The Fresh Meat Challenge sponsored by and
Orange Group
Week 1
Round commencing: -
Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:
Results submitted:
by Hoolygan5 (The Hungarian Cunts)

4 - 1
[Screenshots: N\A ]
The Hungarian Cunts
3 - 3
TEKKERS | (5) Tab, BeeJay28, Mr.X[DZ], vocey, mAdyy |
The Hungarian Cunts | (6) Hoolygan5, Szivacs, BenCo, barni, BlueBlaster, jungamu |
Unrostered | (1) Roper |
- TEKKERS [Minor] Unable to provide a requested demo (1st time)
- The Hungarian Cunts [Minor] Unable to provide a requested demo (1st time)
- TEKKERS [Minor] Unable to provide a requested demo (1st time)
- The Hungarian Cunts [Minor] Unable to provide a requested demo (1st time)
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A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
The default date is: Sunday, 16 April 2017, 21:30
Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
If the default date does not suit you, please contact your opponent and ask them to reschedule.
☯ Hoolygan5: change 20:00 or 20:30?
vosiL: alright 20:30 cest?
☯ Hoolygan5: yes
☯ Hoolygan5: thx
17:09 – UlottuvuusUndulaatti: hi im the fresh meats teams buddy who you guys have an official against
17:10 – UlottuvuusUndulaatti: sadly there was a mix with out leader. He tought we could change the time to 20:30 but he didnt check with our players who usually come after 21cest so we wont change the time for now, need to see if its fine with everyone
☯ Hoolygan5 lft 6s mid: he okey?
☯ Hoolygan5 lft 6s mid: ?
UlottuvuusUndulaatti: sec
UlottuvuusUndulaatti: ye hes fine
☯ Hoolygan5 lft 6s mid: nice
22:06 – UlottuvuusUndulaatti: btw just to make clear, it was okay for us to use Roper as demo merc? (i lost the chat history where you said yes)
22:07 – ☯ Hoolygan5 lft 6s mid: yes
using as demo merc
22:49 – UlottuvuusUndulaatti: hey it seems like our demos internet went off, well see if he comes back in a few mins and if not ill try to get another merc
22:49 – ☯ Hoolygan5 lft 6s mid: i dont accept another merc
22:49 – ☯ Hoolygan5 lft 6s mid: play 5v6 or def
22:50 – UlottuvuusUndulaatti: why not?
22:50 – ☯ Hoolygan5 lft 6s mid: sorry
22:50 – UlottuvuusUndulaatti: dude that makes no sense
22:51 – UlottuvuusUndulaatti: you seriously want the 3 points that badly or is there a good reason for this?
22:51 – ☯ Hoolygan5 lft 6s mid: dude, i dont accept
22:51 – ☯ Hoolygan5 lft 6s mid: another merc
22:51 – ☯ Hoolygan5 lft 6s mid: ready and play 5v6 (wait demo comeback)
22:51 – ☯ Hoolygan5 lft 6s mid: or def
22:54 – UlottuvuusUndulaatti: …
22:54 – ☯ Hoolygan5 lft 6s mid: you have 1 minfor ready
really nice sportsmanship you have there, making us play 5v6 when i could’ve gotten another merc that was just as “non-experienced” than the rest of us. Hope you enjoy your 3 points.
gg gl for the rest of the cup
mfw someone denys merc in a newbie cup aimed to promote competitive tf2 just to get extra points which will not matter in the end unless all of the other officials end up the same…
true sportsmanship FailFish
Your team name sure is fitting. ;)
Dear teams TEKKERS and The Hungarian Cunts,
please upload the demos of BlueBlaster, jungamu, BeeJay28, and Mr.X[DZ] within 72 hours or face a penalty in accordance with the General ETF2L Rules.
You have to use the ETF2L demo upload system for archives under 60 MB, third party hoster links will be ignored.
Minor warnings for missing demos can be removed later after talking to an admin, as long as the minor warnings of your team did not stack up to a major warning yet.
TEKKERS and The Hungarian Cunts have been given two minor warnings each for failing to upload the demos of BlueBlaster, jungamu, BeeJay28, and Mr.X[DZ].
If you upload the demos at a later date, contact the admin team on IRC. Please note major warnings and bans can not be repealed.