Season 3
Division 5c
Week 6
Not Scheduled
Results submitted:
by aLx (nRage)

0 - 8
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0 - 8
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Cavaliers BLUE
0 - 6
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Cavaliers are ready to play
Monday – Wednesday every week
starting times 20-22CET
we preffer WEdnesdays 21CET for almost all matches.
WED 21 CET sounds good
Damned, we have two badlands.
Are we going to choose from 3dr party pool or your clan wants to have double-map?
ad_time/date: Uber-fair :)) i will enter the date into the calendar
What about the servers ?
We can offer ours at Czech for sure and second at Germany (on demand, it is dedicated for our 1st squad).
We dont want to have double-map, but the 3rd party maps suck ;)
Would you agree to cp_granary (with gates -.-) from 3rd party pool?
Hi Alex,
yep I think it is the best option. Let’s avoid any frustration when one team will dominate on badlands twice :)
So all righty then, let it be cp_granary(with gates).
This pool is really awfull : cp_granary (with gates), cp_redstone_b2, cp_science2, cp_stag, cp_warpath2. Maybe the redstone or warpath is bearable, but granary is granary…
I don’t understand why we can’t rechoose one map after agreement between both clanleaders.
I wrote something about the 3rd party maps in the forum, but no answer for 10 days now -.-
I think the maps from the 2nd map-pool should be able to pick, too at map elimination.
Hi Alex,
as there was announced, we can choose from “secondary pool” OR from “3rd party pool”. As we pre-agreed on “granary(with gates)” we can play this one. Also I don’t mind to actually trigger map elimination on.
So from my side: 1st team eliminate : cp_freight_b3
(i assume we will pick from secondary pool rather than from 3rd party one)
lets play cp_granary (with gates). both agreed to that.
Fine let it be cp_granary(+gates) as both CL agreed.
Thanks for quick reply.
GC’s server :
CAV’s server : / STV: pw: tv