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Season 23 powered by Tt eSPORTS: High Playoffs

Quarter Finals

Round commencing: -

Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Deox (3/6)



3 - 2

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0 - 5

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France Salty Frogs vs UnitedKingdom 3/6
3 - 6

SteamID Screenshots: A


3/6 (5) Warped, Crayon, Deox, Pred, Domo
Salty Frogs (6) Zikto, Kinty, sanz, Blitzo, Glastry, Corbac
Unrostered (1) Thaigrr


  1. GH0T1: ♣Lesk said:

    rip in rip

  2. MEGAMIDDIE said:

    go big crayon man

    make me proud

  3. Chopp said:

    3/6 !!!

  4. AB said:

    go 0.5!!

  5. Corbac: azn said:

    Crayon: we ban badlands
    Corbac: we ban sunshine
    Corbac: we pick snake
    Crayon: ok we pick product
    Crayon: and gullywash decider

  6. TimTum: (ETF2L Donator) - myx said:

    Good luck 3/6 trukPootis

  7. Leyo: Z&Co said:

    allez la france !

  8. Perko: War said:

    This will be casted by Maks, Bren an Perko on http://twitch.tv/teamfortresstv

  9. dima said:


  10. loopster said:

    Salut à tous , c est Glastryx9. Go les gens de la france

  11. Ducky: TDP said:

    Bren is casting this! The BIG BRENNON? This will be a treat.

  12. letto said:

    go salty frogs! an actual nice french team Kreygasm

  13. Olgha: Virtus. said:

    Gogogogo Salty Frogs !

  14. Daul said:

    gogo corbac the carry!!!

  15. 30.06: RATS said:

    Salty ofc

  16. Speedead: @ said:

    Go slaty :)

  17. phapha said:

    go salty!

  18. morale: ez said:

    Ezy win 3/6

  19. GH0T1: ♣Lesk said:

    i agree with this girl

  20. Crayon said:

    18:29 – Corbac: ok for thaigrr on scout
    18:29 – Crayon: hi
    18:30 – Crayon: thanks

  21. Funs said:

    crazy game

  22. WRU said:

    game of the season at the moment

  23. Crayon said:

    gg :)

  24. Corbac: azn said:


  25. Deox: myx - wL. said:


  26. phapha said:

    at the moment

  27. Thaigrr said:

    GG guys

  28. Blitzo said:

    gg wp, the first two maps were insanely close, good luck for the semi!

  29. Crayon said:

    blitzo ur offclassing was unreal on product I was screaming

  30. Zikto said:

    “Blitzooooo: Who cares about the merc ? Like if salty frogs wanted to go prem next season you need to be able to win agains a SINGLE prem player.”

    That’s the spirit, we never refuse a merc.

    GG guys, was a great match, with or without the merc, you deserve it
    GL against B@GSERFIVE cause if blitzo sniping made you scream, Nesh will make you left the game

    Snake: http://logs.tf/1324359?highlight=76561198062191047
    Product: http://logs.tf/1324448?highlight=76561198062191047
    Gully: http://logs.tf/1324475?highlight=76561198062191047

  31. Nesh said:

    :DDDDDDD <3

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