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Season 26 powered by Tt eSPORTS


Week 3

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff



2 - 3 (golden cap)

[Screenshots: A ]



3 - 2 (golden cap)

[Screenshots: A B ]

Russia ucraine хуле vs Lebanon ANELE Squad
3 - 3

SteamID Screenshots: A B


ucraine хуле (8) Pahan, myownigorek, Le Barmalei, Chemical, Snowstorm, feevz, elees, fnzkie
ANELE Squad (8) Qiep, WR, Croogah, s0sa, spammyh, barcaphilip, ponche, wand00m


  1. Default Date said:

    A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
    The default date is: Thursday, 09 February 2017, 21:00
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
    If the default date does not suit you, please contact your opponent and ask them to reschedule.

  2. oJ: CLARTED - YNWA. said:

    big fixture

  3. wand00m: CSG.DEJI said:

    death closes in…

  4. WRU said:

    showsTanks LETS showsTanks GET showsTanks THEM showsTanks TANKS showsTanks ROLLING showsTanks BOYOS showsTanks

  5. barcaphilip said:

    showsTanks HEIL ARMY showsTanks

  6. WR: woofwoof said:


  7. ponche: SSKP said:

    showsTanks LETS showsTanks GET showsTanks THEM showsTanks TANKS showsTanks ROLLING showsTanks BOYOS showsTanks


  8. bum: Dancer said:


  9. Borland: C&D said:

    Kama ejji

  10. tobs: ORA said:

    wandum er mega homo KappaPride

  11. ponche: SSKP said:

    They tried to cancel us ANELE

  12. spammyh: brew said:

    wtf we got kicked from the server in the golden cap, wiping them on mid and 100% uber advantage? https://i.imgur.com/EkmwZ3j.jpg

  13. aph: BIG said:


  14. WR: woofwoof said:

    thanks blin

  15. wand00m: CSG.DEJI said:

    this is genuinely the most retarded thing thats ever happened to me during an official ROFL

  16. Sanek scot: st said:

    есть видео где Пахан английский учит?

  17. barcaphilip said:

    Very sportsmanlike, never seen anything like it ever. I hope noone gets to play you guys.

  18. Le Barmalei said:

    We are confused as much as you did

  19. Snowstorm said:

    Nice flame, we did nothing and got raped too. We had no reason to kick u (got even, had spawns on last)

  20. Snowstorm said:

    Have proofs on POVs, on twitch

  21. WR: woofwoof said:

    ANELE Squad is a drama magnet #tbtSeason23

  22. WRU said:

    russian sportsmanship at its finest :|

  23. zeFrosty: ︻芫═一☺ said:

    Hi Teams
    Your application for the Jerry Springer Show has been accepted.
    The title of the show will be “russians stole my points”
    If you could all submit a semen sample we can try and determine which of you is the father.
    Thanks and enjoy the show!

  24. WML said:

    They needed to fill the void of not playing in Wonszu’s div for drama 4Head

  25. ETF2L Staff said:

    Admin team reviewed the situation and decided GC win on process in favour of ANELE Squad. Reckoner is to be played tomorrow. Contact the admins on IRC to report the results as soon as you’re done with the match: http://etf2l.org/support/

  26. WR: woofwoof said:


  27. WR: woofwoof said:

    Retarded league

  28. barcaphilip said:

    LMFAO, I mean it was seriously rigged by the Russians. It was so obvious, you are now punishing our team who has to play during the weekend. When so many of our players actually has a life outside of TF2 and needs to fuck our plans thanks to that. GJ.

  29. WR: woofwoof said:


  30. Bloodis: (Legend) - (๑╹ω╹๑ ) said:

    We want to be as fair as we can be to both teams in this situation, please contain yourselves.

  31. spammyh: brew said:

    There is 0 chance of us being able to play saturday, we can play sunday tho

  32. Pahan: RUS - OCHOBA said:

    why are you crying so much? you took free point, but why you need to take the whole game? this would be pretty dumb if you got win for reckoner too.

  33. barcaphilip said:

    haha nice fucking lies pahan, why would I ever take a Russians word on a matter like this? Im mad because your fucking retarded team cant “manage” a server (we all know what really happend), and we need to replay. We have a real life unlike you.

  34. WR: woofwoof said:

    How come they dont get punished for this shitty behavior and we do?

  35. Pahan: RUS - OCHOBA said:

    how did you get punished? free point is a punishment nowdays?

  36. Detoed.: (inactive) said:

    Anele why u crying bitches, if u werent retarded so much u can just take def win on golden cap(if u think Kama bullet is guilty in this situation) and play 2nd map without help of admins, what a problem? eu trash

  37. WR: woofwoof said:

    Pushing last 6v3, yeah thanks for that “free” point

  38. firej said:


  39. Detoed.: (inactive) said:

    6v3, they have uber too and they have spawns in like 3-5 secs, anyway u can just took def win on golden cap but nooo, better cryyyy

  40. Chill Collins said:

    I miss wonszu somehow.

  41. barcaphilip said:

    Detoed who the fuck are you? We didnt want to play them straight after because we were certain they kicked us. Because after all, who the fuck watches some random Russians stream? Yeah nobody, but I guess your Chernobyl brain cant understand this fucking mong.

  42. Gazy: REMOVE said:


  43. WRU said:

    barcaphilip with the holodomor

  44. Detoed.: (inactive) said:

    why noname from open asking who are me

  45. YYYEBOK: RUS - OCHOBA said:


  46. YYYEBOK: RUS - OCHOBA said:

    http://imgur.com/a/CU21d <—— DETOED

  47. sicko: CSG.DEJI said:


  48. Detoed.: (inactive) said:


  49. barcaphilip said:

    Detoed you took the bait fam :D

  50. YYYEBOK: RUS - OCHOBA said:

    stfu about uk trash!

  51. WR: woofwoof said:

    despite the beef it was a decent game, gg

  52. Pahan: RUS - OCHOBA said:


  53. Ignis: MAFIA said:

    EU TRASH -__-

  54. barcaphilip said:

    -__- GG eu trash

  55. WML said:

    Anele more like Anal Squad EleGiggle

  56. ponche: SSKP said:

    G_G just a clock ANELE

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