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Season 19 powered by Tt eSPORTS

Division 4B

Week 1

Round commencing: -
This match is affected by one or more wildcards.

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Samski (Catgirl.tf)

This match does not count as one of the teams dropped from this competition.



5 - 0

[Screenshots: A ]



5 - 3

[Screenshots: A ]

Japan Catgirl.tf vs Seychelles is house esports
6 - 0

Active Wildcards:

SteamID Screenshots: A


Catgirl.tf (6) Grenja, Will, Lotek, Derotzka, Samski, marten
is house esports (4) jay, jR., gouldie, it's Mint
Unrostered (1) FIR


  1. yak: VNC said:

    Go thng, jR + grenjabob!

  2. kronis: NASA - hi im dog said:

    jR – Tom said that he will send nudes if you gonna get 14k dmg or more

  3. gouldie said:

    SUP KIDS we can play mon-friday from 21 cet onwards

  4. gouldie said:

    NVM we cant play friday because i have been informed we are not nerds MON-THURSDAY 21cet+ k thanks bai

  5. Samski: MPREG said:

    Well I’ve told you we need to start latest at 20:30 coz we can’t play past 22 CET

  6. Default Date said:

    Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
    The default date is: Thursday, 02 October 2014, 20:30
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.

  7. Samski: MPREG said:

    connect d4.colonslash.eu:28007; password password tc7war;

    See you on at 20:30!

  8. Wildcard said:

    A wildcard has been used for this match by is house esports.

    You must reschedule this match before October 9, 2014 CEST and play it before October 19, 2014 CEST.

  9. Samski: MPREG said:

    So we’re here again – we want to play the same day and time as before please thursday 20:30 set

  10. gouldie said:

    m8 u having a giggle we cant start before 21 cet

  11. Default Date said:

    Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
    The default date is: Sunday, 19 October 2014, 20:45
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.

  12. Sockx: ;) said:

    gl Offblast!

  13. torrit said:

    wtf you cant play this, its not fair to have a contest with people as autistic as is house esports

  14. omnibombulator: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    Good luck Is House, I hope the 5v6 is enough challenge for TC

  15. Samski: MPREG said:

    We allowed Fir as merc

  16. Samski: MPREG said:

    They played 5v6 on badlands after requesting 2nd mercs that were all above our division – during the 2nd game their roamer joined the game so it was 6v6

    I don’t like how this situation turned out but you guys had almost 4 weeks for a week 1 game to get 6 people on a server (it’s not that hard!) you then continued to take the piss asking for mercs that were clearly above this division and it is a shame because it was a good game when it was 6v6. I don’t want hard feelings between people so good luck for the rest of the season. If you think I’m being a dick please read this rule and then you may realise that you were lucky to get one merc let alone two…

    “1.5 No mercs allowed unless your opponent agrees

    “Mercs” or “ringers” are players that are not on the roster of your team. Teams may not use a merc at any time of a match unless their opponent has agreed to it. If a team does not have enough players for a scheduled match and want to use a merc, they must contact the opponent in time. If the opponent agrees, make sure a log of the agreement is taken and provided in the match comments. All mercs have to be registered on ETF2L. Teams caught using an unregistered merc, or a merc without their opponent’s permission, will receive a default loss and a warning.

    A team can use up to a maximum of 2 mercs, even if the opponent would allow the use of more than 2 mercs. This includes players who are still shown as unverified on the team’s roster.”

  17. FIR: SnG said:

    and denied everyone else, legit or not

  18. torrit said:

    19:58 – Dexter Morgan: http://etf2l.org/forum/user/68879/ or http://etf2l.org/forum/user/89228/
    19:58 – Dexter Morgan: THIS GUY? OR THIS GUY?
    19:58 – TC Tyrone mix/merc: i dont care you can play with 5 im not allowing 2 mercs
    19:58 – TC Tyrone mix/merc: you guys took the piss
    19:58 – Dexter Morgan: ? can you explain how we took the piss
    19:58 – Dexter Morgan: ok i see now omni has d3 experience but thaigrr has played 1 offical in d4 i dont see the problem your really not going to allow it?
    19:58 – TC Tyrone mix/merc: no stop asking are you mentally challenged?
    19:58 – Dexter Morgan: well that sort of ruins the game
    19:58 – TC Tyrone mix/merc: no im getting default now
    19:58 – TC Tyrone mix/merc: coz you took the piss
    19:58 – Dexter Morgan: wtf
    19:58 – TC Tyrone mix/merc: get omni off the server
    19:59 – TC Tyrone mix/merc: and we’ll play
    19:59 – Dexter Morgan: like we have any other choice
    20:00 – Dexter Morgan: go

    gg, real sportsmanship
    i tip my fabolous fedora to you, m’lord

  19. gouldie said:

    #DRAMABOYS thaigr div =4 on etf2l and this is DIV 4 official????!!!!BUT WAIT HE SAID ABOVE OUR DIV???!!! this is the work of the fockin iloominatey here boys

    PJSalt=Drama Boys (no space)

  20. jay: Synergy™ said:

    Oh boy, here we go.

    We had some roster issues prior to this match. We had to get a med merc and it was urgent. We had prepared everything and everyone, spreadsheet or not, everyone but the roamer knew we had a match. Croogah thought it was tomorrow and subsequently was offline. Just because you’re “TC” doesn’t give you any right to feel superior in any way. In fact if any of your players had any less of a tenth of a neuron they’d know not to join a TC team.

    That’s when you come in. Like having fagajob (worlds best spy, autism reincarnated) and a bunch of what is probably the most circlejerking, cuntiest roster, you decide to hunt for a default win. I suppose the only thing you see in player skill is what kind of div they’ve played in, and subsequently see wins as they only way to improve.

    We gave you endless mercs, none of which were higher skill than us, even though all you did was look at their previously played divs and say “yeah, no, they’re too high, they’re gonna rek us, we need to win this so we can go div 3 season”.

    I’m happy, you just set a new record for being a fucking shitter. Keep it up, I can’t way to see you guys play against teams with 6 players from the start. Best part however was when you lost mid 5v6. Oh yeah lets not forget your (Tyrone’s) inability to do a rocket jump without looking like a spazzed up 90 year old with cancer in his fucking legs. But it’s okay, you guys beat us and you deserve all the credit for playing like a bunch of gentlemen.

    I’d rather get shit on by a fat bull that just ate a giant fucking taco and then get spread all over my ass face and have a giant dick put up my ass than ever play with or against a TC team. In fact, no, I can’t fucking wait to play against a TC team. Any time. Although I’d rather prefer it was 6v6 this time, not 6v5, but hey, judging by your initial performance, I wouldn’t be surprised if that was a difficult task.

    But it’s okay. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavours. I’m sure default win hunting is going to help you on your way to prem :)

    P.S. some lan threats going on in mumble i’d watch out if I were you, big boys gonna go all up on yo ass @ lan

  21. jay: Synergy™ said:

    Please note that it was not my initial intention to trash talk but instead did it out of a personal favour. Funny thing to note, even though not many people trashtalk TC, it’s well known you guys are full of shit :)

  22. marten: TBC said:

    imma dodge anyway :3

  23. Grenja: //rawr said:

    Holy shit what did I do; I have no part of the decision making?

  24. Samski: MPREG said:

    Lol you guys fail to understand that yes you asked for countless mercs but 15 mins after the game was supposed to start! The rules state that if you need a merc (in your case mercs) you need to add the leader and discuss before the match – not start looking for mercs when the match is supposed to start. Also you shouldn’t bring in any problems that you have with other TC players into this because none of my players did anything wrong to you guys and did not shit talk whatsoever – so there is no need to slag off the organisation as a whole if you have a problem with people in particular.

    There is so much blind hate there which I do not understand you need to understand the wrong that your team was in before shit talking people after the game and grow up a little.
    As I said before good luck in the rest of the season and let’s just leave this here

  25. gouldie said:

    wait a sec im gonna do some sick iloominatey maths see if you can keep up

    7:58 asking for our 2nd merc the match was scheduled to start at 7:45 58-45=13 13 is less than 15??!!!???! :O :O :O :o

    source:i got a maths GCSE M8

    Kappa= Maths Face (no space) Godbless

  26. jay: Synergy™ said:

    just a fun thing https://i.imgur.com/UD29nA4.png

    I can just imagine pregame in your mumble
    “can we use this merc?”
    “uh no he merced one match in div 3 that automatically makes his 100000000000 times better than us, we cant allow him sorry”
    and then there’s ronald mcdonald mcmasturbator fagajob having a big old fat wank in the corner being so pleasant about how his 6s team is going to go to prem

  27. Grenja: //rawr said:

    “and then there’s ronald mcdonald mcmasturbator fagajob having a big old fat wank in the corner being so pleasant about how his 6s team is going to go to prem”

    Holy shit what did I do to you?

  28. Samski: MPREG said:

    lol gouldie if you wanna change the times on the chat you can do that to Torrit but I have a steam ID screenshot with the chat in it at 21:05 CET and you haven’t asked for the 2nd merc yet but okay xD

  29. Grenja: //rawr said:

    Even you’re team-mates have no idea what your problem is with me. Care to elaborate? I didn’t even say a single word from the point when the game started until it ended.

  30. marten: TBC said:


  31. Meeto said:

    Holy shit guys, video games, srs business.

  32. Kuferl: (TF2Pickup.net Unicorn) - FLANK said:

    the question is, why is torrit copy pasting the conversation, and not one of the person involved in it? x]

  33. tobs: ORA said:


  34. tobs: ORA said:

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ relax guys and listen to good old rick

  35. omnibombulator: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    I was just disappointed I didn’t get to play video games man. Why’d you block me out I was bored all night :(

  36. ETF2L Staff said:

    Dear Teams,

    please remember to use the matchpage comments in a constructive manner and for match relevant agreements on schedules,servers and mercs ONLY.

    This isn’t a battleground for your flamewar.
    If you feel the need to argue you can do that via private chat.

    Just a reminder for now. Next time there’ll be forum/comment bans handed out to individual players and appropriate warnings given out to their respective teams.

  37. Sorsa: mooz said:

    Denying mercs like that. Wow. I think TC forgot how to get nice guys in the community.

  38. Sorsa: mooz said:

    Also, is house should stop insulting grenjacob for NO ACTUAL REASON.

  39. jay: Synergy™ said:

    sorry grenjabob :(

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