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Season 24 powered by Tt eSPORTS

Mid Tier

Week 6

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Miju (Gardienii Fortei Mistice)



4 - 1

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4 - 2

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Romania Gardienii Fortei Mistice vs European Yeezus Fanclub
6 - 0

SteamID Screenshots: A


Gardienii Fortei Mistice (6) Gotti, Demos, tavi, YppY, Cabbage, Miju
Yeezus Fanclub (5) INS, pajer0, ZYKAZ, biskuu, STOGE
Unrostered (1) shades


  1. Default Date said:

    A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
    The default date is: Thursday, 23 June 2016, 20:00
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
    If the default date does not suit you, please contact your opponent and ask them to reschedule.

  2. wand00m: CSG.DEJI said:

    yeezy to pound

  3. Miju said:


  4. ivan: TC said:


  5. Phnx: L_? said:

    Go yeezy! crash those gypsies!

  6. pajer0 said:

    pajer0 #1371: can we use phoenix as demo merc?
    pajer0 #1371: ?
    Demos: no
    pajer0 #1371: your team used him last week
    pajer0 #1371: are you joking
    Demos: not alowing phoenix
    Demos: sorry
    pajer0 #1371: he is okay when you are usin him though
    pajer0 #1371: cool
    Demos: you asked i replied
    Demos: no need to be salty
    pajer0 #1371: yea i know
    pajer0 #1371: want very hard to win mid
    pajer0 #1371: i will look for someone else
    pajer0 #1371: http://etf2l.org/forum/user/92627/
    pajer0 #1371: on pocket
    Demos: he’s

  7. Cabbage said:


  8. pajer0 said:


  9. STOGE: TDP said:

    Phoenix you are banned from playing against my sons football team, you can however play with them.

  10. tavi: YN said:


  11. Demos: MSFT - UNI said:


    tbh even phoenix couldn’t save you
    *shots* *fired*

    http://plays.tv/video/576c37024c3eb64e47/demos-is-a-fucking-hero – for ego boosting

  12. tavi: YN said:

    lets not start a shitstorm, it was a good game and good luck to you guys in the last official

  13. shades: A51 - pizza said:

    gg guys thanks for letting me merc

  14. Kemor said:


  15. myownigorek: DIRECTOR said:

    -bren -playoffs lol

  16. Bren said:

    I wasn’t the reason we were going to make playoffs

  17. Phnx: L_? said:

    even I couldn’t save them?
    you forced yeezus to use a merc they never played with and someone who played pocket for them had to transition into demo a class that he has never played as main in a team.
    you can say it to protect your fragile ego, but the truth is you have no brain, you made your pocket rage quit before an official and shampoo quit the team due to how toxic it was to play in it and how bad you were in general, on top of that you are a huge hypocrite, gl in the playoffs.

  18. pajer0 said:

    Chill friends it was a good game. They dont have to allow any mercs.
    Msft are a very good team, wish them good luck in playoffs.

  19. Demos: MSFT - UNI said:

    My team’s issues is none of your business. You call me a huge hypocrite for not allowing you to play but how about yesterday like 5 minutes before the official when you were forcing me to accept you as a merc and you were threatening me that you will block and remove my entire team on steam if i dont let you play – but this was fair in your opinion, right? maybe if you would’ve shut your mouth i would’ve consider letting you play.

    And this “tbh even phoenix couldn’t save you” was just a bad joke but http://prntscr.com/bkggm3

    I’m apologizing to everyone, i wasnt aiming to make a drama out of a videogame.

  20. Phnx: L_? said:

    I like your lies Demos “maybe if you would’ve shut your mouth i would’ve consider letting you play”
    your team told me that you are too scared to accept me as a merc.
    I’m not offended by anything you did, I just said my opinion of you, you adding me on steam to start an arguement again was pointless.

  21. cribbe: TC said:

    fuck i love some hot mid level drama

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