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Highlander Season 12: Mid Playoffs

Semi Finals

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by LionKing (Doctors Of Mediocrity)



3 - 0

[Screenshots: A ]



0 - 2

[Screenshots: A B ]



0 - 2

[Screenshots: A B ]

Finland Bauer eSauna vs Germany Doctors Of Mediocrity
3 - 6

SteamID Screenshots: A


Bauer eSauna (9) snkttj, Arhippa, spuugen, Tombahh, Horppi, J3pp3, neon, Goz, Morni
Doctors Of Mediocrity (9) lawn-ornament, AEsirson, Liko, prpht, DizAmbiguation, LionKing, Beckler, 30.06, Shiringa


  1. ETF2L Staff said:

    Hello teams, and welcome to the Playoffs. The winner of this match will be going to the Grand Finals and the loser will be knocked out.

    To pick the maps, we’re using Map Elimination [Explanation]. Please post your maps on this page at least a day in advance of the match for good measure.
    Since season 12 has 6 maps, you will have one elimination round.


  2. 1. The higher seeded team can decide if they want to start or if the other team should.
    2. Team A eliminates a map
    3. Team B eliminates a map
    4. Team B picks a map
    5. Team A picks a map
    8. The higher seed picks the remaining map as the decider
  3. Keep in mind that payload is still played in a best of three (BO3) format.
    The result deadline is May 13th.

    If you have any questions make sure to contact the admins as soon as possible.

    Good luck and have fun to both teams.

  4. 30.06: RATS said:


  5. neon: :think: said:

    23.10 – LionKing: we ban gully
    23.11 – neon: ban steel
    23.11 – neon: pick via
    23.12 – LionKing: pick upward
    23.12 – neon: badwater decider

  6. Zamparonie: op_sqd said:

    casting it on https://www.twitch.tv/brofriendo

  7. Cronk: ︻芫═一☺ - Lucrosa said:

    Heja heja!!!

  8. princess dvs: 0fo said:

    D O C T O R S of M E D I O C R I T Y

    gl mates <3

    also good luck to Turoapina <3

  9. Atzebumm: (ETF2L Donator) - Dr. med. said:

    congrats to drmed!!!

  10. Sennaj_Legend: ★GF - Dr. med. said:

    im proud team :)))

  11. Domaytoe: (Certified Puntomime) - A51 - op_sqd said:

    D R M E D F O R M I D W I N N E R S

  12. Shiringa: NOM said:

    200 ping sniper ez, gg tho.

  13. LionKing: Dr. med. said:

    Good Game! Was fun.

  14. Beckler: (ETF2L Donator) - ★GF - Dr. med. said:

    gg wp

  15. Liko: ︻芫═一☺ - buud$cult said:

    Product: http://logs.tf/1720776
    Upward: http://logs.tf/1720987
    Badwater: http://logs.tf/1720986
    gg all

  16. 30.06: RATS said:

    That was a really nice game, congrats every one, and thanks to the casters as well, caus yh, it’s just a mid match xd

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