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Season 19 powered by Tt eSPORTS

Division 3A

Week 1

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by vUUZ (TEZC | Nuggets)



4 - 5 (golden cap)

[Screenshots: A B ]



3 - 4

[Screenshots: A ]

Norway MAFIA vs NewZealand TEZC | Nuggets
1 - 5


SteamID Screenshots: A


TEZC | Nuggets (6) Joshi, Nroski, Nesh, yak, vUUZ, Scoffer
MAFIA (5) TaylorSwiftFan100, ixy, Philip, Pistolvania, darkfigure1
Unrostered (1) Karnax


  • MAFIA [Minor] Unable to provide a requested demo (1st time)
  • MAFIA [Minor] Unable to provide a requested demo (1st time)
  • TEZC | Nuggets [Minor] Unable to provide a requested demo (1st time)



  1. TaylorSwiftFan100: Pander said:

    Samstag, 27. September 2014
    14:54 – basti: yo
    14:55 – TEZC | vuuz^: seas
    14:55 – basti: nur nochmal für die matchpage weil ich das gestern nicht kopiert hab
    14:55 – basti: you allow
    14:55 – basti: http://etf2l.org/forum/user/57499/
    14:55 – basti: ?
    14:56 – TEZC | vuuz^: yea

  2. stephen said:

    Yak to do 10102929920101029290109202 damage but die 4420202 times

  3. HATE: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    gl marco et al <3

  4. yak: VNC said:

    @stephen ready for 12345 damage and 420dpm again?

  5. D! said:

    basti to airshot yak 1337 times

  6. lune said:

    go nesh team

  7. lune said:

    go df1 and pistol team

  8. django: HKN! said:

    ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ iceman ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

  9. Pistolvania said:

    yak to brag and / or complain on facebook later

  10. TaylorSwiftFan100: Pander said:

    yak im gonna shove my rocket launcher up ur anus u can post that pic on fb afterwards if u want

  11. Ignis: MAFIA said:

    mafia to win and iceman to topfrag

  12. JohnnyBambo: #T4F said:

    changed the golden cap score

  13. TaylorSwiftFan100: Pander said:


    if anyone cares

  14. basshead: mid said:

    yak my man

  15. Pistolvania said:

    Such a good game, gl in the rest of the season

  16. Twinqe said:

    gj yak

  17. Pete_: PrettyGay said:

    sick one gedn

  18. Joshi said:

    jawoi gedn

  19. kronis: NASA - hi im dog said:

    WTF – why did you let nroski die so much?

  20. ETF2L Staff said:

    Dear teams MAFIA and TEZC | Nuggets

    Please upload the demos of Joshi, Nesh, Pistolvania and Karnax within 72 hours or face a penalty in accordance with the General ETF2L Rules.
    You have to use the ETF2L demo upload system for archives under 60 MB, third party hoster links will be ignored.
    Minor warnings for missing demos can be removed later after talking to an admin, as long as the minor warnings of your team did not stack up to a major warning yet.

    2.4 Every player has to record Demos

    Demos can be requested by an admin or any player of the opposing team.
    Admins may request demos up to the end of the competition the match was played in (until the wrap up post is published). They can request as many demos as they require.
    The opposing team can request demos up to 48 hours after the match was scheduled to start. They can request demos from up to 2 players, who will then have to provide their demos for all played maps.
    A player whose demos have been requested has 72 hours to upload the demo, starting from the time the request was made.
    Failure to supply a requested demo will be punished.

    2.4.1 Penalties for not providing requested demos

    Failure to supply a requested demo will result in one of the following penalties:
    – First time: Minor warning for the team. This warning can be removed once the requested demo is provided.
    – Second time: Major warning for the team. Player is banned for two weeks from all ETF2L competitions.
    – Third time: Player is banned for two months from all ETF2L competitions.

    Penalties are applied if a requested demo is not provided within 72 hours. Major warnings and bans are not removable.

  21. yak: VNC said:

    Joshi confirmed cheater

  22. Pistolvania said:

    Looks like I’ll have to confess to the etf2l cyber police that I did not in fact record a demo. My bad.

  23. ETF2L Staff said:

    Minor warnings applied for the missing demos (Joshi only uploaded one demo).

  24. ETF2L Staff said:

    Edit: Apparently nesh’s demo is only 4min, so … minor warning for that, too.

  25. Nesh said:

    As you can see there are 2 demos of badlands. The 4 min. badlands demo is the goldencap.

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