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Season 20 powered by Tt eSPORTS


Week 7

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff



1 - 3

[Screenshots: A B ]



0 - 3

[Screenshots: N\A ]

Hungary Redstars vs Russia 2MPM))
0 - 6

SteamID Screenshots: A


2MPM)) (6) Quinso, Imortist, dante_, RAMA, SuperKote, Boshy [ALTFS]
Redstars (6) SweetPea, manhunter, Lotek, Luigi, pepe, prince of denmark


  • Redstars [Minor] Special kind of rule break (1st time) - see match comment for explanation
  • Redstars [Major] Collecting 3 Minor Warnings



  1. Default Date said:

    A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
    The default date is: Sunday, 15 March 2015, 19:00
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
    If the default date does not suit you, please contact your opponent and ask them to reschedule.

  2. Imortist: БРИГАДА said:

    GLHF last week guys!

  3. gr1nie: CDL said:

    should be interesting… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qoethxOp5Kg

  4. manhunter: csapat - CRS said:

    we agreed to start at 20:00
    connect; password kaksa

  5. prince of denmark said:

    connect fritz.fakkelbrigade.eu:27095; password norge
    this connect is the good one come here the previous one doesnt work

  6. gr1nie: CDL said:

    is it even possible to win viaduct 2-1?

  7. manhunter: csapat - CRS said:

    server shut down at 2-1, they didnt wanna continue from 2-1 on another server, we got bored after waiting 30 mins for them, plus they cant speak english at all, but i realized my expectations were too high, they are russians afterall

  8. RAMA said:

    You were not able to execute season 20 config, so we were playing without some unlocks (quickiebomb launcher for example).
    You were insulting us just cause we are russians (which is racist).
    We agreed to play on your server, assuming you could at least extend your server, but you didn’t even extend it (and also wrong configs).
    Also you paused the game without asking us, whic is also not nice.
    You were changing maps before the timelimit, without even warning us (so we were unable to make some end-game screenshots).
    And on the second map, we didn’t even played the full game cause the reservation ended.

    P.S. I suppose our English level is enough to at least write this wall of text above.

  9. Imortist: БРИГАДА said:

    Racism and unsubstantiated statements are not good. Was really unpleasent for us to play with you. Anyway, gg wp, but don’t be like that guys, you won’t get any respect for that.

  10. Boshy [ALTFS] said:

    And remember, respect is everything. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EloDnA1_XEU)

  11. SweetPea said:

    The config was fine, we have executed it three times, check the demo. Yes, the reservation ended, but we could have easily continued from 2-1 after the server shut down. Instead, we have waited for you for half an hour because it was impossible to communicate with you idiots. If your english is so good why couldn’t you give us some normal answers instead of retarded comments like “wait for admin said” and “we talk 3 admin”??

  12. Imortist: БРИГАДА said:

    First of all, can you please read the text above? We said “wait a bit, we’re talking to admins right now” but you still raged in chat about how we are not playing the match. I don’t want to talk about this crap anymore, let the admins do their job. Peace.

  13. Mossik: STALIN - GONZALES said:

    learn to lose , you cant win cause you and your team are crap not cause of server and etc

  14. manhunter: csapat - CRS said:

    I’ll just leave this here, it says a lot.

  15. RAMA said:

    Another flaming from you on this screenshot, lol ^
    Good job!

  16. manhunter: csapat - CRS said:

    what are you expecting after half an hour of waiting?

  17. ETF2L Staff said:

    Dear teams, please finish playing viaduct, starting with a score of 2-1 in favour of Dva Mitshota Po Mediky. This match’s new result deadline is Saturday March 21st, 23:59CET.

    To submit the updated result, contact us on IRC; you may use our webchat plugin at http://etf2l.org/help/support to do so.

    Team TRÁGYAMIX also receives a minor warning for failing to maintain the server during viaduct and changing maps before badlands was finished. Make sure to manage your server properly for future matches.

  18. RAMA said:

    tmx Lotek: the only option is hunter coming back and we can play at 9 pm
    tmx Lotek: so could u wait a little time?
    RAMA: 21:00 CET?
    tmx Lotek: yes
    RAMA: ok, so, we will play at 21:00 CET.
    RAMA: We will take server for our game.

  19. RAMA said:

    tmx Lotek: we can’t play
    tmx Lotek: sorry
    tmx Lotek: i am gonna submit
    RAMA: нщг пщттф пуе вуа дщщыу,
    tmx Lotek: english pls
    RAMA: yes
    RAMA: sorry
    RAMA: you gonna get def lose?
    tmx Lotek: yes

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