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Highlander Season 7 powered by Tt eSPORTS

Division 4A

Week 5

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Yuval (Gun Art)



1 - 0

[Screenshots: A ]



1 - 0

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European Gun Art vs European Team Colonslash: Storm
6 - 0


SteamID Screenshots: A


Gun Art (8) Mbest, Yuval, Raf, Silver Tosspot, over11dose, Stavoh, Feri, Jelly
Team Colonslash: Storm (8) Saatana, BaaBo, Bob Bami, Samwise, JustJosh, Banana Stealer, Useless, Speedy Cloud
Unrostered (2) gielewiel9, Kengur



  1. Useless: TC.Noobas said:

    Hi there, 20 CET Sunday 7th of December is deal for us to play so I have proposed that. Alternative would be Thursday 4th, the rest of the days are not very ideal for us. However if my proposed date is not ideal for you send me a message on Steam or prefferably write a comment here in the match coms.


  2. Yuval: YN - DBLE said:

    Hello man sunday 20:00 cet is perfect for us Thx for understanding can you get a server?

  3. Useless: TC.Noobas said:

    Hi there, yes indeed we can host server! I’ll post the connect string here closer to the match hour.

  4. Useless: TC.Noobas said:

    Allowing this merc for Gun Art:


  5. Useless: TC.Noobas said:

    20:02 – -GA-Yuval™: btw stv?
    20:05 – -GA-Yuval™: whats stv?
    20:06 – TC Useless: What about accepting Giel?
    20:07 – -GA-Yuval™: if you give me stv i will accpet :D
    20:07 – TC Useless: connect
    20:07 – TC Useless: It was on the match page by the way :P


  6. Feri: MF said:

    GG, was pretty intense game. And the most fun one I’ve played this season at the same time

  7. Bob Bami said:

    plz, at first we had to start without a scout and an offclass heavy, then you easily pushed 5 min because of it.

    2nd round me and useless fucking kept timing out (possibly DDoS) after we had a 7 minute time and you were struggling to get it.

    Biggest bullshit game this team has had so far. and we already exist for 1 and a half years.

  8. Feri: MF said:

    Well, we started playing at 20:20, so he had enough time to restart steam, PC or even router if he had any problems, you used pause as well. On the 2nd round, we were playing without the medic which was crashing and couldn’t move, so we had to push without him. Or lose. No reason to be mad in my opinion, that’s not our fault :'(

  9. Useless: TC.Noobas said:

    Don’t worry we are not blaming you, however your medic crashing once is not comparable to the level of bullshit we had to go through with connection during the evening. It didn’t help either that your leader was pulling bullshit stuff like “brb 5 minutes taking a shower” before allowing our merc, which to be frank was our last resort after going through our main, backup and commonly used merc engineers.

    This match was just overall shit, mainly not because of anything you guys did but due to us having to be either 8 vs 9 or 7 vs 9 during the majority of the match simply because the internet kept bullshitting us. Enjoy your win though, it was not your fault. Just saying it would of been nicer to have had a decent match in this dying gem of a game.

  10. Bob Bami said:


  11. Feri: MF said:

    I feel really sorry, but all I can do is wishing you good luck next week, sorry. If any of you guys can’t play, you should get a sub. My apologies once again, and good luck in the rest of the competition! And let’s stop spamming before Admin says to do so :P

  12. gielewiel9: 124 said:

    TC real champions 2014 :D

  13. UnawareMartin said:


  14. JustJosh said:

    The “should get a sub” comment is pretty pointless going on the fact we were made to wait 20 minutes on accepting the one sub we did need. Then forced the start of the map.

  15. Feri: MF said:

    I meant sub, not a merc :x

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