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Nations Cup #6 powered by Tt eSPORTS - Group Stage

Group B

Round 3

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff



0 - 5

[Screenshots: A ]



1 - 5

[Screenshots: A ]

Lithuania Lithuania vs Portugal Portugal
0 - 6

SteamID Screenshots: A


Lithuania (5) zilis, Hazzett, NeuTronas, NightHawk-, Just1s
Portugal (6) Kiler4fun, Scriptzon, Reaper, kalhó, tXX, Concrete
Unrostered (1) oRow


  1. happy: ㄕサ said:

    Litwo, ojczyzno nasza,
    ty jesteś ziemią bohaterów.
    Z przeszłości twoi synowie
    niech czerpią siły

    Niech twoje dzieci idą
    tylko drogami prawości.
    Niech pracują dla twojego pożytku
    i dla dobra ludzi.

    Niech słońce litewskie
    rozproszy mroki,
    a światło i prawda
    Niech kroki nasze wiodą.

    Niech miłość Litwy
    płonie w naszych sercach.
    W imię Litwy
    niech kwitnie jedność.

  2. NeuTronas said:

    marsz, marsz dąbrowski

  3. Kiler4fun: SUAVE said:

    I’m gonna stream my Pov, sooo twitch.tv/kiler4fun in case someone wants to watch this

  4. Kemor said:

    Jebany Edgar

  5. NeuTronas said:

    20:55 – LIETUVA NeuTronas: Hello, our medic is currently on a trip to home from Poland. We would like to ask you if we could use merc just in case our medic doesn’t come back at time? : http://etf2l.org/forum/user/17887/
    20:55 – kileR4fuNN’ :P: yeah np

  6. Just1s: JUMP said:


  7. tXX said:


  8. tXX said:

    Badlands -> http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/266095116624177203/DBD4A59D9C56ECEFB6049FD2549841C460E825BB/

    Process -> http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/266095116624177003/F8B586F746E2B4A4D6BC2CA83E1E2CBA9695AA03/

    Status -> http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/266095116624176284/5E5B9AD486E9F5DF7C92EB1564C39985131A18EB/

  9. Kiler4fun: SUAVE said:

    Sn0w is bae, admins look at those screenshots

  10. Aoshi: (Legend) - .be said:

    For future late screenshots use the “Add Screenshots” option in the dashboard.

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