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Highlander Season 13


Week 1

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by STiNGHAN (inVision)



1 - 0

[Screenshots: A ]



1 - 0

[Screenshots: A ]

Poland inVision vs Uganda Pizza Police
6 - 0

SteamID Screenshots: A B C


inVision (7) Tercio, hai, Drezzo, Feri, AftɘrBurnɘR, Kostil, tuja
Pizza Police (9) Teatime, Buck824, Kosuke, Jusa, drew, thaZu, Harry, Sebastianey, shades
Unrostered (2) VoidTrinity, FallenLord


  1. Default Date said:

    A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
    The default date is: Thursday, 20 July 2017, 21:00
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
    If the default date does not suit you, please contact your opponent and ask them to reschedule.

  2. zinneR: WPIERDOL - █▀█ █▄█▀█▀ said:

    o kurka wódka, polacy na polaków

  3. thaZu said:

    Dzień dobry

  4. STiNGHAN: arctis said:

    http://etf2l.org/forum/user/123223/ as def merc sniper

  5. Piro said:

    Seb gonna slam!!!

  6. Teatime: AEUGH - beans said:

    inVision more like outVision lmao!!

  7. STiNGHAN: arctis said:

    21:05 – STiNGHAN: can you allow void on soldier?
    21:05 – STiNGHAN: bees is rip
    21:06 – redwood: allowed

  8. Cryyy said:

    Why am i on your team profiles roster incision? lmao

  9. STiNGHAN: arctis said:

    haha, nice joke. That was almost as funny as your skill lmfao

  10. Cryyy said:

    according to that logic your skill must be a stand up comedian :*

  11. STiNGHAN: arctis said:

    Cry some more one ( I’m finishing this here, I don’t want to be banned lol)

  12. drezzo said:

    massage in the lasagne

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