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Season 24 powered by Tt eSPORTS: Premiership Tier

Premiership Tier

Week 3

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by damneasy (happy end)



0 - 5

[Screenshots: A ]



2 - 3

[Screenshots: A ]

Russia B@GSER FIVE vs Germany happy end
0 - 6

SteamID Screenshots: A


happy end (6) basH., ThUn, Brego, Relior, schocky, damneasy
B@GSER FIVE (6) Timus the cat, Unlimited, sano, Mon, dima, madmak



  1. schocky: MAFIA said:

    5 Jun 21:15?

  2. schocky: MAFIA said:

    dima: Yo, shocky wanna play our offi next sunday ?
    dima: 5 jun sunday; 21:21

  3. blakku2478: mocno - BowDown said:

    B @ G S E R  F I V E

  4. DavidTheWin: (ETF2L Donator) - BTWFC - [ᴛᴍᴍ] said:

    This will be casted by Sideshow, Maks & DavidTheWin on http://twitch.tv/teamfortresstv

  5. Vega said:

    B @ G S E R  F I V E

  6. happy: ㄕサ said:

    B @ G S E R  F I V E

  7. e1ne said:

    B @ G S E R  F I V E

  8. fnzkie: FaZe said:

    B @ G S E R  F I V E

  9. Pahan: RUS - OCHOBA said:

    B @ G S E R  F I V E

  10. Rita said:

    B @ G S E R  F I V E

  11. Kryone: ✓✓✓ said:

    B @ G S E R  F I V E

  12. YYYebok said:

    G I Z M O P R E M

  13. DamnEasy said:


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