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Season 20 powered by Tt eSPORTS


Week 1

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Tamerlan (Red Bearzzz)



0 - 5

[Screenshots: A ]



0 - 5

[Screenshots: A ]

France redpandas.tf vs Russia Red Bearzzz
0 - 6

SteamID Screenshots: A


Red Bearzzz (6) Redzzzz, Gross, arty, Tamerlan, OLD BOBBY BASTARD, unikal
redpandas.tf (5) Ocx, Shellfish Clive, guildy, thaZu, Kaylus
Unrostered (1) Eniere


  1. Default Date said:

    A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
    The default date is: Thursday, 05 February 2015, 21:00
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
    If the default date does not suit you, please contact your opponent and ask them to reschedule.

  2. Angel of Hell said:

    Evolution GamerZ will win this game

  3. ETF2L Staff said:

    No they wont, unless they reschedule this match.
    The results deadline for week 1 matches (and all matches for that matter) is Thursday 23:59. Playing later than that will result in a 0-0 result.
    For Season 20 Fridays and Saturdays are exclusively reserved for replays.

  4. Kaylus: wL. - wL. said:

    20:06 – eGz Kaylus: Would you allow Eniere as merc ?http://etf2l.org/forum/user/50128/
    20:06 – Tamerlan: sure

  5. fat0n: RB - tm.hl said:

    gl bears ;)

  6. Liloovaya said:

    gl mishki :>

  7. Kaylus: wL. - wL. said:

    20:10 – Tamerlan: hey
    20:11 – Tamerlan: http://etf2l.org/forum/user/67521/
    20:11 – Tamerlan: sry
    20:12 – eGz Kaylus: ?
    20:13 – eGz Kaylus: so ?
    20:13 – Tamerlan: our team dont accept him,sry

    lmao guess who’s looking to be nice fellows

  8. Eniere said:

    Mercing for team eGz — http://twitch.tv/eniere (90s delay)

  9. Kaylus: wL. - wL. said:

    20:51 – Tamerlan: we cant accept him http://etf2l.org/forum/user/64358/
    20:51 – Tamerlan: anyone else?
    20:51 – eGz Kaylus: http://etf2l.org/forum/user/54648/
    20:52 – Tamerlan: i said not earlier

  10. Kaylus: wL. - wL. said:

    So if there are any div6 guy is willing to play a game or two, just join lol

  11. Kaylus: wL. - wL. said:

    20:54 – eGz Kaylus: http://etf2l.org/forum/user/70541/
    20:55 – eGz Kaylus: Can’t go lower, that’s div6
    20:56 – Tamerlan: You fucking kidding me?Friends from high and he played in div 6 only and played 12 games in Highlander?


  12. thaZu said:

    connect; password pomme

  13. ETF2L Staff said:

    An official ETF2L server has been reserved for this match by team “Red Bearzzz”.

    Please make sure to disclose the relevant server infos to the players participating in this match.

    You can configure the server by typing “!sm_admin” (without the “) into the ingame chat once your reservation begins.

  14. Avogadro: урот - -bb- said:

    белорусский киберюрист порабощает хайт бракет. это успех

  15. shaMan said:

    gl RB

  16. thaZu said:

    The most toxic game I ever played. Bg.

  17. yak: VNC said:

    lmao reb bears just because you’re div4 level doesn’t mean you have to deny mercs

    fucking trash tier gamers, hope we don’t play vs you we’ll just deny everything


  18. Kaylus: wL. - wL. said:

    Well this guys are literally the worste guys I had the pleasure to play with, I guess don’t even deserves to play the league for such a poor attitude

  19. yak: VNC said:

    i dont give a fuck if I spell your name wrong either

  20. yak: VNC said:

    actually it rhymes with jeb and you’re fucking jeb ends

  21. thaZu said:

    I love you Yak :DDD <3

  22. .: ti. - WiK? said:

    Why did red bears refuse a div6 player for a game in high tier?

  23. Avogadro: урот - -bb- said:

    because tamerlan now retard not only ru community

  24. FLOWER: B4P said:

    Cu at lan!

  25. Eniere said:

    Also want to say about both great servers where I’ve got ping 200 and teammate have 400.

    Shame for denying mercs, especially for denying d6 merc, ahaha.

    GL in high tier, boys

  26. Vitilumi: tbd said:

    Typical Red Bears. Never letting anyone merc, and if they did it probably involved a blackmail.

  27. Mino: apt said:

    riot incoming


  28. Buldo said:


  29. moursi: (Big Poppa) - bobs said:

    Funny thing is they’re denying mercs from a team that has only started playing this week. You’ve gone to a whole new low Red Bears :D

  30. yak: VNC said:

    if red bears want to speak to me I am available at i55 for discussion


  31. thaZu said:

    http://pastebin.com/w3XXuyJM – Chat logs are kinda snipped cuz we lost the chat logs and we have only this + comments above.

    http://logs.tf/658446 – Logs from the 1st map (yes, we don’t wanted to play the 2nd map because even more of us started to have ping issues on the ETF2L server borrowed by Red Bears) where we played 2 or maybe 3v6
    Clive didn’t played tf2 for a quite long time and he’s was not even prepared to play the game
    I never used to play pocket in higer divs than just some pickup games
    Eniere had steady 200 ping
    Ocx ping was not stable and jumping from 90 up to 450.

    http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/46495807122864038/8B49423625560649A0FE16371DD50FC43EF7B589/ – Here’s a proof of high pings if our russian “friends” will do not agree about that.

    So, as for me the rules about changing server are really bad made. Enemy team didn’t talk with us about the server where we gonna play our official game. 2-3 minutes before the scheduled time I get notification on my mail that enemy team borrowed a ETF2L server and didn’t even talk with us about that. No idea what location of the server they took (if it’s possibility of choosing the server location while borrowing, idk, I did not do that for quite long time) but they didn’t even agreed with us about it. We asked enemy team about changing the server because our players are lagging and are not able to play, but as the rules say, enemy team must agree to change the server. But what about if they’re just acting like a dicks and they want a easy win because they will have advantage of 1-2 players? Rules don’t say anything about that. So we were forced to play with 2 high ping players, 1 cute boi which don’t played this game for a quite long time and a guy which never played a pocket in high divs.

    Also the situation with not allowing the d6 merc shows what team the Red Bears are. I really don’t like the new ETF2L schedule system. If it could be a old one, we would just take a wildcard and prepare for the next game. But now we were forced to fight against the retarted (no offence, but I just don’t had any other word to use) team leader who DO NOT ALLOW A FUCKING DIV6 MERC IN A HIGH “TIER” GAME.

    BG as fuck. As already said, never played so toxic game and met so awful enemies.

  32. Toba: (a boT from the North) - Lutunen said:


  33. Henghast: open - bobs said:

    If the above is true this is a terrible, terrible bit of sportsmanship from the Red Bears. It’s shameful and I would call it a joke if it were even funny.

  34. Yurisia said:

    People are so fucking toxic year by year more and more. Lets start hate each other. Hate is love, hate is life, suckass.

  35. thaZu said:

    And now, the icing on the cake. DENIED MERCS:
    http://etf2l.org/forum/user/67521/ (div2/3)
    http://etf2l.org/forum/user/54648/ (div3)
    http://etf2l.org/forum/user/64358/ (div4)
    http://etf2l.org/forum/user/70541/ (div6)

    Are we in high or open tier that teams do not allow div3/4 mercs? :o

  36. empty said:

    Evolution GamerZ boys you fucking lose,so shut up and stop posting stupid things and die from cancer thx))))

  37. thaZu said:

    Russian invasion inc

  38. Kaylus: wL. - wL. said:

    Virussian …

  39. Olgha: Virtus. said:

    Il y a des remèdes askip

  40. thaZu said:

    (cuz the earlier post is in “moderation” just gonna post the same post again but with the pastebin links)

    And now, the icing on the cake. DENIED MERCS:

    Are we in high or open tier that teams do not allow div3/4 mercs? :o

  41. Avogadro: урот - -bb- said:

    empty [no team]

  42. Vitilumi: tbd said:

    Stooping this low to get a win. It’s pathetic.

  43. empty said:

    Avogadro a ti voobshe sho za lobok takoy,chto papke takoe pishesh?

  44. Avogadro: урот - -bb- said:

    chei ti papka, lol, idi yroki ychi 4sv dayn))))))))))))))))))) tebya yje daje na wpile ebyt, na srach v komenti voobwe ne zalaz’, dolboeb X——DDDDDDDDDDDD

  45. phapha said:

    Здравствуйте, друзья

  46. empty said:

    a sho u nas po mazgam,ahahahahaha,hotya ya zabil takie kak ti po defu dauni,idi mamashe svoei cherpak na golovu nacepi i sdohni ot spida kak batya tvoy.
    P.S. idi zhopu pomoi ebat’ tebya budu psina )))))))))))) x–DDDDDDDDDDDD

  47. Katerfas: FSVL said:

    My congratulations, Tamerlan, you’re officially uebok now.

  48. misha YB`g: PIG said:


  49. Avogadro: урот - -bb- said:

    mda wytki pro roditelei v 2015 x–ddddddddddddddd empty ne menyaet stil ymora yje s prowlogo desyatiletiya, ny ved’ eto ne ydivitelno, opyhol’ v tvoem mozge mewaet tebe razvivat’sya, ti ostanovilsya na yrovne pyatiklassnika v maske ananasysa – igraew wpil, wytiw pro roditelei, hyevui translit, zaviwennoe 4sv, malenkie yaichki… postaraisya proanalizirovat’ i sdelat’ vivodi dlya sebya, ne ydivitelno, chto to vstal na storony gay bears

  50. guildy: HL said:

    It is shameful that teams are allowed to win not because of skill but solely because they have no morals. ETF2L should do something about this! That said behavior like Red Bearzzz showed today is not even acceptable for a div 6 team let alone a high/open team!

  51. WARHURYEAH: GlueEater said:

    what a bunch of cunts

  52. Dex: 7up said:

    It’s amusing how similar div 2 is to div 6 in some cases.

    Same shit, more airshots.

    Same bad sportsmanship, same bad planning, same bad rules there to be exploited by those without ethics. Same “aidsfest” if you will.

    Ah well, it takes a special breed to want to win a skill based competitive game without actually playing it fairly by bending rules in one’s favour.

    But that’s just my two cents.


  53. fonexi.a said:

    what the fuck

  54. Schalalaa: Seagulls said:

    Everyone should just stop scrimming them imo. We scrimmed them yesteday, they made us play logjam and promised us badlands afterwards(because we had official on it today).

    When they lost logjam they just left….fucking shitters

  55. Deox: myx - wL. said:

    Always lovely to see mercs denied who are at the appropriate level. Default merc rule really needs to be put into place especially if we have moved into a system that allows no wildcards and very little scheduling window.

  56. Kaylus: wL. - wL. said:

    The screenshots you’ve putted are nice really thanks

  57. rytis: PrettyGay said:

    again shows how russia is just a big toilet which is full of shit that hasnt been flushed down for quite some years. bunch of wankers

  58. Kaylus: wL. - wL. said:

    Also It’s important to add that they only repplied about mercs late which forced us to cancel our pre game, you may ask team infamous about it.

  59. frixx: LG said:

    Retards, etf2l should take action against red bears for doing this. As schalala said we should boycot the cunts by giving them no scrims and practise

  60. Marvin: dogs.tf said:

    shitty move by red bears, how much toxicity can you pour into one team

  61. thaZu said:

    @frixx – I don’t think that admins will do anything about that. But yeah, if ppl agree with Schalala and you, you can just boycot their toxicity and do not scrim against them. Let they practise against their own national teams. :x

  62. Pom0 said:


  63. Bobinsky: UNHINGED - regretful said:

    Fucking hell, denying div 6 mercs? In fucking mid? Cunts.
    Also, timefor new merc rules?

  64. Lithium said:


    poor tf2.

  65. Bobinsky: UNHINGED - regretful said:

    Wait this is in high? Wtf is wrong with these people?

  66. Duff said:

    вот и показал Тамерлан свое истинное лицо :D

  67. guz said:

    Lol this reminds me our official 5 seasons ago http://etf2l.org/matches/42892/
    Scumbags strikes again

  68. helig said:

    Sad to hear about this happening :x

  69. 009EFF: doggo - HL said:

    Hello gamers and idiots alike.

    I came here to write mean comments about russians and support my fellow gamers from Evolution GamerZ. Most of you may not know me but all I ask is some of your free time when browsing ETF2L drama.

    I am an avid gay supporter, korean gay pop music listener and furry lover. What does this have to do with anything you ask? It means that I have a sharp eye for recognizing gay fucking idiots. And these are some gay fucking idiots.

    We all want to be the best competitive Team Fortress 2 videogamers, but this is not the way to do it my friends. What’s done is done. This does not mean that this match and what has happened here must go unnoticed. I am certain that what has happened here, has happened before and will most definitely happen again.

    The only option I can think of that is feasible and simple enough to work is to ban all russians from ETF2L. No exceptions. Neighboring countries must be banned aswell, it is the only way to preserve our cleanliness. We may not show weakness. We must be strong together. As a united community we can overcome this “cancer” within our ranks. Once they have been dealt with we can go into the coming season happy and glad that we have gotten rid of these rotten apples.

    The ETF2L admins and it’s players must fight today not only for themselves and the current season they play, but also for seasons to come. Our lord, Allah, has shown us a sign, the followers on ETF2L, under the name of Evolution GamerZ, were the victims of ignoring these signs. Our time is now brothers, we must stand together and fight these rotten apples. As one. For Allah. ALLAHU AKBAR!!!

  70. Sim: (Streamer) - GM said:

    Volunteering myself as a worse than d6 demo merc for any future games like this.

  71. Tamerlan said:

    Hello everyone

    1. We were allowed 1 merc and don’t want more. It is rules ETF2L, right?

    2. We get server from ETF2l admins. We told enemy “If you want change server talking with admins”. They did nothing.

    3. We played badlands without score 5-0 and they are leaved then


    -frixxx and Schalala

    “Retards, etf2l should take action against red bears for doing this. As schalala said we should boycot the cunts by giving them no scrims and practise”
    Hello gamers and idiots alike.


    “Hello gamers and idiots alike.
    I came here to write mean comments about russians and support my fellow gamers from Evolution GamerZ. Most of you may not know me but all I ask is some of your free time when browsing ETF2L drama.

    I am an avid gay supporter, korean gay pop music listener and furry lover. What does this have to do with anything you ask? It means that I have a sharp eye for recognizing gay fucking idiots. And these are some gay fucking idiots.

    We all want to be the best competitive Team Fortress 2 videogamers, but this is not the way to do it my friends. What’s done is done. This does not mean that this match and what has happened here must go unnoticed. I am certain that what has happened here, has happened before and will most definitely happen again.

    The only option I can think of that is feasible and simple enough to work is to ban all russians from ETF2L. No exceptions. Neighboring countries must be banned aswell, it is the only way to preserve our cleanliness. We may not show weakness. We must be strong together. As a united community we can overcome this “cancer” within our ranks. Once they have been dealt with we can go into the coming season happy and glad that we have gotten rid of these rotten apples.

    The ETF2L admins and it’s players must fight today not only for themselves and the current season they play, but also for seasons to come. Our lord, Allah, has shown us a sign, the followers on ETF2L, under the name of Evolution GamerZ, were the victims of ignoring these signs. Our time is now brothers, we must stand together and fight these rotten apples. As one. For Allah. ALLAHU AKBAR!!!”

    It is not racism admins?

  72. Death said:

    da vu prosto zassali otsosi,kakaya raznica skolko mercov? ili ti syka tyt cherez chyr potniy chto za schet etogo hotel ih viigrat’? kak bi igrat’ na etf2l server eto eshe odno gaystvo,esli protivniki doljni govorit’ ne s toboi a s adminami,nahuy tak jut’ esli oni vse doljni delat’ cherez adminov

  73. Zinson: урот said:

    I would fully agree with Thom, though i am a russian too.
    We should ban all the rus just to show you that nothing will actually change. So we must go further and ban every nation except Koreans. Because i never seen koreans being so retarded on etf2l. Let them play in peace.

    About red bears: how could they play in “high” tier if even their english is on “open” tier level?

  74. samka said:

    Выблядок на медали плей, а эмпти такой же скам как и уникал с десом, тамерланом и другими. Так что шарфа и катера не гони, мусор.

  75. oxyox said:

    faken rassiuns lats ban tham al

  76. msh said:

    samka chelka_pidr_huila
    tamerlan obossanij bomj kak i vsa ego komanda ( SRY REDDZZZZ)
    empty evnuh prosto, google it esli ne znaesh znachenia
    shrafik norm
    death daj sala
    2Anyone else who cant understand russian: Its kinda dumb to think bad about russians at all cuz this retards did it, as for me we re playing this game cuz we like, not cuz we re chasin’ 1000000)0000$$$$, also if someone is – try yourself at csgo/dota2. Fun2read anyway, keep this shit if u want to show yourself as ugly as u can.
    CHEERS, byte
    ooops, msh.

  77. samka said:

    Че злишься на меня!!!!

  78. alle: vs said:

    mamku ebal

  79. Dex: 7up said:

    It’s funny how the russians get on here and talk Russian. Is this not an international match thread? Hrmm?

  80. maxxx.lfc: ⇗upp⇙ said:

    Russian is official international language now. Wtf? do you watch TV?

  81. unikal said:

    We played by all the rules, and won the game. The team EG had problems with the players and we are ready to play with them again, but they must play without merc on the etf2l server. The entire game should look the Administrator etf2l

  82. MIndYe: [hePPa] said:

    “The entire game should look the Administrator etf2l”
    “If you want change server talking with admins”
    What even is this language? Is not england tongue, that sure is for true. What is life on russia?

  83. konr: idd. said:

    What a bunch of assholes

  84. konr: idd. said:

    Btw lol at calling racism. Do you know what a race is?

  85. thaZu said:

    Tamerlan, do not try to be innocent. You don’t even ask us about the server where we gonna play and ignored the merc request when we wrote to you before the game (you just played for time to don’t let us get 6th player). We left the connect on the match page but a moment later you just borrow a server from etf2l. We asked you to change the server and you disagree. The rules clearly says that opponents HAVE TO AGREE TO CHANGE THE SERVER. So what we had to do when our players had a high ping on YOUR server (you don’t even ask us about the server location as I already said above)? We were forced to play with pings and offclasses.

  86. lune said:

    what a bunch of idiots lol

  87. samka said:


  88. dima said:

    D R A M A B O Y S

  89. fonexi.a said:

    will translate russian text for 2 scraps, add me

  90. shoras said:

    Being assholes is not someone’s national sport, no reason to blame Russians in general. It could be anyone.

  91. Pete_: PrettyGay said:

    I’d sincerely hope that there was some way of punishing their asshole behavior but at the end of day, they are just exploiting the new system. I’m glad that we hardly ever experience teams without sportsmanship in our community but red bears are an expception apparently.
    Fucking cunts

  92. evokje: WiK? said:

    Don’t blame all the Russians this is just another case of bad players trying to get an easy win.

  93. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    Please refrain from jumping on the “hate Red Bearz” bandwagon, they have done nothing wrong. In fact they allowed 1 merc which is more than some teams will do. Not allowing 2 mercs is completely understandable and they are within their rights to do so.

    Yes, not allowing mercs may seem ‘unsportsmanlike’ or ‘default hunting’, but they have had the opportunity to do this because you have not had 6 players from your roster available. You could have avoided this by getting 6 players from your roster like the majority of teams have.

    I would advise getting some backups to avoid this situation again.

    Also, we’re keeping an eye on this page, no flaming please!

  94. ducky said:

    We admins have to read through match comments to maybe gather information that is essential for verifying a match.

    Do you know how annoying it is to read through 50+ comments of senseless flaming and complaining?
    It’s a waste of my time and god knows I only have so much of it to dedicate to ETF2L.

    About the match at hand: Everything was done correctly.

    Gathering and having enough players ready for an official is 100% the own responsibility of each team.

    This is high tier for crying out loud,you’re telling me that after multiple seasons in this league you are unable to schedule matches in a way where you’re ready to play them with your full lineup?

    Allowing mercs is something that’s at the mercy of your opponents.

    Red bearz was generous enough to allow 1 merc (which they don’t have to do) so refusing the second is completly understandable and nothing unsportsmanlike ,unlike some uninformed people here might suggest.

    About the server:
    In case both teams can’t decide on a server an etf2l league server has to be used for the match, which was exactly what happened here. It was a EU central (german) league server.

    Complaining about the server won’t do anything because that’s a dispute regarding the server,which means you’ll have to use the same league server anyways.

    Enough of it already.

    Anyone who feels the need to make use of offensive language,shitpost or comment on this match with a non constructive intent from this point onwards will not be able to post anything again anytime soon.

    If you want to argue use steam chat, this isn’t a daycare.

  95. Cholera: RS said:

    Why so much offence against russians? In case you haven’t noticed russian medic was their merc.

  96. samka said:

    Премзила иди нахуй

  97. iikq: sirkkels said:

    “Thom. said:
    I am an avid gay supporter, korean gay pop music listener and furry lover.”

    I already like this guy

  98. AB said:

    why would you set up a day to play your official when half your team can’t play?

  99. kronis: NASA - hi im dog said:

    And everyone thought Svins was a monster…

  100. kronis: NASA - hi im dog said:

    “20:56 – Tamerlan: You fucking kidding me?Friends from high and he played in div 6 only and played 12 games in Highlander?”

    If I have prem players in my friendlist, that makes me good aswell?

  101. Vitilumi: tbd said:

    I didn’t know you liked Korean Gay Pop music too. ;)

  102. AB said:

    yes kronis just look at my friends list B)

  103. fkp said:

    fuck you kronis, i wanted to write 100th comment.

  104. kronis: NASA - hi im dog said:


    You must be playing invite


    Kto ti takoj? Davai dasvidanja.

    Half of Nepal in my undercoat.

  105. unikal said:

    Holy Shit

  106. Angel of Hell said:

    Ru comm is so ru lel

  107. ovr: busi said:

    из всего треда можно сделать вывод, что шарфик – пидор

  108. irfx: EPA said:

    this medals have only very good teams

  109. Kaylus: wL. - wL. said:

    @ducky if you don’t have time to be an admin, just don’t ? lol

  110. Avogadro: урот - -bb- said:

    chto zabili zdes’ dva kloyna iz vk gryppi daynov?

  111. Tseini: Damn! - 2MNYCHDS said:

    There is a difference with rules and sportsmanship.
    You’re not making living out of etf2l so why would they deny mercs if that would make into a good match.
    Thats like winning a fight against retarted 10yrs old kid,sure you won but neither one had fun.

  112. Kaylus: wL. - wL. said:

    Not gonna give them any win, I would rather drop the season, thanks etf2l staff …

  113. ducky said:

    @kaylus: I do have the time to dedicate to etf2l,but there’s no reason for me to waste it on reading 100 comments which (for the most part) consist of nothing but senseless bitching and rude insults.

    If you feel the need to vent your anger you can do that in mumble/ts3/steam chat no problem. ETF2L is by no means the correct platform for that kind of activity.

    PS: With the new system it gives them the full win regardless of whether you drop or not.

  114. DamnEasy said:


  115. Rudey: itsallgood said:

    Аво́сь да как-нибу́дь до добра́ не доведу́т.

  116. Toba: (a boT from the North) - Lutunen said:

    Алты́нного во́ра ве́шают, а полти́нного че́ствуют.

  117. unikal said:


  118. Mon: VVV - gandhi is said:

    Вы че из Англии все

  119. slimshady: gandhi is said:

    yo gross if u see this can u add me i wanna mge ur good opponent

  120. Sacrilege: L9 said:

    Bende janetten wat voor een debiel gezever is da hier eigenlik, maar het maakt niet uit van de regels en al da gezaag, maar min punt is: als russen mogen in under achterlijk kuttaaltje meugen klappen, waarom wunder ni? Wuk ei junder tegen west-vlamingen dak nie meuge zeggn in min eign taal dat zinder ne bende negerinnelullenzuigers zijn?

  121. repu said:

    “GREAT GAME! Keep using etf2l rules to win instead of an actual skill ;]”

    – Redzzz s19

  122. Bona: PMW said:

    Probably because west flemish isn’t a language, flemish isn’t at all even, learn dutch or fuck off

  123. Collaide said:


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