Attention Premiership Highlander Teams: koth_lakeside_r2 has been changed to koth_lakeside_f2. please use this version of the map instead for your Scrims & Officials.

Season 22 powered by saloon.tf


Week 5

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by grafurn' (Savage Gold)



5 - 0

[Screenshots: A B ]



3 - 2

[Screenshots: A ]

Netherlands Savage Gold vs Bulgaria ???
6 - 0

SteamID Screenshots: A B


??? (4) Ivak, fr3fou, Captain.Buttcheese, spazmatic
Savage Gold (6) Chill Collins, Dualc, ZeeZer0, grafurn', Harry, DreaM
Unrostered (2) x0f, Kaze


  1. Default Date said:

    A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
    The default date is: Tuesday, 27 October 2015, 20:30
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
    If the default date does not suit you, please contact your opponent and ask them to reschedule.

  2. Chill Collins said:

    13:45 – Fr3fou: heyo13:45 – Fr3fou: can we use this merc for tomorrow?13:45 – Fr3fou: http://etf2l.org/forum/user/109936/13:46 – Chill Colins: what class?13:47 – Fr3fou: med/scout13:47 – Fr3fou: we dunno13:48 – Chill Colins: yeah sure13:48 – Fr3fou: ok13:48 – Fr3fou: ty

  3. Chill Collins said:

    14:19 – Fr3fou: http://etf2l.org/forum/user/8293/ can we use this guy aswell?14:19 – Fr3fou: he has div 6-5 expereience14:20 – Chill Colins: if you allow my merc http://beta.etf2l.org/forum/user/96378/, then yes14:21 – Chill Colins: http://beta.etf2l.org/forum/user/96378/14:21 – Fr3fou: okey14:21 – Fr3fou: deal :D14:21 – Fr3fou: so to be sure14:22 – Fr3fou: tomorrow, 19 cet, we use x0f + kaze as mercs and you use slowwpug as merc14:22 – Chill Colins: tomorrow 20:30 cet, yes14:23 – Fr3fou: oops :D14:23 – Fr3fou: okay

  4. Chill Collins said:

    Wow I’m really good at this :O

  5. Sonny: m0. said:

    Don’t have plrs ??? Why allow mercs ? Just don’t allow 2 pple ez default win.

  6. weltraum said:

    Etf2l team ‘Spermzilla eSports’, you do realize that if you didn’t let the 2 mercs play, they’d have 4 therefore you would’ve won automatically in the fortress of teams video game??

  7. Sonny: m0. said:

    yes just ez default win for spermzilla if they didn’t allow mercs lols.

  8. grafurn': KAAS said:

    doesnt matter anyway :^)

  9. Chill Collins said:

    It’s open dude, we play for fun not for default wins.

  10. grafurn': KAAS said:

    proper status: https://i.imgur.com/5xsXQQS.jpg?1

  11. Chill Collins said:


  12. swank said:

    We all know that not everyone in open plays for fun.
    Ivak and fr3fou are playing this game like its their life.
    They spend every second of their free time in this game and they still suck.
    I suggest you to go and ride a bike like normal people do fr3fou.

  13. swank said:


  14. Sonny: m0. said:

    hahahahha swank dali ne si mu vleznal we xd

  15. BaTMaN: [MC] said:

    kvo se sluchva tuk we ,ne igarq i padat we?Sony kakvo trqbva da napravq spored teb?

  16. Sonny: m0. said:

    Spored men trqbva da gi izostavish we ?

  17. BaTMaN: [MC] said:

    mai si prav we _)_ frefori e tvyrde slab we.that chep e za golemiq frefori we _)_

  18. Hohen: ? - [MC] said:

    vijte se kak ste padnali pak ot nqkakvi hora, koito jiveqt v kilera na maikite si i im davat samo po 2 filii hlqb, za da mogat da prekarat noshta we

  19. BaTMaN: [MC] said:

    hohene opozoriha me we,moeto ime se vijdashe v otbor koito pada v div 6 we,prosto me opozoriha ,mai frefori e vinoven,tvyrde nedygav e we?Igrae po cql den i nosht tf2 i pak si ostava mega div 7 noobs we

  20. Sonny: m0. said:

    Awe ne znam kyde shte prekarat noshta, obache az shte q prekaram sys sestrata na frefori we. A na nego shte mu postelqm vestnici i kashoni da spi pred vhoda we da ne mi prechi we, kato klosharite shte se nauchi da jivee we.

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