Season 3
Division 2a
Week 3
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff

2 - 4
[Screenshots: N\A ]

2 - 3
[Screenshots: N\A ]
Team Empire
0 - 6
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what about 14th @ 20 cet?
we can play 12.09 @ 21.30 cet or 14.09 @ 19 cet
Status on this match?
[01:56] you will play from where you left
[01:56] which is around 10 minutes left, with 4-2 score (for wotr2)
[01:56] + the second map ofcourse
but lofty don’t answer me when they ready to continue.
i’d ask u force the date.
Due to recent events, the remainder of the 1st map need not be played, final score stays 4-2 .
Please schedule the 2nd map asap.
“final score stays 4-2” – we have 10 mins left to play, why did u post “finale” score?
u think it’s fair enough?
Thanks very much, admins.
Dronos, msg me on IRC whenever. I was ignoring your requests to re-schedule because the admins hadn’t made a final decision.
“if u can’t win – start whine” – it works :D
msg ME if u want, but i hope arrange our WHOLE map here.
we can play on friday and saturday 20-21cet.
Holy fuck dronos…
“if u can’t win – start whine” – it works :D
Do you not realize that that’s exactly what you did? o_O
I can’t wait for our badlands game. Fuck ethics, i’m aborting your future children…
Below is a demo of the map, in which you can see prior.esports tf2 division sullying their organisation’s good name doing such things as;
– Pausing mid-round (rule as stated on forums by an admin – “you may not pause during a round, only during startup of a new round”)
– UN-Pausing a legally paused game in order to creep out of respawn
– Rage quitting a server to try and avert a scoreline
Demo speaks for itself, dronos. I suggest you backtrack a few steps or we’ll get the IRC logs of “if you can’t win – start whine” ethics REALLY put into practice.
(Pardon the server, it isn’t always available and you have to retry a few times. If the link continues to not work, i’ll upload the demo elsewhere. I feel it is important to the community for this demo to be available to show the truth about the underhand tactics of some teams who think the word “sportsmanship” is some kind of large boat.)
prior ? dronos : gl
pk : hf
^wotr?^lofty : GL HF
prior ? sint : gl
^wotr?^lofty : rr
prior ? apathy^^ : no
prior ? dronos : k
^wotr?^Tapley* : soz back
^wotr?^Tapley* : :M<<<<<
prior ? dronos : gl2
^wotr?^Tapley* : ty
^wotr?^Tapley* : gl hf
prior ? apathy^^ : not crit
^wotr?^lofty : rec demos
^wotr?^Nitro : ready?
prior ? apathy^^ : +15 min )
prior ? dronos : WB afk
^wotr?^lofty : cmon rup rup rup
prior ? apathy^^ : pur pur
^wotr?^Vlad Drac : can’t wait 15 mins guys
^wotr?^lofty : actually
^wotr?^lofty : its been 15
^wotr?^lofty : so… we have to play now
^wotr?^lofty : or we can claim default
pk : cmon pls go :D
prior ? apathy^^ : we are wait u 2 days
^wotr?^lofty : one of ours cant wait 15 mins…
prior ? sint : lol
^wotr?^lofty : yes, but thats a re-arrange :>
^wotr?^Vlad Drac : sorry guys, gonna have to start now
^wotr?^lofty : rup or its default time :>
^wotr?^lofty : guys?
prior ? dronos : yea?
^wotr?^Vlad Drac : start now
prior ? dronos : 1 afk
^wotr?^Vlad Drac : forget it, we’re getting an admin
pk : please
prior ? dronos : u wana 6×5?
^wotr?^lofty : pls
^wotr?^Vlad Drac : either that or 5v6, you have to rup
^wotr?^lofty : start now or im getting an admin
^wotr?^Tapley* : ty
What did you say about your “ethic”?
prior ? apathy^^ : we are wait u 2 days
^wotr?^lofty : one of ours cant wait 15 mins…
prior ? dronos : u wana 6×5?
^wotr?^lofty : start now or im getting an admin
You agreed to a re-arrange.
We played on the date of the re-arrange.
You were 15m late, and wanted us to wait another 15.
5 more minutes and I could have claimed a default if you didn’t ready up.
hehe, we get a default date but agreed to rearrange twice. but u couldn’t wait 5 extra minutes…
but i just wana ask (not u, but admins) about 1 fake player. Tapley. here he is. but not here.
using fake player is fair enough… waitnig admins.
I think this is fading into useless back and forthing. The demo is there for everyone to see what happened, so our discussing it doesn’t really matter – the proof is there, and that’s why we got the decision, anyone questioning the decision has only to look at it, and the demo is only there to clear any attempts made by another clan to dirty the wotr name.
I think the best thing everyone can do right now is move on from this and not resort into futile log-pasting and “he said she said” nonsense. The demo is available, no one needs to paste logs from it.
In the interests of maturity and future relations, let’s leave it here?
huh.. let make things better? yeah?
You wonna play or what? For me all i see – is awsome shit from wotr2 and some crappy things from prior. I dunno that head admins will decide on this point, but if someone will ask me – it is just an match replay.
as i said earlier to admins and wotr2 guys – we just wanna play.
waiting for a decision and “reeeeeeady to rumble” ;)
DeNeusbeer already made a decision on this issue, so just go on and play the second map.
Thats an admin decision which is not open for discuss.
does it mean we can use fake player too? :)
ok, we’ll tell u when we gona play badlands.
As they mentioned it was just forgotten this player wasn’t added on the roster, which surely can happen. Nobody is perfect :)
He will get added on the roster soon so this issue is solved with a Minor Warning. If they get more of these, we will act.
“As they mentioned it was just forgotten this player wasn’t added on the roster” – just LOL m8.
all understand they can’t win in even game 6×6. when 5th “timed out” we played 4×6 and those “gentlemens”…
let’s stop it.
as i asked – force hte date we have to play before. that’s all.
What does it mean “deceiving an admin“. Who, when, what.? O_o wtf?
Second map will be counted as 0-0 until you managed to reschedule it and got the final score.
let’s play 8th 21cet or 9th 20-30 cet
[17:30] let’s plan on 15th 21cet then
[17:30] tuesd is bad day
[17:30] thurs?
[17:31] we can
[17:31] kk 16th at 21`?
[17:31] yes
the last map will be play on 16th @ 21cet.
gg =)
gg guys.
GG, wp prior much better attitude on second map,
thx for finding a more suitable server for our useless isp’s :)
gg wp x