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Season 23 powered by Tt eSPORTS: High Playoffs

Grand Finals

Round commencing: -

Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Raf (BackGet Foolery)



5 - 1

[Screenshots: A ]



3 - 2

[Screenshots: A ]

Russia B@GSER FIVE vs France BackGet Foolery
6 - 0

SteamID Screenshots: A B


B@GSER FIVE (6) Timus the cat, Unlimited, Mon, dima, madmak, Nesh
BackGet Foolery (5) AlienSmiley, Raf, Soupah, Namtac, Kaylus
Unrostered (2) atomic-, Medico


  1. ETF2L Staff said:

    Welcome to the Season 23 powered by Tt eSPORTS High Grand Finals

    This match will be played as a best-of-three.

    To decide maps please follow the instructions given in the General Rules under Map Elimination with equal seeds. http://etf2l.org/rules/general-rules/#10

    Good luck for both teams!

  2. Whiteglow said:

    B @ G S E R  F I V E

  3. DINDU said:

    Are you hyped for Ruskie vs Croissant yet

  4. yllen: Lugs said:


  5. sinr: L2:7 said:

    Go go Kaylus!!

  6. happy: ㄕサ said:

    B @ G S E R  F I V E

  7. yorski: SUPO said:

    B5.dima : really glad that someone in community using this cute avatars :3 true joy to be killed by you guys

  8. parkingturtle: RY said:

    Too much hype! Baguettes ftw! <3

  9. WRU said:

    B @ G S E R  F I V E

  10. blakku2478: mocno - BowDown said:

    B @ G S E R  F I V E

  11. Bren said:

    Should be a good game to watch

  12. kryma said:

    B @ G S E R  F I V E

  13. Lanzer: traphouse - DBLE said:

    B @ G S E R  F I V E

  14. ru.ch3t said:

    B @ G S E R  F I V E

  15. a. larry said:


  16. myownigorek: DIRECTOR said:

    B @ G S E R  F I V E

  17. WML said:

    B @ G S E R  F I V E

  18. DavidTheWin: (ETF2L Donator) - BTWFC - [ᴛᴍᴍ] said:

    This will be casted by Bren, Milky and Perko on http://twitch.tv/teamfortresstv

  19. kKaltUu: UbeR | - -chess- said:


  20. spammyh: brew said:

    B @ G S E R  F I V E

  21. Manky: BARBER said:

    B @ G S E R  F I V E

  22. Cholera: RS said:

    B @ G S E R  F I V E

  23. Tamir said:

    B @ C K G E T F O   O   L   E   R   Y

  24. Raf: pen15 - hlpugs said:

    00:04 – B5.dima: We ban Badlands
    00:04 – Raf: We ban Viaduct
    00:04 – Raf: And pick Granary
    00:04 – B5.dima: We pick Sunshine
    00:04 – B5.dima: And ban Gully
    00:04 – Raf: We ban Process
    00:04 – Raf: Snakewater Decider

  25. Menty: MAFIA - Nein said:

    B @ G S E R  F I V E

  26. Raf: pen15 - hlpugs said:

    01:08 – Raf: well right now medico ( http://etf2l.org/forum/user/73083/ ) says he will be able to merc us
    01:09 – Raf: but it’s maybie too high :(
    01:09 – B5.dima: oke i allow him
    01:09 – Raf: really ?
    01:09 – B5.dima: yes
    01:09 – Raf: thx a lot

  27. Jin said:

    B @ G S E R  F I V E

  28. Pred said:

    gogo baguette :>

  29. amelia watson: .be - L9 said:

    ALIEN <333333333

  30. Detoed.: (inactive) said:

    B @ G S E R  F I V E

  31. TimTum: (ETF2L Donator) - myx said:

    0-0 gg

  32. Kaylus: wL. - wL. said:

    ez game ez life

  33. loopster said:

    1 tibo, 2tibo 3 tibo doudou. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGU_vPssFKM

  34. Bloodyyy: (Weeaboo Nerd) - (XD ͜ʖXD) said:

    B @ G S E R  F I V E

  35. wand00m: CSG.DEJI said:

    B @ G S E R  F I V E

  36. deli69: /ff said:


  37. Stabbyyyy said:

    Interesting game. I wait 2-1. Makes bet`s guys :\

  38. fat0n: RB - tm.hl said:

    https://www.twitch.tv/eehqfat0n RU stream

  39. Elite: YG - Houssem said:

    B @ C K G E T F O O L E R Y <3 ez

  40. Elite: YG - Houssem said:

    B @ C K G E T F O O L E R Y <3 ez

  41. Parallax: kz said:

    B @ G S E R  F I V E

  42. Tamir said:


  43. Ombrack: Top5rocket said:

    21:55 – Médico: tkt
    21:55 – Médico: j’assure la loose

  44. Nagi said:


  45. WRU said:

    a good russian team in prem for once in a while, looking forward

  46. atomic- said:

    RUSSIANS PogChamp IN PREM KappaPride

  47. Whiteglow said:

    “Стики в почке!” (с) Unlimited

  48. happy: ㄕサ said:

    <3 dima <3

  49. Eniere said:

    B @ G S E R F I V E

  50. Daul said:

    no daul no win

  51. dima said:

    B5.dima: We’ll need Atomic i guess
    B5.dima: I speak to Raf
    B5.dima: And he aprove it
    B5.dima: Can we use him ?
    Kaylus: tell raf to cyka blyat
    Kaylus: but ye use him
    B5.dima: Ty

  52. Nesh said:

    Im very sorry for all the pauses i caused, my internet has been fking shit the whole week, so i was hoping that it gets fixed today :( anyway, ty for fairplay ! gg

  53. Spycy: TC.Express said:


  54. Zeluboba said:

    ДИСКАЙС ХУЕСОС (c) dima

  55. Bren said:

    Well played by both sides! Incredibly tense towards the end

  56. dima said:


  57. Zinson: урот said:

    F S @ L B O Y S C R E W

  58. Mon: VVV - gandhi is said:

    bigg thanks to everyone who cheered and supported us during that long season ??

  59. Ganon said:

    Gg i didn’t play

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