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Season 23 powered by Tt eSPORTS


Week 6

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff

Default Win

Lebanon ANELE Squad vs Poland SUAVY
6 - 0


  • ANELE Squad [Minor] Special kind of rule break (1st time) - see match comment for explanation
  • SUAVY [Minor] Special kind of rule break (1st time) - see match comment for explanation



  1. Default Date said:

    A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
    The default date is: Tuesday, 01 March 2016, 20:00
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
    If the default date does not suit you, please contact your opponent and ask them to reschedule.

  2. Kemor said:

    wonszu he is the north american player but the uavy he is the polish stars

  3. whiteee: autism.tf said:


  4. Sikky: WPIERDOL - ; said:

    Sorry boys, we cannot play on any other date than default one.

  5. barcaphilip said:

    ok that sucks well can we reschedule it to 21?

  6. Sikky: WPIERDOL - ; said:

    Sure ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  7. happy: ㄕサ said:

    Dojebcie im

  8. ponche: SSKP said:

    ANELE Hello Poland ANELE We summon you to accept our religion ANELE

  9. Kemor said:

    ANELE winning this match? I aren’t think that.

  10. wonszu: pen15 said:

    Chris__: its ur shitty 3rd world net

  11. barcaphilip said:

    fucking poles clean my toilet

  12. ETF2L Staff said:

    ANELE Squad has been given a minor warning for Felipe’s comment above mine.
    This kind of behaviour is unacceptable on ETF2L. Repeat offences will be met with harsher punishments.

  13. Kemor said:


  14. bobair: said:

    mówiłem ,że wonszu to strasznie niemiły typ

  15. spammyh: brew said:

    pls stop the hate

  16. Kemor said:

    Oh who, we dont hate. We’re just dropping dank memes on match pages, simple as that.

  17. ponche: SSKP said:

    Pub heroes still mad after we rekted you ? xDDD

  18. barcaphilip said:

    Sorry my polish friends, thought u guys were familiar about HLTV memes… maybe not xdd

  19. Kemor said:

    Where do you see us being mad after our official? Can’t a man drop a dank meme in peace? It’s not my fault your choice of meme was poor, you gotta be more clever and sadly for you, i have taken all the juicy ones. Wtf are you want?

  20. Sikky: WPIERDOL - ; said:


  21. wonszu: pen15 said:

    Cocky ponche is cocky ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  22. spammyh: brew said:

    oh god smh

  23. barcaphilip said:

    Yea this is true kremor haha. My meme is bad and outdated I can agree. But “I arent think that” is kinda bad aswell these days ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  24. Kemor said:

    I aren’t think that.

  25. wand00m: CSG.DEJI said:

    mfw you can “drop dank memes” but when barcaphilip from twitch chat makes an offhand remark that’s nothing more than a shit joke you go out of your way to contact admin ;_;

  26. WRU said:

    lmfao daily reminder that its not twitch chat
    wanDOOM to carry tho

  27. ponche: SSKP said:

    i swear to god if any of you motherfuckers copy and paste this you will be in serious trouble

  28. TBE pez: SUAVY - ; said:

    gruba wyplata sie szykuje

  29. Spreijer: CONCORDIA said:

    Wow rude.

  30. wonszu: pen15 said:

    You’re so sad poncho :( https://www.dropbox.com/sc/ppflbx9h48xcrke/AAB2GkRqAqRxrCN7oNYHRJ4Oa

  31. barcaphilip said:

    Gl hf, are u guys getting server or should i make one?

  32. wonszu: pen15 said:

    If you have any located in germany/netherlands you can get one, otherwise Sprayer will get one.

  33. barcaphilip said:

    Yeah we would prefer germany, i got u guys. I will fix a server :)

  34. wonszu: pen15 said:

    K, post it late here :^)

  35. Jin said:

    ez game for twitch main barcaphilip

  36. ponche: SSKP said:

    sick photoshop skills wonszu o_o

  37. Karx: EPP - ㄕサ said:

    This is going to be the best match in open this season. Gl to both teams hopefully you won’t shittalk this time. Btw is there a chance for stv?

  38. barcaphilip said:

    Y i can fix this

  39. wonszu: pen15 said:

    @ponche you’re so ironic :^)

  40. bobair: said:


  41. spammyh: brew said:

    connect rhein.fakkelbrigade.eu:27115; password pcwpwng

  42. wonszu: pen15 said:


  43. barcaphilip said:

    connect rhein.fakkelbrigade.eu:27120; password stv

  44. happy: ㄕサ said:


  45. Kwq said:

    Gully – http://logs.tf/1296037?highlight=76561198057014708
    product – http://logs.tf/1296103?highlight=76561198057014708

  46. wonszu: pen15 said:

    Polski honor obroniony

  47. Bednar: SUAVY - BowDown said:

    btw mge?

  48. Khyndai said:


  49. Kemor said:


  50. TBE pez: SUAVY - ; said:

    dobra robota, 100£ jutro leci na konto sikksona to sie podzielcie. gz

  51. fränk: [HA] - #T4F said:

    seeding mid-teams in open, gg admins

  52. Sikky: WPIERDOL - ; said:


  53. ETF2L Staff said:

    Dear teams,

    It has come to our attention that “SUAVY” used 3 players who joined since the start of the season and are therefore in violation of the rules. As a result the match will be defaulted in favor of “ANELE Squad”

    3.5 Switching line-ups or hijacking teams is not allowed

    A team may not be replaced in a competition by a new team or lineup without admin permission. Teams can be qualified as ‘new’ if half or more of their active roster get changed since the start of the competition. Cases will be reviewed individually, and decisions made will be at the full discretion of the admin team and all circumstances will be taken into account. Please contact an admin if your team is facing extreme line-up changes.


  54. spammyh: brew said:


  55. ponche: SSKP said:


  56. TimTum: (ETF2L Donator) - myx said:

    Kwq, Sprayer and wonder joined after the start of the season it seems.

  57. Falcon0408 said:

    why was wonder even allowed in open anyway lol

  58. Kemor said:

    Well this is awkward XD

  59. bobair: said:


  60. TBE pez: SUAVY - ; said:

    thats why Stefan plays in 2 teams in the same time? gj guys

  61. wonszu: pen15 said:

    Still cu in playoffs – etf2l doesnt like us :)

  62. barcaphilip said:

    Cya kek

  63. wonszu: pen15 said:

    I count that as a win tho – easy game :^)

  64. bobair: said:

    @pez what you mean ? Stefan is inactive since the beginning of the season 23

  65. wonder: 哟什 said:

    “Kwq, Sprayer and wonder joined after the start of the season it seems.”

    Kwq joined 3 days after 1st official and he played every next official (5 in total) Sprayer joined 2 weeks ago and he played in place of Khyandi who couldn’t play yesterday

    Kwq – played all officials except 1
    Wonszu – played all officials
    Bednar – played all officials except 1
    Sikky – played all officials

    4/6 players are from “active roster”

  66. barcaphilip said:

    You didnt read the rules did u wonder… Whatever 1 prem player 2 high player we were bound to get destroyed lel

  67. wonder: 哟什 said:

    other 2 players are me and sprayer who is a medic (+ he played other 1 official instead of Bednar)

  68. wonder: 哟什 said:

    but it isn’t about me, admin who cancelled this match claims that kwq (who played all officials except 1) is 1 of 3 players who isn’t from active roster

  69. barcaphilip said:

    So the conclusion is sprayer wonder kwq wasnt in the team at the start of the competition. Poles read the rules…

  70. wonder: 哟什 said:

    khyandi, dogechat werent in the team at the start of the competition so whatever roster they use they get default lose

  71. barcaphilip said:

    Ok easy enough, drop suavy from competition lol

  72. bobair: said:


  73. ponche: SSKP said:

    Feels good to be top 1 open.

  74. Sikky: WPIERDOL - ; said:

    https://i.imgur.com/6bQKN6V.png Yeah it does :)

  75. wonder: 哟什 said:

    if kwq joined 3 days after 1st official in place of former demo (dr joint) who played only 1st official and kwq played ALL other officials it means he is from active roster, not dr joint and admins should fix that rule. They just made fault / didn’t discuss it long enough.

  76. barcaphilip said:

    Well why are u even taking your time with this Mr Join for one official then leave?

  77. Khyndai said:

    because he played as bad as your entire team :^)

  78. spammyh: brew said:

    I don’t understand why are you trying to discuss that even after admins decision
    Get over it if you’re feeling really upset and play fair

  79. Khyndai said:

    it’s not about match anymore. It’s about how Felipe is acting for whole season, but no one bats an eye on him.

  80. ponche: SSKP said:

    I wonder (xD) why wonder left SUAVY ??? He joined just for beating us ??? Ok then let me take 2 prem players in the roster for when we want to win a match. x’)

  81. WML said:

    Salty Polacks :^)

  82. wonszu: pen15 said:

    I love how peeps like Falcon or Edgeward are saying anything here :D Also, this case is not closed :)

  83. chris: REMOVE said:

    poles SeemsGood

  84. WML said:

    Wonszu and co. I love the quality of the Open drama on here keep it up ?

  85. ponche: SSKP said:

    Chris__ PogChamp

  86. Khyndai said:

    can you tell me why Spammyh joined to team after season started and he could normally play in main squad?

  87. ponche: SSKP said:

    Khyndai it’s terrible you just can’t read rules or understand it ?

  88. wonszu: pen15 said:

    Stop the drama now, no one is responding here for your bad memes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

  89. Chill Collins said:


  90. ponche: SSKP said:

    Hey dear Wonszu, can you write here what roster you will use for the rest of the season ? Thanks in advance. x’)

  91. fränk: [HA] - #T4F said:

    gj admins

  92. whiteee: autism.tf said:

    etf2l open has more drama than esea invite

  93. Kemor said:

    It’s kind of pathetic that you seem to be proud of a win given to you by an etf2l script. Since most of you is new, let me tell you this – there has always been that one team in the group with broken rooster. This incident is still being talked about by admins(so i heard), so don’t be so sure just yet. In the meantime, you do have the W and you are the 1st seed.

    And if you did not talk shit for no reason we would have never baited you or kept this shitstorm going. Poles are always up for a fight, dont forget it

    Gl in the rest of the season

  94. wand00m: CSG.DEJI said:

    wtf did i just wake up to

  95. Bednar: SUAVY - BowDown said:

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtciZ4VX7Oo GG :)

  96. WML said:

    gj you won open game with prem solly and high scout xd

  97. wand00m: CSG.DEJI said:

    Now that I’ve had some time to process this I guess I’m just gonna write a nerd essay about this situation.
    Barcaphilip from twitch chat talks mad shit to everyone. I can understand this is really annoying to deal with, but in a game dominated by brits, you’re gonna have to live with people shit-talking you alot.
    You guys did beat us fair and square on both maps, you out classed us in pretty much every regard and it was extremely frustrating to play a game where we really didn’t have an answer to beating you.
    That said, you broke the rules. There really isn’t anyone here to blame but yourselves for not understanding the rules of the league you are playing in, or forgetting them, much like how it was completely valid for us to get a minor for felipe’s comment in this match page.
    You broke the rules of the league and I’m afraid that’s just how it is. If you don’t agree with them, you should either live with it or just flat out not play in the league.

    I’m going back to my corner now bye gg and gl in the rest of the season.

  98. ponche: SSKP said:

    I have a 20 word essay due tomorrow and I’m reading Wandum’s essay. BibleThump

  99. spammyh: brew said:

    I like the fact that you actually took your time to make a video showcasing how a low prem solly and so called high scout crush open team
    Good video, keep it up FeelsGoodMan

  100. ponche: SSKP said:

    spammyh with the real talk. 100th comment btw. ^-^

  101. TBE pez: SUAVY - ; said:

    you all should be glad that you aint face up best scout in this poor videogame

  102. wonszu: pen15 said:

    Oh, now i can answer you normally. Wan, i really appreciate what you said, and you’re 100% right. We’re just mad about the thing that, we didnt know Kwq was counted as a new player, thats all. Sorry for beeing mean to you, but i guess you understand how we can react on a shittalk.

    Really thanks to spammyh and wan, for acting like a normal person.

    About Bednar – dont even care about him, he is just a MGE hero who wants to prove something :D

    I really enjoyed that game, it was fun to play, also i wish you the best in the rest of the season :)

    Just next time, dont insult anyone nationality. I know it was a bad meme, but it’s retarded as fuck.

  103. walters: 105 said:

    I can’t play too with my team because I joined few days after provisional divisions and I have played every official too.

  104. wand00m: CSG.DEJI said:

    Just to clear things up, you can have a maximum of 2 people who have joined after the provisional divisions play and official at the same time. This means that me and spammy were able to play, but if chill was to play, we would get a def loss.

  105. Kemor said:

    As long as you contact an admin about 3 new players you are allowed to play. But you gotta tell them about that, and if all 3 are at reasonable level of skill and if an admin agrees, you can play. Just clearing things up.

  106. WRU said:


  107. maksimov said:

    prem/high players in open just to boost their ego smh

    anele deserved to win against a team who relies on 3 players lmao

  108. Aoshi: (Legend) - .be said:

    Seeing that this match page is getting quite a lot of attention I guess I’ll use this to explain the hijacking rule or rather the way that we’re handling it this season. Before that though I will mention that we’re currently revisiting the rule again in the hope that we can make it clearer while also making it so there are no loopholes and the season is fair towards the players who play in it.

    So first off the date. Normally speaking we check every teams roster when we make the provisional tiers. Seeing that this gets done manually right now we don’t normally do this again after we publish the provisionals. So as example in the case you at this point have a roster with only open players and sign up for open there is no problem. In the case you have 1-2 prem players we’ll consider moving you to mid. But in the case the players join after the provisional tiers we wouldn’t have know about them.(We’re currently working on a system to check for this though)

    In the case teams have added players to their roster between the provisional tiers and the start of the season we probably don’t notice in on time if at all. And moving the team from tier is highly unlikely of happening as well. So what option do we have then? The hijacking rule, its our way to try and keep the lower tiers as fair as possible, so by limiting the amount of Prem/High/Mid players joining a tier or 2 below their normal one. For this season we’ve set the date to the start of the season or rather the 24/01 (even though we probably should be using the date the provisionals got published 21/01). This mainly due to people just not knowing about which date was combined with the rule.

    “But we can’t prepare for people bailing out”, of course not. You can’t plan ahead for every possible roster issue you can have during the season. This is where contacting us comes in. Do you wish to replace one or more of your players because their pc’s blew up? Sure just come to irc ask us if player x is good to join and you’re on your way. In this case player x wouldn’t count towards the rule. Main thing though is to contact us before he joins your roster. Accepting players after they’ve already joined your roster won’t happen ;).

    But generally I can tell you that we’re working hard on improving the league and this rule to make it as fair as possible. The admins are here to help you so if you have questions you’re always free to come and ask on irc! Next to that keep your look out for announcements in the future as the rule update will probably happen before the start of HL s10.

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