Highlander Season 11 powered by Tt eSPORTS
Week 7
Round commencing: -
Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:
Results submitted:
by Strike (Victory Road)
Victory Road
6 - 0
SteamID Screenshots: A
Victory Road | (9) Kain McWhip, KesPenguen, Nico {Fr}, Lin, ., Hiper, sasami, Strike, snowi |
cLanda | (8) CeeGee, Black_Bob, Goose, b0nes, b0binho, beach, Quantum Plumber, Zimri |
Unrostered | (1) Pling |
- Map 2 (pl_badwater): First Person by snowi (195 Downloads)
- Map 1 (pl_badwater): First Person by snowi (176 Downloads)
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A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
The default date is: Thursday, 15 December 2016, 20:30
Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
If the default date does not suit you, please contact your opponent and ask them to reschedule.
ez for sasami and maybe fr3ddy
can i merc? x)
No ?
connect bolus.fakkelbrigade.eu:27135; password badwater please join the server already
gg guys,really sad that we couldn’t play a fair damage,hope to play against you again anytime soon :/
Combined http://logs.tf/1589316
ftw when your team is getting carried by salami
Nightwing and I thought this match would end the other way around, but Sasami has proven to me that he outclasses Strike ;)
@strike,mfw you always do :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
snowi you don’t have to upload your pov if noone asks for it lmao
yes but im default cheater
40 downloads wtf
tbf we had a well underpar team and they wouldnt let us have a merc so played with 8 first round. But very well deserved winners im sure.
b0nes the not sore loser, props to you man
Victory Road most toxic team in open confirmed
Ofc we wont accept a high merc wtf……
don’t be mad at us b0nes,did you expect us to accept an high merc? http://etf2l.org/forum/user/92566/
also,TimTum,toxic? because we didn’t accept a merc? kappa
holy mother Mary, so many downloads of the snowi’s demo.