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Season 19 Division 3 Playoffs


Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Néo (top5rocket)



2 - 5

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4 - 2

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5 - 4

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France top5rocket vs European Sirius Echelon
6 - 3

SteamID Screenshots: A


Sirius Echelon (4) Clark, Poison, shappie, stnr
top5rocket (6) Blitzo, Kaiizo, Ombrack, Gero, Néo, Medico
Unrostered (2) Goat, Hydrostatic.


  1. ETF2L Staff said:

    Welcome to the Division 3 Playoffs semi finals,

    This is a playoff to decide who will advance to the finals. It will be played as a best of 3. Use the map elimination system to decide on the maps: http://etf2l.org/rules/general-rules/#10

    A Default Date will be issued once both teams submitted their available dates.

    Good luck!

  2. Clark: Arti Rush said:

    23:36 – andrjuha: we eliminate snakewater
    23:36 – Il principino: we eliminate granary
    23:36 – andrjuha: we eliminate logjam
    23:37 – Il principino: we eliminate viaduct
    23:37 – andrjuha: ok
    23:37 – andrjuha: so we pick first now
    23:37 – andrjuha: erhm
    23:37 – andrjuha: we pick badlands
    23:38 – Il principino: we pick process
    23:38 – andrjuha: ok, gullywash decider then

    The maps are Badlands and Process with Gullywash as decider.

  3. Ombrack: Top5rocket said:

    I am il principino, and I approve this message

  4. Clark: Arti Rush said:

    23:39 – andrjuha: also
    23:39 – andrjuha: we’ll need a merc Hydrostatic
    23:39 – andrjuha: he’s our main medic
    23:40 – Il principino: sure

  5. Default Date said:

    Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
    The default date is: Tuesday, 02 December 2014, 21:00
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.

  6. Clark: Arti Rush said:

    22:05 – andrjuha: mr ombrack
    22:05 – andrjuha: our scout’s working on tuesday
    22:05 – andrjuha: will you allow the guy that merced for us in quarter finals?
    22:05 – andrjuha: a.k.a. goat
    22:28 – Il principino: ye sure
    22:28 – andrjuha: nice

  7. Dennia: FAINT said:

    Goat HYPE

  8. 4star: MONSOON - GvG said:

    gl top5 ~(‘~’)~

  9. M.Screw: big.tf said:


  10. Finam: proc. - BnR! said:

    La France putain!

  11. irvin: FDP I - Houssem said:

    Gl top 5 !

  12. wilescoyote: is Ouf said:

    go go go les frenchies

  13. Speedead: @ said:

    GL putin d’purin !!

  14. Timus the cat: B5 said:

    Best of luck Sirius Echelon!

  15. nukkye said:

    top rocket has to get this Viva La Rockets

  16. Leyo: Z&Co said:

    this match is powered by Lardons Gaming.

  17. Kilgors: plēve said:

    GL Clark

  18. .Constantine: (ETF2L Tomator) - (ノಠOಠ)ノ said:


  19. stnr said:

    Great game wp

  20. Ombrack: Top5rocket said:

    gg, that ending was sick

  21. Clark: Arti Rush said:

    Jesus Christ, my hands are still shaking, but our comback was sick anyways :D

  22. Goat: bobs said:


  23. Gero: [NoL] said:


  24. Poison: HOUND said:


    may the odds for ever be in your favor :3

  25. fmapkmn: Z&Co - [NoL] said:

    Nice match

  26. Mooshi said:

    indeed nice match

    mer_s’y s’y la franss

  27. Ombrack: Top5rocket said:

    Should have been casted !!

  28. Ombrack: Top5rocket said:

    First status screen is wrong, irvin and Jipse didn’t play this game

  29. Néo: Jamz said:

    i fail the 1 status screen sorry 

  30. Poison: HOUND said:

    yeah casted would have been sick :D

  31. JiPse said:

    Noooo, i was here guys
    GG la France

  32. Hydrostatic. said:

    GG guys, was a sick match!

    gl in finals !

  33. Blitzo said:

    Sickest match of the season !

  34. Opti: REMOVE said:

    Bandes de tryhard à mettre HugZ en scout…

  35. .Constantine: (ETF2L Tomator) - (ノಠOಠ)ノ said:


  36. Izzy57 said:

    Je suis fière de toi Ombrack, tu as pas drop sur une map :)

  37. Néo: Jamz said:

    c’est parce qu’il fait du mge et le dm h24 et qu’il joue 10h par jour sinon il aurait drop 

  38. sp said:

    Clark is cool

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