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Season 20 powered by Tt eSPORTS


Week 1

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff

Default Win

Mongolia Triple-V powered by Oreo vs European Solstice
6 - 0

SteamID Screenshots: A B C


Solstice (4) narrander, June, fyR, Fuddles
Triple-V powered by Oreo (6) Creepyze, ORTEGA, Ultimate-Chicken, Sala', Akii, !tic
Unrostered (2) Pathetic One, TBE pez


  • Solstice [Minor] Using an unapproved merc



  1. Default Date said:

    A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
    The default date is: Thursday, 05 February 2015, 21:15
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
    If the default date does not suit you, please contact your opponent and ask them to reschedule.

  2. fyR said:

    It might be a bit too late for some of us. Perhaps 8:30 pm? GMT.

  3. narrander said:

    earlier would be better, if that’s at all possible

  4. Akii: chaisetmtc said:

    Hey, sorry for late answer. I’ll talk with the team tonight about this, but i don’t think we can actually play earlier than default time.

  5. Akii: chaisetmtc said:

    So i’ve talked to the others, i don’t think we can do earlier than 21:00 CET.
    Fine for you guys ?

    Btw we have a server, so we don’t have to bother using serveme ;)

  6. fyR said:

    Ok I’ll check with others tonight.

  7. fyR said:

    Wait. 21:00 CET is 8 pm ukt. Can we do 21:30 CET then? I swear the match page official times are in GMT?

  8. fyR said:

    I proposed 21:40 CET

  9. Akii: chaisetmtc said:

    21:40 is definitely too late for us, if we start this late we’ll be missing players for map2. We’ll keep 21:15 i guess.

  10. fyR said:

    I can’t do 21:15. Earliest 21:30

  11. fyR said:

    Hey, I added you to ask if http://etf2l.org/forum/user/12746/ can merc for us.

  12. fyR said:

    kgz//fyr: so just for confirmation so i can paste on the page
    kgz//fyr: do you accept http://etf2l.org/forum/user/12746/ as a merc
    kgz//fyr: say yes/no once more so i can paste it
    sneaky sneaky: we do accept your merc
    kgz//fyr: thanks

    proof that we are allowed to use our merc http://etf2l.org/forum/user/12746/

  13. Akii: chaisetmtc said:

    gg !

    badlands : http://logs.tf/658534
    process : http://logs.tf/658615

  14. Sala': vVv said:

    Gg. :)

    Annoying sollys being so aggressive on mids, please calm down. :D

  15. ETF2L Staff said:

    Dear Teams,

    Please upload the missing scoreboard screenshot for cp_process_final or face penalties in accordance with our general rules.

    You can do so here : http://etf2l.org/wp-admin/index.php?page=add_screen

  16. ash: (Legend) - HINGE said:

    Default loss and minor warning to Kings for using an unapproved merc.

    1.4 Use the match comments to record agreements on mercs, servers and other cases

    We encourage using the match comments to keep in touch with an opponent. Any agreement between two teams regarding the use of mercs or servers must be recorded on the relevant match page. If anything requires verification it MUST be documented either by a screenshot of the original conversation or by leaders from both teams providing confirmation in the match comments.

    If your opponent allows a merc, you are expected to extend the same courtesy to them.

    2.2 Only players with correctly entered Steam IDs are eligible

    A player that’s not verified on a team’s roster (listed as unverified on the roster, or not on the roster at all) counts as merc. Competition specific rules apply.

  17. fyR said:

    Sorry my mistake I guess. Crappy system that a player has to be verified, Triple V win even though they lost rofl how gay

  18. fyR said:

    Just for record I’d like to say that we actually won both maps….

  19. fyR said:

    Also why exactly do you have to delete all the scores it makes it look like they actually beat us…

    for anyone who sees this we won badlands 6-4 and process 6-2

  20. CRIKI.. said:

    no rage fdp


  21. Bona: PMW said:

    fyR mad because he can’t win the legit way

  22. fyR said:

    ‘win the legit way’ i simply forgot to add the MEDIC into the roster, he’s hardly gonna carry anyways?

  23. Collaide said:


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