Attention Premiership Highlander Teams: koth_lakeside_r2 has been changed to koth_lakeside_f2. please use this version of the map instead for your Scrims & Officials.

Highlander Season 7 powered by Tt eSPORTS

Division 4B

Week 3

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by kuli (Doctors Of Mediocrity)



2 - 0

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2 - 0

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European Tea-Mates vs Germany Doctors Of Mediocrity
6 - 0

SteamID Screenshots: A


Doctors Of Mediocrity (9) nevermore, AEsirson, prpht, DizAmbiguation, kuli, LionKing, Atzebumm, CAtty., slapsgiving
Tea-Mates (9) Gregoravich, Garry, AdamB, Stitzy, Blizzard_, splisplesplo, prof, Doktor, MrFreak



  1. Doktor: Popsy - $$ said:

    Atzebumm: gib ma nochmal link
    Doktor: http://etf2l.org/forum/user/88962/
    Atzebumm: nvm
    Atzebumm: hab in der nacht strawpoll anscheinend gemacht
    Atzebumm: 7 antworten
    Atzebumm: 7 mal ja
    Atzebumm: is erlaubt
    Doktor: wunderbar
    Doktor: danke sehr
    Atzebumm: kein ding

    regarding our merc, its german but I know ETF2L got plenty of german speaking admins

  2. Bob Bami said:

    Go Dr. Med!

  3. Doktor: Popsy - $$ said:

    No love for tm8 :(

    H Y P E D B O Y S

    gonna be fun

  4. gielewiel9: 124 said:

    C’mon bestaman stinson, I believe!

  5. Alice: SOUL - DFGG said:

    GL to both teams!

    But my love is for you tm8 <3

  6. Atzebumm: (ETF2L Donator) - Dr. med. said:

    STV: connect tv.prpht.eu:27020

  7. DCS: (Legend) - notdoggo - Dr. med. said:

    Not even playing :/

  8. kuli: (EF2TL Doatnor) - BMS said:

    round1: http://logs.tf/549264
    round2: http://logs.tf/549312

    gg guys.

  9. Doktor: Popsy - $$ said:

    gg well played

  10. prof said:


  11. Atzebumm: (ETF2L Donator) - Dr. med. said:


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