Highlander Season 11 powered by Tt eSPORTS
Week 4
Round commencing: -
Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:
Results submitted:
by Executer (After Deadline)

0 - 5
[Screenshots: N\A ]
the SPY!!!!1!
After Deadline
3 - 3
SteamID Screenshots: A
the SPY!!!!1! | (7) bum, Dolly, binkkye, varnu, Celreo, zeFrosty, Mclane |
After Deadline | (7) Shaddow, Ties, kodeeey, Tinker, Sketis, Executer, Sebbo |
Unrostered | (4) James, Montoro, Ascend, sinr |
- the SPY!!!!1! [Minor] Special kind of rule break (1st time) - see match comment for explanation
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A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
The default date is: Monday, 21 November 2016, 20:00
Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
If the default date does not suit you, please contact your opponent and ask them to reschedule.
gl guys
It looks like their disguise kit doesn’t work anymore
sorry I had the Your Eternal Reward equip once i reach the supply cabinet I’ll be able to disguise again.
as celreo reached the suply cabinet BAM in the blink of an eyes he was under disguise….. and now we are ready to pounce from within the shadows onto kill you alll!!!!!!!
Hah, both teams are lack of their medics!
default merc
other merc
allowed their merc
default merc
that default isnt allowed hes mid :/
my bad, I guess, won’t use >.<
default merc
Dear teams,
due to certain circumstances that happened during the pregame of Coalplant, we’ve decided that that Coalplant will have to be replayed at Thursday, 20 CET.
Additionally, since team “the SPY!!!!1!” has changed name again, even though warned by an admin not to do so, they will receive a minor warning.
It has also come to our attention that during Process, team “the Spy!” had one of their players in spec for a short amount of time, so they will also be given a verbal warning.
When you finished the match, please come on IRC so that an admin can change the result of the match
A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
The default date is: Thursday, 24 November 2016, 20:00
Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
If the default date does not suit you, please contact your opponent and ask them to reschedule.
There’s no rule against changing your team name to the enemy team’s lmao, it’s just mildly annoying if they don’t change it immediately after the game under certain circumstances, which iirc they always did, not that it really matters since there’s no rule against it anyway. Even if an admin told them to stop changing their name, it carries no weight since admins are there to enforce the rules of the league and no such rule exists. I’d be all for the decision to give the spy a warning if a rule was put in place around the same time the team was asked to stop changing their name, by it wasn’t so no warning should be given.
Although knowing etf2l this is one of those instances where they change the rules to suit their newest judgement and refuse to remove the original punishment even though no rules were broken at the time of the original incident that has been newly defined as an “infraction”
I’m hoping they prove me wrong and make a rule about it while at the same time removing the unjust warning for the spy, but let’s face it they won’t lmao, that would require actual thought and swallowing their pride for a moment
What solar said tbh
they literally delayed 30 mins refusing to ready up and we have to play again sick
and here we were thinking UGC was the joke league xD
We provided proof of what we said and what actually happened ^^
Anyhow contact me for the rematch thingy, you apparently didn’t accept my request last time.
5:35 PM – Mclane: hey
5:36 PM – Mclane: you can have a default
5:36 PM – Mclane: we cba to play again
7:15 PM – ˙❤‿❤˙ Exe: gg
7:18 PM – Mclane: you have secuessfully defeated…. THE SPY!! with your diplomatic defaulting skills. congratulations, your nation has been liberated
Still haven’t learnt anything :p
serious flaming dude :p anyhow verify the results
you cant complain about flaming when 90% of your chat messages in game on monday were “kys” :)
I wasn’t complaining, if I wanted to, I would have gone to the admin :p
Anyhow… you gotta verify the results I guess. It still needs to be done
You need a screenshot for Coalplant!