Season 3
Division 3b
Week 8
Results submitted:
by ydor (eL Diablo's Brigade)

3 - 2
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3 - 8
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eL Diablo's Brigade
3 - 3
- eL Diablo's Brigade [Minor] Not using the newest League Config.
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guess it’s ok for you to use that ringer from your other squad
our ringer is extremer from FakkelBrigade 2 (div4)
this is a joke right ?! the stvdemo is for everbody to see, on what grounds is fastlane a DRAW !?
yes we didnt have the current etf2l config on our server, ydor has pause as bind though and as i heard not having the current config only leads to a minor warning. FB didnt ask ONCE for a pause, which has to be done according to the rules. on top of that they attacked our 2nd cp with uber right when we were in the midst of discussing what to do!!! (around tick 47000 on the stvdemo if u wanna see for urself)..great sportsmanship there
anyway looks like a habit for FB to fight results (-> sad thing is contrary to ESL u decided in their favor and therefore i highly doubt it will be the last time they do this.
I don’t want to drag this out any more. my awnser is that we asked you (at the exact moment braindamage dropped) to kick him. and you didn’t. then we couldn’t pause. which made our problem worse.. after you finally did kick him he could not reconnect to ‘your!’ server, but he could to any other server. this seems weird. anyway, end of story. sorry for the lame win.
we still want the admins to take another look at this and if they still decide in ur favor, i hope u will agree to replaying the whole match on a neutral server and under admin observation if needed.
Pls let the admins take a look at it, i went to the admins saying we wanted to replay the match, coz of people lagging out, wrong cfg and you guys not kicking our player (also not after 2mins asking). Still i dont think the admin made this decision without a valid reason and this is what happens when we cant pause the game coz our medic can’t reconnect. Ow and to add to this you guys didnt want to replay, now i hear you do…….. :S
u didnt ask for the pause.
yes we realized too late that we had to kick brain, thought u were joking for a minute as u wrote all kinds of nonsense during the game. we kicked and we apologized and according to your replies right after it looked like things were settled by then. and yes we didnt want a replay as we thought and still think we have rightfully won on fastlane.
You didn’t ask for the pause. According to the rules you have to ask for it. As for the kicking we did it as soon as we could. Kicking someone left our medic typing the commands and cost us a point.
From our point of view the result is valid as it is. When your guy first asked to kick brain we didn’t see it as a request to kick one of your players, cause after me kicking a guy who joined the server he just said: kick brain.
We understood that as a joke. Only the next time he asked we noticed you have a player named brain and only then you told us he’s LD.
Instead of asking for a kick you should have asked for a pause, as the rules state. That could have been granted without any problem. For a kick I as medic have to stop healing my teammates in start of a round to kick your guy by console, which takes like 15-20 seconds, putting us at a major disadvantage.
If he has a shitty connection, it’s not our fault. We have players from germany, switzerland, france, norway and finland playing, and none had problems with the server, neither did the remaining players on your team from netherlands. Your player also dropped on your own server, and neither did you request a pause there.
You never once asked for a pause. We were even willing to pause the game in mid-round when you held the middle (which you only did because I kicked your guy from server and our ppl arrived in middle half-dead). We didn’t counter-attack when you were outnumbered but waited while discussing what to do, pause the game or not, when you attacked in mid-discussion with übercharge to take our point 2, ending the discussion that way.
We didn’t violate a single rule, and therefore the win on fastlane was valid.
You however bitched and insulted, and behaved just like in previous games in etf2l and in esl (see tfportal issue).
And even while we say the fastlane result is valid, we offered the admins to replay the whole game on a neutral server under admin observation, because we think then without all the hassle and discussions we’ll win against you again, maybe even both maps.
But I won’t take your shit anymore and talk to admins in the first place.
the kick/kick-request happend in a non-gamedeciding situation when u had the middle and we defended the 2nd (~ tick 38000 in the stvdemo)
Oh, and btw., you only noticed sv_pausable is off after the kick-request in mid-round, meaning you didn’t even try to pause the game, which you weren’t allowed to without asking for it anyways.
So stop lying.
how can u argue if u dont know the rules, we dont have to ask for pause, and u didnt have a proper config :-)
To clarify this: with “the result is valid as it is” I meant a 3-2 in our favour is the valid result.
not the proper config loaded = minor warning, nothing else
tommi: [eLD] said:
According to the rules you have to ask for it. (pls read the rules)
As for the kicking we did it as soon as we could. (you didnt do it at the round end)
Kicking someone left our medic typing the commands and cost us a point. (it cost us 2 rounds not playing with 6 players, and in the end 3 rounds using a soldier (vice) as medic)
cat L1019008.log |grep pausable
L 10/19/2008 – 21:23:49: “[FB] Arie the Arrogant Atheist” say “erm why is sv_pausable off?”
L 10/19/2008 – 21:23:58: server_cvar: “sv_pausable” “1”
L 10/19/2008 – 21:23:58: rcon from “”: command “sv_pausable 1”
cat L1019008.log |grep pause
L 10/19/2008 – 21:24:10: “[FB] Extremer The Extremist” say_team “we cant pause now..”
L 10/19/2008 – 21:24:19: “[FB] evil vice” say “we could pause `”
L 10/19/2008 – 21:24:25: “[eLD]Ydor” say “for a pause I mean”
you didn’t even try to pause the game one time. You only complained about the config when you noticed you’re behind 1 round and immediately asked for restart, even though you didn’t even try to pause the game or ask us to pause the game.
(it cost us 2 rounds not playing with 6 players, and in the end 3 rounds using a soldier (vice) as medic)
agreed that it sucks ur medic couldnt connect, but lets be serious here u didnt even play one whole round with 5 players.
Like i said before, let another admin take a look at it, its your right and we dont want an unfair decision.
After the match we asked for the server logs, you didnt gave that to us and banned us from your channel. Now that is your right, but this forced us calling in an admin.
So pls admins take another look at it, if its an unfair decision, turn it back.
– The End –
And I thought eLD were civil.
Some of us just got carried away by what we think was an unfair decision. Even I made a fool of myself by getting provoked. Let’s call off this useless battle now and leave it to the admins.
Funny, cook, I thought the same of FB before yesterdays game.., if called for I can publish some nice quotes from the server-log and irc.
Or some comments from #fakkelbrigade channel about germans…
@ the admin who’s taking another look at this decision, pls contact me or jonni in irc #fakkelbrigade, to hear the full list of problems.
The ESL thing has nothing to do with this. Most teams would’ve done the same in that situation. Their player dropped, they asked us if they can pause and without even waiting for our response they paused the game. We unpaused it, almost won the round and they restarted tournament mode. Afterwards, they insisted that it was our fault.
Our medic timing out caused us to lose at least one round. We were on the last point defending and our medic timed out with almost a full uber. We had to switch our soldier for a medic thus losing firepower and an uber. This also made us scrap a tactic we were practicing a few days, so I think a draw would be fair. I’m fine with a replay too, but I don’t make any decisions in this clan.
well some of us, including me got a little carried away here in the heat of the moment right after the announcement of the result. reflecting on it a bit and putting myself in your position i understand why u werent happy with how things went either so lets just wait out what the admins will decide and we will accept this.
After watching the Demo again and had some talk between the admins we decided to count that Round and only give a Minor Warning to eLD.
FB did have the chance to take pause, eLD directly changed it to 1 after it was mentioned, so it was up to you to take that pause. But as FB decided to go on playing the Round will be counted.
Please respect this decision and stop the discussion.
daykiller. just one thing. we may have had the chance to pause but this is not allowed in the middle of a round. so we asked to kick braindamage. furthermore it’s not just 1 drop. it’s 4 drops!
now I don’t mind anymore cause we’re going to div2 anyway!!
I didn’t care much about the config being outdated, the big issue was the server dropping our players. Our medic got disconnected at a really unconvenient time, and he was unable to connect to the server for the whole match.
He was still on Ventrilo, could connect to other servers just fine, just not to the eLD server.
We had two other players get connection problems to the eLD server (again, just the eLD server, they were able to whine about it on Ventrilo ;) ).
I would have rather just played fastlane again, neutral server etc., to really see which team would be the strongest on that map.
No matter how you spin it, we were put at a annoying disadvantage on the eLD server.
guys pls let it rest like day said. It was a good game and hopefully the next time we can show what happens if we can play our full team.
To all elD players, we understand your reaction on the first decision by the admins, you guys should understand we have absolutely NO problems with ya. We’ll see if you got problems with us (irc ban?!?!?!)
oO longest thread in etf2l history??? :P gl in div2
U suck pex