Season 3
Division 5c
Week 5
Results submitted:
by sla (Entropy Team)

2 - 6
[Screenshots: N\A ]

4 - 16
[Screenshots: N\A ]
Cavaliers BLUE
Entropy Team
0 - 6
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Cavaliers are ready to play
Monday – Wednesday every week
starting times 20-22CET
we preffer WEdnesdays 21CET for almost all matches.
We can offer our server
contact us at #cavaliers-clan on Quakenet for password to check the pings.
What day is best for you ?
Dear GoV team,
could you please contact CL or WA of -cavaliers-BLUE(#cavaliers-clan on Quakenet IRC) to talk abou the servers/date/time of our upcoming match? Since i can’t catch anyone responsible on, let’s sort it out here.
hi we have problem our two guys does not have internet connection at this moment….
so we are calling “merc”
agreed with -GoV-Sla via steam chat…
[PW]pleshoun will alternate our scaut….
thanks to him and thanks GoV :)
GG cavaliers, it’s always a pleasure to play with good people like you :)
I confirm our acceptance to let cavaliers use [PW]pleshoun as merc
Thanks to vehell and all cavaliers blue team.