killed right after unpause, that is just not cool

  26. eldocwho: G - GONZALES said:

    he said he left because something was fucked up wih his game, I swear he didnt told us that he did that to not get killed even if that was his idea

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