Season 25 powered by Tt eSPORTS
Open Tier
Week 6
Round commencing: -
Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:
Results submitted:
by Studio Jhibli (Totem)

0 - 1
[Screenshots: N\A ]
Clinical autism
3 - 3
SteamID Screenshots: A
Totem | (4) eldocwho, Studio Jhibli, Assassin+, downpour |
Clinical autism | (5) yugo, mellow, Lurkki, Gorzum, sek |
Unrostered | (3) bum, tikkeh, kio |
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A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
The default date is: Sunday, 23 October 2016, 20:00
Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
If the default date does not suit you, please contact your opponent and ask them to reschedule.
hp.: also, can we use as a merc
hp.: ?
Studio Spooky: thanks, we may not be able to play on wednesday tho, its just so we have more time to work things out
hp.: Ok
Studio Spooky: and we’ll let u you the merc
hp.: Thanks.
that was interesting
i want to kill
i want to die