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Season 24 powered by Tt eSPORTS: High Playoffs

Semi Finals

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff



0 - 1

[Screenshots: A ]



4 - 3 (golden cap)

[Screenshots: A B ]



2 - 3

[Screenshots: A ]

UnitedKingdom Team Infamous vs Finland Planet Express
2 - 7

SteamID Screenshots: A B


Team Infamous (6) ., Honey Badger, Maros, JakescRzyy., Lupus, Sepu
Planet Express (7) Nursey, Funs, Fischkopf, ari, Muuki, sheepy dog's hand, iikq


  1. ETF2L Staff said:

    Welcome to the Season 24 High Semi Finals

    This match will be played as a best-of-three.

    Maps will be decided using the following Map Elimination System:

    Team A bans a map
    Team B bans a map
    Team B picks 1st map
    Team A picks 2nd map
    Planet Express: Make America Great Again picks 3rd map

    As the higher seed Planet Express: Make America Great Again can decide if they want to begin the pick/ban as “Team A” or if Team Infamous have to.

    Good luck for both teams!

  2. JakescRzyy.: Team - 8===D said:

    funs: team infamous is trash

  3. .: ti. - WiK? said:

    put 1 in chat if you love funs (1)

  4. sheepy dog's hand: (Cutest boy in TF2) - F! - Pander said:

    would like to just request jakecrys in advance thanks!

    will be a fun game have fun!

  5. sheepy dog's hand: (Cutest boy in TF2) - F! - Pander said:

    just noticed that i spelled your name as jake crys which was honestly unintentional sorry!

  6. Funs said:

    @jake wtf is that fake chat log you cheeky fuck

  7. Bloodis: (Legend) - (๑╹ω╹๑ ) said:

    @sheepy you can’t request demos in advance, only after the match, sorry!

  8. JakescRzyy.: Team - 8===D said:

    ^ RIP

  9. JakescRzyy.: Team - 8===D said:

    sheepy you secretly making me a frag movie I dont know about? always wanting my demos lol

  10. ffc said:

    This should be a good game, come on PLEX!

  11. sheepy dog's hand: (Cutest boy in TF2) - F! - Pander said:

    http://etf2l.org/matches/65093/ just replying from here

    takyon i’m allowed to request his demos, if he has nothing to hide then its hardly a problem for anyone and I have no idea why you are getting so upset about this. I haven’t been “spreading rumors” as i’ve suspected him of hacking on sniper for a long time but told nobody outside of people I trusted to not tell anyone and the AC team. I kept quiet about it for many weeks until our official where I requested his demos therefore making my suspicions clear to everyone.

    I have my reasons to believe he has hacked on sniper and I have kept everything between the AC team and my teammates who I trust not to tell anyone. I have not been starting rumors and if there were others who had suspicions of you hacking outside of my teammates then it’s not my fault.

    You seem to have misunderstood whats going on, I’m not doing this to cause your team trouble, i’m not doing this to spread rumors and i’m not making baseless accusations. Since I suspect him of hacking on sniper it only makes sense for me to request the demos in advance so that if he is hacking on sniper he won’t do it in the official. I promise you I don’t mean to cause any inconvenience but I have gone out of my way to keep this quiet for a long time and only request his demos to be safe. It’s hardly that big an inconvenience to upload your demos and it’s only my suspicion so as long as you are unbanned on ETF2L it will only remain my suspicion.

    Looking forward to the game and sorry about the trouble I may have caused you!

  12. sheepy dog's hand: (Cutest boy in TF2) - F! - Pander said:

    also wednesday is best for us

  13. .: ti. - WiK? said:


    He has uploaded any demos that have ever been requested. Flushy also requested a demo from over a month ago from a scrim and Jake will link that demo as well, as soon as Flushy records a clip of something he described as unclear from the stv. Or at least if he says at which tick he saw something that is unclear to him.

    My question is, after how many demos will you accept that he’s not hacking and how come the AC team has also not come up with anything? How many demos does one have to share until the other person comes to a final conclusion?

    Consider the following, Jake mains demoman and prefers to play demoman over all other classes. The only reason he switched to roamer which allowed him to play is sniper, is because of honey wanting to play demoman. Jake is a fantastic demoman and has been to several lans. He has no reason to hack. If he wanted to carry us so badly, he would have just insisted on staying on demoman.

    The reason why this makes me angry is because he is my team mate and friend. And I have yet to hear back from a single person who watched his demos and come to a final conclusion or anything at all. Until you do that, your behaviour has been pointless and annoying.

  14. Maros said:

    in those 2 maps we played, jake got total of 4 kills as sniper. Usually people request demos when player pulls out some unreal amount of headshots or when he gets some vac shot, neither of these happend in our official. His score as sniper was 4 kills to 3 deaths, which is not good at all. He didnt do anything that would suggest that he is hacking in this official, so I dont understand what made you think that he is hacking, and why did you request demo from that official. I bet you didnt even watch it, because you know there is nothing to look at.

  15. Lupus: L_? said:

    Sheepy is the king of bait.

  16. sheepy dog's hand: (Cutest boy in TF2) - F! - Pander said:

    The main reason i’m requesting his demo is so he doesn’t use his hacks if he is hacking, it’s just to be safe since he wouldn’t be dumb enough to use them if he knows im requesting his demo. Maros I know you are new to the team or just can’t remember but jake has gotten very high headshot counts in the past many times especially when he is perma sniping but this isn’t what makes me suspicious of him. I can’t really say or show what has led me to believe he is hacking since I promised I wouldn’t and I don’t want to damage jakes reputation any more than I already have. Once again i’m not doing this to “annoy” anyone and I have every right to request someones demos if I have reason to believe he has hacked in the past. I have requested demos from players before and have never seen a reaction like this. The demo request system is there for situations like this and you need to accept it, if you thought someone on our team was hacking I believe you would have done the same thing.

  17. .: ti. - WiK? said:

    So you think Jake randomly hacks in scrims? For what purpose? He has played demoman and soldier in div1 before, he plays almost every 6s class to a very high level. He’s one of the keenest, smartest and most dedicated team mates I have ever had. And looking at the state of teams in high this season, I’m not surprised that so few team mates are loyal to their teams or stay on a team for longer than one season. I think most people just don’t care about their team mates enough to defend them if they feel that they are wrongly accused.

    I react this strongly because I know he isn’t hacking.

    Who did you promise that you won’t show what makes you think Jake is hacking? Go ahead and share what your proof is.

    If there is proof that convinces the AC team of ETF2L that Jake is hacking then I’m gonna quit playing on here.

  18. .: ti. - WiK? said:

    Oh and also, if I thought someone on your team was hacking, I would have requested their demos, contacted ETF2L and let them decide. And then I would have let it be. I wouldn’t go around talking about it, requesting demos for scrims from one month ago and even after getting them, still talk about it. And then say that I have proof but I promised someone I wouldn’t share it.

  19. sheepy dog's hand: (Cutest boy in TF2) - F! - Pander said:

    I hope jake isn’t hacking and I don’t have “proof” that he is hacking or else the AC team would have banned him by now, I just said that something made me suspicious and I won’t share it until I get permission from someone from the AC team as I promised them I wouldn’t share it with anyone. Since something has made me suspicious that he may be hacking it only makes sense for me to request his demos since my team will be playing against him. If you really think he is innocent then you don’t need to worry about anything, if he is innocent the AC team will not ban him. I’m the last person in the world people would take hackusations from seriously and if he is innocent then he uploads his demo and nothing will come of this. It’s really not worth getting this worked up about.

  20. sheepy dog's hand: (Cutest boy in TF2) - F! - Pander said:

    “Oh and also, if I thought someone on your team was hacking, I would have requested their demos, contacted ETF2L and let them decide. ”

    Yeah this is pretty much what I did

    I haven’t “gone around talking about it” outside of this thread, I don’t remember getting any demos from a month ago, requesting any or “talking shit about it” and the only reason I even mentioned the “proof” which like I said isn’t proof but something that made me suspicious is because you lost your shit when I requested the demo, you have now turned this into a big deal when it was literally just a case of me asking jake to upload his demos and I know this might be hard for you to understand but if I make a promise to someone i’m not going to break it without at least asking them about it first.

    Only other time I mentioned him hacking was in our official after requesting his demo and I did apologize for that so I don’t know why your still losing it.

  21. .: ti. - WiK? said:

    What makes you think that talking about it on match pages and in game stays private?
    Your team mate has added Jake to bother him about month old demos, and you don’t even know about it? Can you see now how annoying this is? Everyone else just makes an AC request, why can’t you.

    I didn’t lose my shit, I’m just arguing with you on the internet? This is something you do a lot of, so clearly you just enjoy wasting other people’s time. I won’t continue, keep doing these things if that’s what brings you joy.

  22. Maros said:

    Im talking about the official, I dont understand why did you write “Maros I know you are new to the team or just can’t remember but jake has gotten very high headshot counts in the past many times especially when he is perma sniping”, seems like offense towards me, but I honestly dont care. If you just want to see demos because you think he is hacking(for whatever reason), just ask for them after the match, you dont need to write all the bullshit before the match and during the match. You wanting demos in advance and talking shit before and during match with combination of Jake being accused of hacking by more people actually made him not want to go sniper, or generally made him afraid of hitting good shots. People are afraid of AC admins of tf2(and there is reason for that).”if he is innocent the AC team will not ban him”-im sure Quad would agree. But dont even say you didnt do it on purpose, you tried to make jake scared, you are just trying to get under our skins, just as you did with honey in our match. I dont know if all of this is worth it, but I can tell you that you wont get anyone tilted or scared again. GL in our next match.

  23. sheepy dog's hand: (Cutest boy in TF2) - F! - Pander said:

    If you are so upset about this argument being public then maybe you shouldn’t have started it in the first place by accusing me of so much shit because I requested a fucking demo? http://etf2l.org/matches/65093/

    I don’t know why i’m even arguing you seem to have more issues than I do.

  24. .: ti. - WiK? said:

    Yo you started it, anything beyond that doesn’t matter. You have arguments like this all the time, how does that make me the one with issues.

  25. JakescRzyy.: Team - 8===D said:

    I am just going to quote what you have said and respond, even though I know you are king of baits.

    “he wouldn’t be dumb enough to use them if he knows im requesting his demo.” – but I would be dumb enough to cheat in scrims and get myself banned in games that dont matter?

    “jake has gotten very high headshot counts in the past” – It was product, yes I hit 44 headshots, yes we were playing you. Its not hard to hit retards who dont give sniper the respect he deserves on such a sniper friendly map!. (also “perma sniping” not going to be able to kill someone with a then rocket am I?)

    “I have gone out of my way to keep this quiet for a long time” – people have messaged me continuously accusing me of cheating and you being the main reason influencing them.

    “It’s hardly that big an inconvenience to upload your demos” – but to constantly be accused and know the exact reason why I have to upload my demos turns it into an inconvenience.

    “I haven’t “gone around talking about it” – “told nobody outside of people I trusted to not tell anyone and the AC team.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBPqksG9nbA

    I could probably go on all day but I dont think its worth it, you care so much about an unknown possibly cheating, you are the reason I am getting a reputation so you aren’t ruining anything apart from looking like a mong yourself, you go through all this effort – I guess trying to get me banned? but when I still haven’t been banned nor has there been any solid proof that I have seen you still try and try your hardest.

  26. JakescRzyy.: Team - 8===D said:

    I forgot to mention, goodluck in the semi-finals! I am sure its going to be a great game regardless of the results, I might even play a bit of sniper for you. I wont play too much though, dont want that chode getting too excited “might have finally caught him xd”.

  27. sheepy dog's hand: (Cutest boy in TF2) - F! - Pander said:

    “You wanting demos in advance and talking shit before and during match with combination of Jake being accused of hacking by more people actually made him not want to go sniper, or generally made him afraid of hitting good shots.”

    To me that sounds like jake is being a little paranoid, so long as he isn’t constantly locking onto targets behind walls the admins won’t ban him for hitting a good shot. They are incredibly strict nowadays due to the mistakes they made in the past like you pointed out. Also I already said I requested the demo before the game to prevent him from using his cheats, not to make anyone “scared”, Feels like to me you are exaggerating things a little mate especially with the whole “shittalk” thing, your team did it just as much as us and as far as I remember the only thing I did was make a VACation joke when jake tried to taunt me after killing me late into the 2nd half of the map so I fail to see how that had anything to do with him not wanting to snipe. If me requesting his demo makes him scared enough to not go sniper at all then I can’t help but feel like he has something to hide.

  28. sheepy dog's hand: (Cutest boy in TF2) - F! - Pander said:

    “I have gone out of my way to keep this quiet for a long time” – people have messaged me continuously accusing me of cheating and you being the main reason influencing them.

    Considering I told NO ONE outside of my team which couldn’t really be helped and the AC team for weeks maybe you should consider the fact that I wasn’t the only one who suspected you. This massive overreaction only makes you seem more suspicious, if I was actually good and people thought I hacked I wouldn’t get this upset about it unless I was guilty but that’s for the AC team to decide. Also I don’t want you to get banned and I have no say in it anyway, it’s up to the AC team. It’s not my fault that everyone will know about my suspicions at this point, all I did was request the demo and you were the ones who turned this into a big deal, you can clearly see this here http://etf2l.org/matches/65093/

  29. Sepu: (Kovein) - 0fo said:

    I like videogames

  30. .: ti. - WiK? said:


  31. Lupus: L_? said:

    I like videogames too Sepu :3 Lets be friends

  32. snappe: half - ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9 said:

    Looking forward to spectate this, gl team kiikku and team jaakko!


  33. flushy: P.O.P said:


  34. Funs said:

    3,058 words, 15,993 characters

  35. Hikari: A3CDBL2 said:

    wtf match didn’t even start and look at all those long speechs its worse than backget foolery versus magmanisme absolu o_0

  36. Hikari: A3CDBL2 said:

    btw sheepy “people acusing you of cheating” come on pal we all saw your bottom versus top 5 rocket :D

  37. wand00m: CSG.DEJI said:

    someone should compile the etf2l playoff match page drama into a compilation of short stories to be sold as funds for i58

  38. sheepy dog's hand: (Cutest boy in TF2) - F! - Pander said:

    Don’t worry Hikari ill make sure to not bottom (whatever that means) when we play your gods top5rocket in the final when we actually have our full lineup!

  39. sheepy dog's hand: (Cutest boy in TF2) - F! - Pander said:


    Here this is what made me suspicious enough to request his demos.

  40. JakescRzyy.: Team - 8===D said:

    I dont really get what you are showing me here, but none the less as I promised. I hope you find what you are looking for!


  41. JakescRzyy.: Team - 8===D said:

    And if that link doesn’t work: http://www.speedyshare.com/YgF9g/20160608-1912-koth-product-rc8-red-blu.dem

  42. sheepy dog's hand: (Cutest boy in TF2) - F! - Pander said:

    Takyon asked me to show her why I requested your demo, it doesn’t prove anything but it’s enough to at least request your demos in an official.

  43. JakescRzyy.: Team - 8===D said:

    Thats fair enough, I gave you my demo as your teammate requested it, and you can have a look at that exact moment in my pov so you dont have to look at it with the bad stv demo, once again, I hope you find what you were looking for.


  44. JakescRzyy.: Team - 8===D said:

    p.s if anyone wants a link to an aimkey that tracks peoples feet let me know

  45. flushy: P.O.P said:

    why is flusha not banned yet??? TAK

  46. .: ti. - WiK? said:

    Any chance we can decide on the maps soon? If you can tell us whether you would like to be team A or B so we can decide on the maps?

  47. .: ti. - WiK? said:

    Didn’t mark my comment as a challenge*

  48. Hikari: A3CDBL2 said:

    looking forward to see the finals sheepy :D

  49. wonszu: TCM said:



  50. Lupus: L_? said:

    Wonszu mid roamer EleGiggle

  51. NURWHAL: woofwoof said:

    Jake do you have a foot fetish?

  52. T0m: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    classic autistic sheepy

  53. T0m: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    also gl infamous! :D

  54. Collaide said:

    Imo someone should go through every official ever from season 1 6v6 and look for drama in the comments and then put them all in a novel.

    wandum is a genious

  55. shoras said:

    Why make a drama because he requested someone’s demo? This is hilarious.

  56. Chronos: BMS said:


  57. Julez said:

    Holy fuck dude, he just locked onto the soldier’s knees for half a second through a wall. If this isn’t an aimbot then i don’t know anymore

  58. .: ti. - WiK? said:

    @shoras maybe because that’s not all he did? read his replies if you’re gonna pretend you know what this is about. or accept the fact that he causes drama everywhere he goes

  59. Funs said:

    How can you see into my eyes, like open doors?

  60. sheepy dog's hand: (Cutest boy in TF2) - F! - Pander said:

    Just a heads up that I will also be requesting takyons demos after the game, thanks!

  61. .: ti. - WiK? said:

    I like how you guys are around to comment on this page, but you never replied to us asking about what maps we will play. You left it until the day of our official. Should make for really good games when neither team have practised the maps. You had 5 days to do this.

  62. sheepy dog's hand: (Cutest boy in TF2) - F! - Pander said:

    We haven’t pcw’d at all since people have been away and I would like to pick the maps when the 6 of us are on mumble so today is the only day we can pick the maps as a team.

  63. .: ti. - WiK? said:

    You didn’t have 6 people available for 5 days? Okay. Well 5 people since you’re using Nursey for the official right? Alright, sure sheepy. :)

  64. sheepy dog's hand: (Cutest boy in TF2) - F! - Pander said:

    Yep pretty much. It’s much easier to just do it when we are all on mumble so we are just gonna do it tonight.

  65. haris: FLANK said:

    This conversation is more Aids then the One i have on My team where we talk about uubers not sandbagging. Nice.

  66. scrab said:

    gl plex

  67. TheMackey5: FM said:

    These comments are probably more entertaining than the match will be

  68. Ombrack: Top5rocket said:

    Really looking forward to see who we’ll face in the finals… oh wait

  69. Nagi said:

    ombrack :'(

  70. rabid said:


  71. Funs said:

    We honestly didn’t scrim lmao, just look at logs.tf

  72. Crayon said:

    gl to both teams, hope it’s a good game :)

  73. sheepy dog's hand: (Cutest boy in TF2) - F! - Pander said:

    Might not happen, we are missing funs and we can’t move this to another date. Jake and Tea seem to be denying every merc request. I know they have beef with me but this is pretty low.

    18:36 – sheepy dog’s hand: what about credu
    18:38 – JakescRzyy.: denied
    18:38 – sheepy dog’s hand: will you allow anyone
    18:38 – sheepy dog’s hand: cause there arent many options
    18:38 – JakescRzyy.: you have 12 people on your roster
    18:38 – sheepy dog’s hand: and 2 scouts who can play at this level
    18:39 – sheepy dog’s hand: one of them is missing
    18:39 – JakescRzyy.: not my problem
    18:39 – sheepy dog’s hand: like i know you are still upset about me requesting your demos
    18:39 – sheepy dog’s hand: but this is kinda low
    18:40 – JakescRzyy.: sorry for stooping to your level

  74. .: ti. - WiK? said:

    Just like you did with us. Just like you didn’t let us know about maps until the day of the official.

    6:31 PM – sheepy dog’s hand: so you wont allow anyone from prem?
    6:32 PM – sheepy dog’s hand: i mean he was on bagset 5
    6:32 PM – sheepy dog’s hand: they are closer to mid
    6:32 PM – sheepy dog’s hand: than prem
    6:32 PM – JakescRzyy.: why didnt you allow thaigrrr
    6:32 PM – sheepy dog’s hand: because he is a huge upgrade to steveyjj imo
    6:32 PM – sheepy dog’s hand: and the rest of the teams opinion
    6:32 PM – sheepy dog’s hand: not just because hes prem
    6:32 PM – JakescRzyy.: mr.epic is a huge upgrade to both of your scouts lol
    6:32 PM – sheepy dog’s hand: i dunno funs is pretty gud
    6:32 PM – JakescRzyy.: and steveyjj couldnt help not being here, so its a downgrade to us

  75. misha YB`g: PIG said:

    This is so fucking weird. He just wants a demo so upload it after the game lmao. Why so much drama about nothing again if you are not cheating you shouldnt care at all.

  76. .: ti. - WiK? said:

    Demos have already been uploaded bro.

  77. wonder: 哟什 said:

    hey Nation why did you remove me from friend list?:/

  78. hp: -ƒ$-BLAHAJ said:

    i didnt know you could upload demos before a game had happened is this the future

    also is this game happening or not i need to know asap thanks

  79. .: ti. - WiK? said:

    no but you also can’t request demos before the game has happened, according to admins. this is not about demos any more, they won’t allow our mercs, so we won’t allow theirs. thanks for chipping in with useless comments

  80. sheepy dog's hand: (Cutest boy in TF2) - F! - Pander said:

    You really are one of the worst human beings i’ve ever encountered in my time playing tf2, it’s one thing to not allow us any merc and try to force us to give you a default but now you are trying to justify it because yesterday I didn’t allow a top prem soldier to merc for you who you said you didn’t even need.

    You really are pathetic trying and justify fucking up our season entirely and ruining the game for everyone, you and jake are default hunting and there is no justifying it.

  81. .: ti. - WiK? said:

    Jake has allowed Thaigrr as a merc last season to another high team. We have never denied mercs before you denied ours.

  82. wonder: 哟什 said:

    dramas everywhere

  83. sheepy dog's hand: (Cutest boy in TF2) - F! - Pander said:

    “they won’t allow our mercs, so we won’t allow theirs.”

    What a fucking lie, I said to thaigarr yesterday and again today I would allow ANY high merc and a prem one as long he wasn’t top prem, we aren’t asking for a prem merc. We just need someone since we are being forced to 5v6.

    Even if I didn’t allow thaigarr at first, if it was between allowing him and forcing you into taking a default win I would allow him.

  84. sheepy dog's hand: (Cutest boy in TF2) - F! - Pander said:

    How can you try to justify not allowing us ANY merc just so you can get a default win, I would never do something like this and i’ve never seen this happen outside of div 6 russians. Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you.

  85. Fischkopf: ist doof - HKN! said:

    Guys sry I had no idea of all the drama happening here. It would be very lame for us to loose cause we are only allowed to have 5 players. I appeal to your sportsmanship lets just have a fair game. If needed we can surely allow Theigr if we could play with 6 players.

  86. moursi: (Big Poppa) - bobs said:

    im just a boy that wants to cast a game please allow mercs and lets have some fun!! :-3 :33

  87. hp: -ƒ$-BLAHAJ said:


    we want to cast your agme thanks


  88. Mon: V V V - gandhi is said:

    looks like you have no option but to cast some HLO games

  89. moursi: (Big Poppa) - bobs said:


  90. sheepy dog's hand: (Cutest boy in TF2) - F! - Pander said:

    k we are playing on muuki on scout. Very sad to see this, I can’t be the only one who thinks its very lame to not allow us any merc so they have a better chance of winning. We’ll try anyway since giving them a default is what they want.

  91. Hikari: A3CDBL2 said:

    Gl sheepy my favorite trash!

  92. iZon: LEGO - LEGO said:

    xd wtf is dis

  93. milkyeu: MILKY said:

    gl sheepy!

  94. Morrow: (´・ω・`) said:


  95. AB said:


  96. AB said:


  97. Funs said:


  98. Morrow: (´・ω・`) said:



  99. thpathm: DMX - BRIT said:


  100. Collaide said:

    ez game for fonexia

  101. Sepu: (Kovein) - 0fo said:

    GG, very close!

  102. scrab said:


  103. Menty: MAFIA - Nein said:

    why can’t we all be friends :(

  104. AB said:

    wouldve been 2 maps with funs…

  105. Maros said:

    Would have been 2 maps with stevey

  106. wonder: 哟什 said:

    close game

  107. sheepy dog's hand: (Cutest boy in TF2) - F! - Pander said:

    GG guys! there is no need to upload any of your pov demos, I would like to put this drama behind us! I would like to request the STV demo if possible though.

    Very intense games especially the end of snakewater, big shoutout to muuki for saving us.

  108. sheepy dog's hand: (Cutest boy in TF2) - F! - Pander said:


    http://logs.tf/1464759 – Snakewater
    http://logs.tf/1464801 – Reckoner – http://logs.tf/1464810 – Reckoner GC
    http://logs.tf/1464853 – Granary

  109. Funs said:

    This has taught me that in the future I should ALWAYS roster 5 prem scout subs just in case

  110. wand00m: CSG.DEJI said:

    tfw girl gamers :(

  111. .Selo said:

    Sheepy you are THE LORD

  112. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:


  113. Daul said:

    ez funs

  114. .: ti. - WiK? said:

    I apologise for everything. Never meant for any of it to get this bad, I had only the happiness of my teammates in mind.

  115. Sepu: (Kovein) - 0fo said:


  116. .: ti. - WiK? said:

    Can I ask what your problem is? I didn’t want to make you look bad, but why are you going around pretending that you didn’t want to deny mercs as well? Putting the blame only the rest of us so you look innocent? Maybe instead of typing lol on a match page after our long friendship, you could just add me back on steam and tell me why you’re behaving like this.

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