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Highlander Season 10 powered by Tt eSPORTS: Mid Playoffs

Quarter Finals

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Swallow (Veritas eSports)



3 - 0

[Screenshots: A ]



2 - 1 (golden cap)

[Screenshots: A B C ]

Netherlands Veritas eSports vs Denmark LEGOLANDER
5 - 1

SteamID Screenshots: A B C


Veritas eSports (9) Swallow, Alva, Sheezer, dReamyyy, Tiberius Maximus, Nightmare, G-man LV, Murpheey, Popkern
LEGOLANDER (8) Josh, Dr. Phil, zen1th, Sepu, marten, Hot, samiface, iZon
Unrostered (2) Sneakeh, Manky


  1. MoistPenguin: TC said:

    Hello teams, and welcome to the Playoffs. The winner of this match will be going to the Semi Finals and the loser will be knocked out.

    To pick the maps, we’re using Map Elimination [Explanation]. Please post your maps on this page at least a day in advance of the match for good measure.
    Since season 10 has 9 maps, you will have two elimination rounds.


  2. 1. The higher seeded team can decide if they want to start or if the other team should.
    2. Team A eliminates a map
    3. Team B eliminates a map
    4. Team A eliminates a map
    5. Team B eliminates a map
    4. Team B picks a map
    5. Team A picks a map
    6. The higher seeded team chooses the decider map from the remaining three maps.
  3. In this match Veritas eSports is the higher seed.

    Keep in mind that payload is still played in a best of three (BO3) format.

    You can reschedule the match if your opponent agrees, which has to be done before May 8th. The result deadline is May 12th.

    If you have any questions make sure to contact the admins as soon as possible.

    Good luck and have fun to both teams.

  4. Sheezer: VBRNC said:

    Hello :D good luck x))

  5. Lurkki: SCOOPER - MUUMIT said:

    gogo veritas

  6. Yuval: YN - DBLE said:

    gonna be a good game for playoffs :D looking forward for that

  7. Popkern: BE. said:

    20:58 – GFRIEND.Eunha: okay
    20:58 – GFRIEND.Eunha: can you go first
    21:03 – El Jefe: ban steel
    21:03 – GFRIEND.Eunha: ban gullywash
    21:03 – El Jefe: ban upward
    21:04 – GFRIEND.Eunha: ban process
    21:05 – GFRIEND.Eunha: pick product
    21:06 – El Jefe: pick badwater
    21:06 – GFRIEND.Eunha: borneo decider

  8. Yuval: YN - DBLE said:

    apperantly i wont play the game the team doesnt want me too
    manky ._.

  9. Popkern: BE. said:

    yuval the hormonal teenager

  10. Speedead: @ said:

    GO VERITAS ! ♥

  11. iZon: LEGO - LEGO said:

    GO VERITAS ! ♥

  12. zen1th: Pander - LEGO said:

    GO VERITAS ! ♥

  13. Sheezer: VBRNC said:

    GO VERITAS ! ♥

  14. Cryyy said:

    GO LEGO ! ♥

  15. Mason: (ETF2L Donator) said:


  16. Popkern: BE. said:

    http://etf2l.org/forum/user/63124/ def merc

  17. Dr. Phil: TBC - LEGO said:

    http://etf2l.org/forum/user/24262/ def merc

  18. Chakuza™ said:

    go go lego ♥♥♥

  19. Sheezer: VBRNC said:


  20. Murpheey: op_sqd said:

    well.. because the combined logs are to large for logs.tf
    i took my calculator and calculated the dpm of the demos..
    Murpheey (Winner) : 524,5
    joshlm (not the winner at all) : 498,5

  21. Popkern: BE. said:

    Josh: nah, just what he did shows how little gamesense he has
    Josh: got 23 kills my man, but it’s easy to kill people like you
    Josh: you get two points for every stab, do you really think you’re good?
    Dr.Phil: like, we play once a week and you’re the ‘best’ team in mid yet you still struggle against people who don’t know highlander
    iZon: And btw all the energy went into pounding your mom, she is a big lady after all
    iZon: lol what a pussy u are sniper
    iZon: do u even pcw in hl mid?
    *DEAD* Josh: rekt idiot

  22. Cryyy said:

    Wow unbelievable? Never have I seen people not being friendly 24/7. This is simply un-acceptable. I think if we can’t be friendly every second of our lives, we have failed at human beings and as TF2 gamers. #vote4trump #cringe #sarcasm #popkern<3cock

  23. Swallow: (Weeaboo on acid) - Muss Los said:

    I really really really love people…

  24. iZon: LEGO - LEGO said:

    ur sniper sucks

  25. Popkern: BE. said:

    not everyone is prem you rage child

  26. Atzebumm: (ETF2L Donator) - Dr. med. said:

    I may cant play playoffs, but at least i can grab some popcorn. :)

  27. WML said:

    Lego its fine you can focus on 6’s now be happy you don’t have to care about this shit game mode. XD

  28. cmd: (ETF2L Donator) - LEGO said:

    smh izon

  29. Manky: BARBER said:

    Why are you salty over pub holy poop

  30. Popkern: BE. said:

    manky was our default merc btw sorry if i was meant to post that earlier, told legolander leader and he was fine with it

  31. Popkern: BE. said:

    oh wait i did post it im high lads

  32. samiface: 8D - LEGO said:

    excuse me, josh was misquoted. pretty sure he called you shit, too.

  33. Nightmare said:

    I need to get my feelings checked at a doctor after this match :C

  34. zaint said:

    Danskere smh

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