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Season 21 powered by Tt eSPORTS


Week 4

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by ivan (goth gang)



0 - 3

[Screenshots: A ]



0 - 5

[Screenshots: A ]

European Solstice vs European goth gang
0 - 6

SteamID Screenshots: A


Solstice (4) thpathm, fyR, I ❤ Sheep, Fuddles
goth gang (6) the rocketeer that c, rivka, Sammy, empt, ivan, Cheese ✿
Unrostered (1) zaid



  1. Default Date said:

    A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
    The default date is: Tuesday, 09 June 2015, 20:30
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
    If the default date does not suit you, please contact your opponent and ask them to reschedule.

  2. corben: PISTONS said:

    they don’t accept any mercs, hahaha guys be more polite

  3. Ignasio said:

    hahaha thats sad ;c

  4. fyR said:

    fyr mixme: http://etf2l.org/forum/user/110456/
    the legend continues: alright

  5. FluffY ZeuZ said:

    Terrible attitude to not allow open players to join as merc, cuase they have experince in several seasons….
    GG Goth Gang

  6. ivan: TC said:

    we offered u merc, but u didnt want điđi gl in next games

  7. fyR said:

    Best team ever, denying all mercs with suitable open experience and being carried by one good sniper. Have fun in open, hope you lose all your games but then you’ll just deny more mercs so you’ll win by doing that. Have fun in prem hope to see you there soon, maybe you can sharpen up your merc denying and you’ll get into prem by doing that. ;)

  8. rivka: Lugs - buud$cult said:

    okay, so thing is, we told them we didn’t want to accept anyone who has played in mid considering we’re currently playing in open tier. the one open player they suggested has played since season 6 so we decided there’s no way he’s not at least mid level with that much experience. several times we offered to find them mercs, however they obviously preferred 6v6, seeing as they were convinced whoever we found were gonna throw the game – despite the fact that we chose to play them over claiming default, which obviously indicates that we were looking for a proper game. we weren’t trying to make it unfair for either team, we prefer winning balacned and fair games and we don’t find it satisfying to win 6v5, let alone claiming default, but as i said, you guys didn’t want us to find you a 6th, and that’s not our mistake. i suggest everyone fidns themselves a post-game kleenex and get over it.

    HobNobs : you’re better than my team

  9. rivka: Lugs - buud$cult said:

    ps. thanks for complimenting my sniping ♥

  10. ETF2L Staff said:

    Dear teams Solstice and goth gang ,

    Please upload the demos of fyR, HobNobs, Rot and the rocketeer that c within 72 hours or face a penalty in accordance with the General ETF2L Rules.
    You have to use the ETF2L demo upload system for archives under 60 MB, third party hoster links will be ignored.
    Minor warnings for missing demos can be removed later after talking to an admin, as long as the minor warnings of your team did not stack up to a major warning yet.

    2.4 Every player has to record Demos

    Demos can be requested by an admin or any player of the opposing team.
    Admins may request demos up to the end of the competition the match was played in (until the wrap up post is published). They can request as many demos as they require.
    The opposing team can request demos up to 48 hours after the match was scheduled to start. They can request demos from up to 2 players, who will then have to provide their demos for all played maps.
    A player whose demos have been requested has 72 hours to upload the demo, starting from the time the request was made.
    Failure to supply a requested demo will be punished.

    2.4.1 Penalties for not providing requested demos

    Failure to supply a requested demo will result in one of the following penalties:
    – First time: Minor warning for the team. This warning can be removed once the requested demo is provided.
    – Second time: Major warning for the team. Player is banned for two weeks from all ETF2L competitions.
    – Third time: Player is banned for two months from all ETF2L competitions.

    Penalties are applied if a requested demo is not provided within 72 hours. Major warnings and bans are not removable.

  11. rivka: Lugs - buud$cult said:

    they obviously preferred 6v5*******************, seeing as they […]
    someone pointed out this error so i thought i’d fix that to clear up any potential misunderstandings

    oh yeah and while im typing this anyway it’s also worth a mention that i added their leader several days ago to discuss a rescheduling, and even proposed a new date on etf2l. no response to either requests. u live and u learn bois :]

  12. thpathm: DMX - BRIT said:

    pov demos submitted

  13. ivan: TC said:


  14. thpathm: DMX - BRIT said:

    So this guy claims on his profile that he can merc mid and high on his profile refuses mercs solely on the basis that they’ve had several seasons in open and therefore would be unfair against them…

  15. empt: HT OGs said:

    we are not OBLIGED to allow mercs.
    you didn’t have your 6 rostered players on time, and messed us around when it came to scheduling. this is all on you. please stop trying to argue with us about it.

  16. rivka: Lugs - buud$cult said:

    how does mid highlander have anything to do with open 6s? sure i can merc mid highlander but last week we crushed an entire team composed of high hl players because they suck @ 6s rofl.
    also this is probably the 10th time hobnobs has cried about this particular fact to me and everytime i have given him a reason as to why we didn’t accept them. you could’ve just found mercs that were actually open seeing as this is open. we are currently playing in open. the open division. both of our teams are in the tier of open. it is open. find players that are open. open. open players. open mercs. it isn’t hard. kisses~

  17. rivka: Lugs - buud$cult said:

    (i mean the dude literally played competitive tf2 since season 6 and has twice the hours of half our team rofl)

  18. rivka: Lugs - buud$cult said:

    high highlander** oops im stoned

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