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Highlander Season 11 powered by Tt eSPORTS: Open Playoffs

Quarter Finals

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Strike (Victory Road)



4 - 0

[Screenshots: A B ]



3 - 0

[Screenshots: A ]

SouthKorea Victory Road vs European Virtual Unreality HL
6 - 0

SteamID Screenshots: A


Virtual Unreality HL (9) Rox, klassy, Enzo, Xyz, Donny, Mont, DigyB, unitunitunit, Ocrim_R
Victory Road (7) KesPenguen, ., Hiper, sasami, Strike, snowi, Iro
Unrostered (2) Reoccurring, Dave_IR8


  1. Strike said:


  2. Fire: SENS said:

    sasami gunna slam

  3. sasami: ERCAPITANO - VR said:

    砂沙美: ban steel
    DigyB: ban borneo
    DigyB: pick product
    砂沙美: pick upward
    砂沙美: ban gullywash
    DigyB: ban badwater
    砂沙美: ban lakeside
    砂沙美: last ban and then decider
    DigyB: ban process
    砂沙美: warmtic decider
    砂沙美: i’ll copy&paste this ok?
    DigyB: go for it

  4. Donny said:


  5. WML said:

    “Lets go Donny lets go!” *clap clap clap*

  6. Donny said:

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  7. Vouri said:

    sasami is my new best friend best go acecle !!

  8. Piro said:


  9. sasami: ERCAPITANO - VR said:

    admins can you schedule this please? kthxbye

  10. Strike said:

    ty sasami. now we can’t use our strat of playing the first available day, so that the other team is not prepared, and deny their mercs.

  11. sasami: ERCAPITANO - VR said:


  12. sasami: ERCAPITANO - VR said:

    Sasami: can we have this guy as medic emrc? http://etf2l.org/forum/user/102697/
    DigyB: sure

  13. sasami: ERCAPITANO - VR said:

    Broken Inside: we need an engie merc as well
    Broken Inside: this guy
    DigyB ha avviato Team Fortress 2. Clicca qui per unirti.
    Broken Inside: http://etf2l.org/forum/user/116309/
    DigyB: ya sure
    Broken Inside: ty

  14. Xyz said:

    Enzo cyber bullies me. :c

  15. sasami: ERCAPITANO - VR said:

    gg guys,enjoyed wobble’s spam :^)
    http://logs.tf/1610568 combined

  16. snowi said:

    hi i had a BIG fun thkyou guys

  17. sasami: ERCAPITANO - VR said:

    21 ks :^)

  18. Donny said:


  19. Donny said:


  20. Strike said:


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