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Season 25 powered by Tt eSPORTS

Mid Tier

Week 7

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by croix (Coffin Clan)



4 - 3

[Screenshots: A ]



6 - 1

[Screenshots: A ]

Slovenia Coffin Clan vs Tunisia CLAC CLAN
6 - 0

SteamID Screenshots: A


Coffin Clan (7) croix, lil red riding hood, myownigorek, dqz, tXX, Lanzer, Detoed.
CLAC CLAN (6) Azunis, eskimo, Xephur, Melheck, kerrm73, Triangle


  1. Default Date said:

    A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
    The default date is: Thursday, 03 November 2016, 21:00
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
    If the default date does not suit you, please contact your opponent and ask them to reschedule.

  2. sicko: CSG.DEJI said:

    yes yes

  3. myownigorek: DIRECTOR said:

    Sorry for playoffs dream

  4. Lanzer: traphouse - DBLE said:

    hi eskimo, hi triangle, hi kerrm, hi melheck, hi xephur, hi azunis (never met you but still hi) :3

  5. Triangle: eskimo said:

    hi lanzer

    hi mixwell (never met you but still hi)

    hi awditaS (never met you but still hi)

    how arrrrrrrrr you guys? ;~) (get it cause im a pirat e haha i might be 12 but imm quirky and COOL for my age xD)

  6. eskimo said:


  7. Triangle: eskimo said:


  8. tXX said:

    ヽ༼◥▶ل͜◀◤༽ノ RO RO RAISE YOUR DONGERS ヽ༼◥▶ل͜◀◤༽ノ

  9. YYYebok said:

    Hi MixWell, hi dqz, hi detoed, hi dolce, hi lanzer, hi skilus, hi sn0w, hi awditas, hi triangle, hi kerrm, hi melheck, hi xephur, hi azunis (never met u cuz u are nonames, but still hi)

  10. Triangle: eskimo said:

    hi YYYebok u seem like a cool dude

  11. tXX said:

    might stream -> medic POV https://www.twitch.tv/sn0wciic

  12. Triangle: eskimo said:

    gg thanks for very good game

  13. croix: traphouse - inVincible said:

    very close game, really enjoyed granary! hope to meet you in playoffs!!

  14. eskimo said:


  15. Lanzer: traphouse - DBLE said:

    gg granary was aids my side

  16. tXX said:


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