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Highlander Season 9 powered by marketplace.tf


Week 2

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff



3 - 2

[Screenshots: A ]



5 - 0

[Screenshots: A ]

Jamaica The Jamaican Chavs vs UnitedKingdom $ Mixtapes $
6 - 0

SteamID Screenshots: A


The Jamaican Chavs (8) Chavvot, adam, KhSe2000, goldskies, phoxii, dabeste92, GibZ', thpathm
$ Mixtapes $ (8) Lemmy, gamma, tikkeh, Manik, Gorzum, Argus, Heather, KatenGaas
Unrostered (1) Mrrwgaming


  • $ Mixtapes $ [Minor] Unable to provide a requested demo (1st time)


  1. Default Date said:

    A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
    The default date is: Tuesday, 10 November 2015, 20:00
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
    If the default date does not suit you, please contact your opponent and ask them to reschedule.

  2. gamma: McB - JaR said:

    This time and date suits us. We could also play, at the same time, on Wednesday or (meh) Monday.
    Also, do you guys have a server? :)

  3. gamma: McB - JaR said:

    We may need to use a medic merc; http://etf2l.org/forum/user/114388/ . Is he okay with you guys if we need him to play?

  4. adam: ..d1ck said:

    already accepted, requesting his pov from warmtic, suspected medigun pick upping

  5. gamma: McB - JaR said:

    He said he didn’t record one. Profile: http://etf2l.org/forum/user/114388/

  6. adam: ..d1ck said:

    also im retarded, score was 3-2 and 4-0 to the jamaican chavs on warmtic and process respectively, plserino helperino adminerino

  7. gamma: McB - JaR said:

    ^ that is the correct score.

  8. Manik said:

    yes, please update score, we aren’t that bad. also I’m sorry for having to leave in the last map, I would have played the whole game if the other team had come in by like 20:10 instead of 20:26, almost losing the game by default. I won’t be in the second screenshot, but here are the logs:

    Warmtic: http://logs.tf/1105719?highlight=76561198115389024
    Process: http://logs.tf/1105776?highlight=76561198115389024

  9. gamma: McB - JaR said:

    verified the results (since the winners are the same on both maps) but please note the incorrect scores regardless.

  10. Argus said:

    yeah, warmtic 3-2, not 3-0

  11. ETF2L Staff said:

    Please upload MRRWGAMING’s POV demo within 72 hours of the request or face punishment

    2.4 Every player has to record Demos

    Demos can be requested by an admin or any player of the opposing team.
    Admins may request demos up to the end of the competition the match was played in (until the wrap up post is published). They can request as many demos as they require.
    The opposing team can request demos up to 48 hours after the match was scheduled to start. They can request demos from up to 2 players, who will then have to provide their demos for all played maps.
    A player whose demos have been requested has 72 hours to upload the demo, starting from the time the request was made. All requested demos up to 64 MB have to be uploaded to ETF2L. Links to third party hosters will be ignored.
    Failure to supply a requested demo will be punished.

  12. gamma: McB - JaR said:

    He did not record a POV demo and so we cannot upload it.

  13. ETF2L Staff said:

    Dear We Drop Mixtapes,

    You have been issued with a minor warning for failing to upload the demos of mrrwgaming. These warnings can later be removed by providing the demos and contacting an admin.

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