The Highlander Open #2 Sponsored by and
Group 7
Week 2
Round commencing: -
Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff
This match has been nullified. Neither team receives any points.
Savage Kitties
Rest in Matioo
0 - 0
Savage Kitties | (7) parkingturtle, Raganos, Aaron, Witchy, Sabre, Senots, Stupid |
Rest in Matioo | (8) Matioo, ahmed1mustafa, Mr Muffin, audiojungle, Rowny Gosc, TheKlin, quake84, crazy |
Unrostered | (3) Gorzum, Scrabble, Lenspool |
- Savage Kitties [Minor] Special kind of rule break (1st time) - see match comment for explanation
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A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
The default date is: Tuesday, 19 July 2016, 19:00
Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
If the default date does not suit you, please contact your opponent and ask them to reschedule. our scout deflout merc default merc second default merc
Dear team Savage Kitties,
It has come to our attention that the player Gorzum was too experienced already to participate in Highlander Open as a non-buddy player. Therefore Rest In Matioo will get a default win for the match.
Fuck me, there was a rule about UGC? Sheet.
Matioo only win by defaults anyway
Just take a look at the logs from first map
if you can’t take the heat get out the kitchen
also thanks for pointing out how embarrassing it is that you couldn’t beat a team with a scout going 8-27 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You don’t seem to realise your “smurf” spy was carrying your asses, and you would’ve gotten absolutely rolled if you didn’t have him constantly killing our medic. You’re just salty that you lost because you got caught trying to cheat using a “high-tier” player.
To be honest, even SourceTV is more useful in highlander than scout
“You don’t seem to realise your “smurf” spy was carrying your asses, and you would’ve gotten absolutely rolled if you didn’t have him constantly killing our medic. You’re just salty that you lost because you got caught trying to cheat using a “high-tier” player.”
When Gorz is called high lmao nice meme ecksdee
<3 u gorz
mge me solly to settle this
M8. Spy mge me cos, as we know from this post*, spies carry games.
*You don’t seem to realise your “smurf” spy was carrying your asses, and you would’ve gotten absolutely rolled if you didn’t have him constantly killing our medic. You’re just salty that you lost because you got caught trying to cheat using a “high-tier” player.
Let’s spice things up with some memes
When I play Product as Spy in Open
……..)…) ……(….) …….\…\ ……..\…\. …….-.’……`.-…. ../……………….`….. .(…………)…………`..-_ ..)……..,.’…………………..(…\.-.-..’..( ..\……(……………….)…./……………….\. ….\…..\._.(………../….(……..<6…..(6 ……\._.).).).\……..(…….`.._………:Y…).__ (Gorzum)-u cheeky cunt ………………..\……..`-…_….’..-..-.-^.‘_.).).) …………………..`.-…_…).).) …………………………….. /l、 ………………………………………………………………..(゚、 。 7 ………………………………………………………………….l、 ~ヽ ………………………………………………………………….じしf_, )ノ (Their Medic)-u wot m8
Ignore that previous dash of autism
If you need a spy next time just call Albert the dark lord of Memes
Sub-par meme-site smh. Much like your spy skills :^)
When mr british thinks he’s a good spy
It’s alright Gorzum is just a figment of your imagination, it’s a well known fact France isn’t real.
Yeah do you really think people would eat frogs and snails?
The French aren’t people though, so it is still viable
Neither are the british
Dear team Rest In Matioo ,
It has come to our attention that the player IorwethPL was too experienced already to participate in Highlander Open as a non-buddy player. Therefore the match has been nullified.
rest in matioo cant even win by default now…
Ye, that hilarious. Sure, I see problem, but fun fact: he was playing medic.
Before messing with rules we end with 3-3. Now is 0-0. Legit 4 me XD.