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Season 3

Division 4f

Week 7

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff



0 - 4

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3 - 2

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France BEC Team vs Luxembourg MTF.Gaming
3 - 3


  1. pischto: MTF! - MTF said:

    What about Sunday 12th October @ 20:00 ?

  2. Rez: BEC - B-pin said:

    We’d rather play during the week (tuesday 7th or thursday 9th @ 21 ?)

  3. pischto: MTF! - MTF said:

    We really can`t play Tuesday nor Thursday.

    Friday or Wednesday would be best. But Only if we can use a ringer, from our 2nd Team -> Div 5A

  4. Rez: BEC - B-pin said:

    Friday8th, 9 CET ? (no problem for your ringer if his level is comparable to yours)

  5. Rez: BEC - B-pin said:

    wednesday sorry

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