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Highlander Season 9 powered by marketplace.tf : High Playoffs


Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff



0 - 2

[Screenshots: A B C ]



0 - 5

[Screenshots: A ]

European Team Colonslash: Express vs European Team Colonslash: Ambition
0 - 6

SteamID Screenshots: A B


Team Colonslash: Express (9) haiku, .zero, Munky, JustJosh, Mora, FrostByte, Spyro, Useless, Simba
Team Colonslash: Ambition (8) Hammock, cmd, .Selo, kryma, Flow., Selek, Setsul, Synrise
Unrostered (1) Just1s


  1. .zero: -chess- said:

    We will be using any open merc to replace Haiku.

  2. MS: 0fo - 0FO said:

    ez win for tc

  3. Argus said:

    go tc gogogo

  4. kryma said:

    here we go again smh

  5. Synrise: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    last one didn’t count

  6. haiku said:

    It’s BAD to like anime!
    Post this on the wall of a HUGE FUCKING WEEABOO and tell them how DISGUSTING they are

  7. haiku said:

    you will never shove a buzz lightyear toy up your asshole only for the wings to spread while it’s in there, accidentally calling the news and police instead of an ambulance because you’re so panicked. it’s sporadically vibrating and the dialogue (“This is an intergalactic emergency. I need to commandeer your vessel to Sector 12. Who’s in charge here?”) is repeating itself over and over again. you will never screech “BUZZ IS IN My ASS PLEASE HELP ME RAPE” at a poor dispatcher who keeps telling you it’s an inanimate object not a person, and get filmed being loaded onto a stretcher face down so they dont cause any more tearing. nurses will never surgically remove buzz lightyear from your anal cavity and vomit at the sight of a shit and blood covered children’s toy

  8. haiku said:

    ___███████▀◢▆▅▃              ▀▀████ONII CHAN
    ___██████▌◢▀█▓▓█◣         ▂▃▃  ████onii chan
    __▐▐█████▍▌▐▓▓▉       ◢▓▓█ ▼ ████ONII CHAN
    __ ▌██████▎  ▀▀▀        █▓▓▌ ▌ █████▌onii chan
    _▐ ██████▊  ℳ         ▀◥◤▀    ▲████▉ONII CHAN
    _▊ ███████◣         ′   ℳ  ▃◢██████▐onii chan
    _ ▉ ████████◣      ▃、     ◢███▊███ ONII CHAN
    _▉  █████████▆▃        ◢████▌ ███  onii chan
    _ ▉  ████▋████▉▀◥▅▃▃▅▇███▐██▋ ▐██ONII CHAN

  9. haiku said:

             r-‐、   ,ィ=┐
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           /{{''"´ ノ   { `ーrァ、_ j/    ソ

  10. haiku said:

    Madoka releases her *** from my *** and proceeds to do more on me. She moves down and plants kisses on my bare *** . I feel her inner touch. She licks around my ***, and her wet *** is all over me as she caresses my *** . My *** is beating fast now. Her smoothness, her gentle touch, is giving me a such a warm feeling. Madoka sensually mouths my ***. Then, after making my *** damp, she goes down further to my ***. She gently licks the tip of my ***. This lick causes me to moan as only loud as I can. “Do it again,” I say, and she continues to taste my ***. Her *** goes through my *** and my *** are ***. Oh! This is too much! Madoka is really getting into me. I know that she has so much to give to me. She is truly pleasuring me.

  11. Menty: MAFIA - Nein said:

    oh i am laffin

  12. RTC said:

    I think Haiku is actually the competitive TF2 equivalent to Carlos Mencia.

  13. Synrise: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    I did not know that Carlos Mencia was a weeb

  14. Gigi: 7h - buud$cult said:


  15. Reservoir Dog: TC.Express said:

    I have awoken from my slow slumber, just to prepare my body for this exclusive rematch. I expect 3 maps.

  16. Reservoir Dog: TC.Express said:

    I shall inform Spike the Eternal Himself, we will rejoice and watch this nippon shitfest horror together.

  17. DCS: (Legend) - notdoggo - Dr. med. said:

    Did somebody say “open merc”?

  18. Spike Himself: TC said:

    Well this should be interesting :D

  19. .zero: -chess- said:

    pick maps, gogo.

  20. Speedead: @ said:

    nice memes Kappa

  21. Funs said:

    tc can never win so this is a paradox xD

  22. Ganon said:

    I’d like to bet that tc will win this game

  23. ETF2L Staff said:

    This is a reminder to team leaders that both the map picks/bans and the date must be decided by the schedule deadline of the 9th of January. Once these have been decided post them on the match page.

  24. Setsul: 50829 said:

    20:23 – TC Useless: We ban steel
    20:23 – Setsul: we ban barnblitz
    20:23 – TC Useless: We ban gravelpit
    20:23 – TC Useless: We pick upward
    20:24 – Setsul: we pick process
    20:24 – TC Useless: We pick warmtic

    upward / process / warmtic

  25. Useless: TC.Noobas said:

    Can confirm

  26. Useless: TC.Noobas said:

    20:22 – Setsul: we ban badwater
    20:22 – TC Useless: We ban steel
    20:23 – Setsul: we ban barnblitz
    20:23 – TC Useless: We ban gravelpit
    20:23 – TC Useless: We pick upward
    20:24 – Setsul: we pick process
    20:24 – TC Useless: We pick warmtic
    20:24 – TC Useless: As decider

  27. Setsul: 50829 said:

    Wow I missed a line.

    20:23 – Setsul: we ban badwater
    20:23 – TC Useless: We ban steel
    20:23 – Setsul: we ban barnblitz
    20:23 – TC Useless: We ban gravelpit
    20:23 – TC Useless: We pick upward
    20:24 – Setsul: we pick process
    20:24 – TC Useless: We pick warmtic

    Also your clock seems to be slow.

  28. Synrise: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    pl, 5cp, koth nice picks guys

  29. cube said:

    english cast: http://www.twitch.tv/cubescast

  30. kryma said:

    english cubecast :ooooo

  31. haiku said:


  32. Useless: TC.Noobas said:

    We are allowing just1s to merc for Ambition

  33. Reservoir Dog: TC.Express said:


  34. Jon: ETF said:

    Casted by CeeJaey, Maxi & Jon on http://www.twitch.tv/blackoutgamingtv/

  35. Maxi: BRIT said:

    3 different game modes?
    high playoffs more exciting than prem semi-finals

  36. Zeluboba said:

    I can bet 100$ that TC will win.

  37. NightWing94 said:

    not sure if TC community match or etf2l playoffs

  38. Ganon said:

    wtf, tc lobby will be cast ?

  39. .Selo said:

    ggs, was fun

  40. Selek: Dr. med. said:

    Well played, thanks a lot for the intense match!


  41. Setsul: 50829 said:

    gg, 2nd most intense payload finish I’ve ever played.

  42. Hammock: x22 - PitO. said:

    If you unban Pomson and Short-Circuit then don’t be surprised when someone uses it well B)

  43. Useless: TC.Noobas said:

    2nd map was process, ticked it and put 0-5 to Ambition and submited the screenshot not sure why it isn’t there.

  44. Setsul: 50829 said:

    Verified for now, process still not showing up though.

  45. kryma said:

    tc express is back! to the trash

  46. Simba said:

    gg wp

  47. Jon: ETF said:

    VoD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tGYKrSmnP4

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