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Season 23 powered by Tt eSPORTS


Week 7

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff

Default Win

European Death from Above vs European mad decent
0 - 6


  1. Default Date said:

    A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
    The default date is: Tuesday, 08 March 2016, 20:15
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
    If the default date does not suit you, please contact your opponent and ask them to reschedule.

  2. Jin said:

    02:06 – Samski: Would you allow phoenix?
    02:07 – lucid dreams: ye sure


  3. Samski: MPREG said:

    Samski: Anyway would you allow mightyme as pocket? He’s only played div 4 and below as solly
    Samski: Last official played 2 years ago in div 5
    ielrae: i dont care personally but my team would get mad if i dont ask everyone before allowing
    Samski: Np
    ielrae: hes allowed

  4. Samski: MPREG said:


  5. Phnx: L_? said:

    match of the season and I can’t even spectate it because I have an official of my own ;(

  6. Jin said:

    dont get too excited

  7. AB said:

    yeah were gonna roll them idiot

  8. Scorpion: Choke said:

    hf boyz

  9. Samski: MPREG said:

    Default win for mad decent – They won first map and then a certain someone on our team decided to shittalk everyone until no-one wanted to play!

  10. Scorpion: Choke said:

    “everyone” – okay you cant even talk normally and being like kid, thanks for invite and was funny playing with you.

  11. Jin said:


  12. AB said:

    I love it when demos hold w in to in a choke :)

  13. AB said:

    *in to me :)

  14. hemp: ORA said:

    what a match! ? ? ? ?

  15. MEGAMIDDIE said:

    don’t say i didnt warn you about scorpion

  16. drezzo said:

    gl in playoffs

  17. Jin said:

    i can w into you teapot ;) <3 ;)

  18. Scorpion: Choke said:

    dayum ur so happy win def game :D gl gl

  19. credu said:

    not full def ;—)))) 6 – 1

  20. Scorpion: Choke said:

    not full roster but still gg

  21. robin said:

    what is going on

  22. WRU said:


  23. neon: :think: said:

    noob team

  24. STOGE: TDP said:


  25. bluR-: Pander - TEMU said:

    fucking popcORC i tell u

  26. skyro: #SaveMelee said:

    in the 45 mins i played in scrims with death from above i pretty much immediately noticed scorpion was cancer

    this is the proof of it

  27. Scorpion: Choke said:

    who the fuck you are saying this, i was trying play the game and samski desided play with guy who was nt even playing with us. i told about it samski i dont want play with him, but on official he was in roster yes i raged about it but samskis negligent act changed everything… and he dont ecven want talk with me and hes mad like 10 years old kid

  28. skyro: #SaveMelee said:

    i played 45 minutes with you and all 45 minutes of it you were either bickering, complaining or spouting nonsense about a failed push

    i dont know what happened in the official, but i’m siding with samski regardless

  29. Scorpion: Choke said:

    im everytime bickering and trying be better with you or anathar player. samski desided add merc on game, actually he did not even ask about merc ( 1 was phoenix, but he wasnat able play. 2nd myghtime) but samski added player josh who was in our team, but he was not playing as i remember it in this season or something like this, when we had scrim i did not liked hes plays, hes calls but i thought he was mercin for as only on scrims, i was disapointed on scrims (as always :D ) i told to samski dude i dont want play with josh. Actually josh’s history is good but he wasnt atm team player. I was not expecting this guy on official, but was to late we started the game then popcorp asked to samski why we werent playing with merc?! and josh got mad(something like that) he was saying i am trying play… i was really disapointed and i was mad on that moment, i told directly to josh so he is not team player and its his bad why we are loosing. samski was saying stop shittalking guys lets play 2nd map, i told to him dude where is merc, get the merc and play with him. Hes answer was no! okay then im not gonna play this game, there wasnt even chance win that game team just fucked up psicologicly, samski went mad and he kicked me from mumble then from team then deleted from steam.

  30. Scorpion: Choke said:

    i see my eng is horrible sry for it :/

  31. Lucfer: GOLD said:

    Same shit against Exitus, Death from Above has serious leading issues and everyone in the roster knows but noone say anything cause the team wins a lot. Thats why me and Dan leave…So maybe Scorpion is a cancer (peace and love XD) but thats not the main issue of the team.

  32. Scorpion: Choke said:

    :)) see im not alone heavying problems

  33. Samski: MPREG said:

    Let us just clear this up once and for all – We wanted phoenix to merc but then he had to play an official of his own. Then MightyMe was allowed but couldn’t scrim the day before and so would’nt have had any practice with us whatsoever. Joshi had been on our roster from the beginning of the season and I have played with him many times before. Never was the fault in his hands – I asked him to play because he was free to scrim the day before so we would have some playtime with him before the official and he took time off work much to his boss’ annoyance so that he could make the official. That is the reason why we did not play with a merc and actually when joshi scrimmed with us the previous day it went very well so that had no impact on the result of the official whatsoever. They played better than us and the fact that the mood in mumble got very sour also was a major factor – for most of the official I was trying to calm you down scorpion to try and bring this back but you wouldn’t have it unless it was your way and everyone accepted you were right. Regardless of this past official I tried to move onto the 2nd map and bring everyone’s spirits up but you could not let it go and turned towards our merc as you assumed that was the sole reason for losing not the actual reason which is that they played better as a team. So please drop this I removed you because when I was trying to discuss this in a calm manner you would not let me talk and would continually curse at me and there was no chance of getting through to you.

    As for lucfer – yes there were issues in the past but actually you have no idea how the team has been since you left and ever since I moved off pocket and people have been playing classes they actually want to the atmosphere of the team has been great for the most part. If people in the team had an issue with me we wouldn’t always be pubbing or playing matchmaking together and laughing and joking around all the time and enjoying each other’s company.

    This is the last time I am going to comment on this matchpage and I will ask for an admin to lock this so all this petty fighting can stop as this is in the past now.

    Well played to mad decent you thoroughly deserved the win despite our team issues and good luck in the playoffs! :)

  34. Lucfer: GOLD said:

    1) Asking for an admin to lock the comments is the prove of what i was saying before, not leaving (or accepting) people reply is a typical behaviour of people full of themselves.

    2) Yeah, things goes so better after my left that the first good team on the path literally destroy Death from Above and the demo was kicked (the third player in a couple of matches).

  35. Lucfer: GOLD said:

    proof sounds better :(

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