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Highlander Season 10 powered by Tt eSPORTS - Premiership Tier


Week 1

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Detoed. (WASP)



0 - 1 (golden cap)

[Screenshots: A ]



0 - 1 (golden cap)

[Screenshots: A B ]

European PremTech vs Russia WASP
2 - 4

SourceTV: http://www.twitch.tv/klefsas

SteamID Screenshots: A


PremTech (8) kKaltUu, olBaa, Nesh, jwso, Spreijer, kermit, Scissors, BAITO
WASP (8) Popcorp, Unlimited, catman, lippy, Klefsas, fnzkie, Kostil, Detoed.
Unrostered (2) chooper, Mon


  • WASP [Minor] Unable to provide a requested demo (1st time)



  1. Popcorp said:


  2. olBaa said:

    “I will never even merc for a russian team” – popcorp 2k15

  3. Popcorp said:

    But I’m not mercing :^)

  4. Popcorp said:


  5. kKaltUu: UbeR | - -chess- said:

    Throw of the century

  6. BAITO: ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9 said:

    kkaltuu said it first, but kkaltuu is also playing in the match ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9)

  7. Jon: ETF said:

    Casted by Sigafoo & HiGPS on BOTV http://www.twitch.tv/blackoutgamingtv/

  8. Popcorp said:

    Estonian flag 2 carry WASP!

  9. Klefsas: DTown - WASP said:

    WASP medic playing here

  10. Popcorp said:

    WASP engie playing here


  11. catman said:

    Quinstosh Stepfather playing here


  12. foungi: 0fo - 0FO said:

    prediction: another stone age team plays like a shitfest and get away with a cheap win. can’t decide who’s who tho #rtc #alwaysremember #neverforget

  13. CbIHoK: XDCK said:

    Win percentages are exactly like 50 to 50, intense game confirmed

  14. Detoed.: (inactive) said:

    our default merc http://etf2l.org/forum/user/24242/

  15. olBaa said:



  16. fnzkie: FaZe said:

    cblnok.tf :@

  17. CbIHoK: XDCK said:


    I have my own probability system, saloon is sometimes wrong

  18. BAITO: ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9 said:

    we will use chooper as our default merc http://etf2l.org/forum/user/72215/

  19. roqu3 said:


  20. Detoed.: (inactive) said:


  21. fnzkie: FaZe said:


  22. Steve!: S-O said:

    Maito: I think they should cast ur match in that case, just for the sake of people watching. I usually like to watch our casted games afterwards, but this match here might end up having a brazzers logo on it.

  23. BAITO: ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9 said:

    Steve if that was the case for this match, I probably still wouldn`t have told it cuz I respect wasp, but ye definetly wasn`t the case this time. With 3 mains missing, this was like poor amateur material. Oh well, wasp deserved the win, they had loads of pcws and their new roster is better than ever before. Definetly was bullshit game, but ye gl for the rest of the season wasp.

  24. WML said:

    Wasp 4 playoffs

  25. Death said:


  26. Klefsas: DTown - WASP said:

    Death is alive :O

  27. cloudy said:

    good lord my sides

  28. catman said:

    Rus Vod

  29. ETF2L Staff said:

    Dear teams PremTech and WASP

    Please upload the demos of Nesh, Maito, catman and Klefsas within 72 hours or face a penalty in accordance with the General ETF2L Rules.
    You have to use the ETF2L demo upload system for archives under 60 MB, third party hoster links will be ignored.
    Minor warnings for missing demos can be removed later after talking to an admin, as long as the minor warnings of your team did not stack up to a major warning yet.

    2.4 Every player has to record Demos

    Demos can be requested by an admin or any player of the opposing team.
    Admins may request demos up to the end of the competition the match was played in (until the wrap up post is published). They can request as many demos as they require.
    The opposing team can request demos up to 48 hours after the match was scheduled to start. They can request demos from up to 2 players, who will then have to provide their demos for all played maps.
    A player whose demos have been requested has 72 hours to upload the demo, starting from the time the request was made.
    Failure to supply a requested demo will be punished.

    2.4.1 Penalties for not providing requested demos

    Failure to supply a requested demo will result in one of the following penalties:
    – First time: Minor warning for the team. This warning can be removed once the requested demo is provided.
    – Second time: Major warning for the team. Player is banned for two weeks from all ETF2L competitions.
    – Third time: Player is banned for two months from all ETF2L competitions.

    Penalties are applied if a requested demo is not provided within 72 hours. Major warnings and bans are not removable.

  30. catman said:

    rus vod https://youtu.be/Dk3q4otrD0I

  31. Jon: ETF said:

    VoD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZI2AqOdd-M

  32. ETF2L Staff said:

    Premtech and WASP have been given a minor warning for failing to upload the demos of Maito and Klefsas respectively.

    Once you have uploaded the demo please contact the admin team at http://etf2l.org/support/

  33. ETF2L Staff said:

    Maito has provided his demos, and the minor penalty for ChessTeched has been removed.

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