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The Highlander Open - Cup Stage

Quarter Final

Round commencing: -

Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by PIPSQUEAK (Sick Marmalade, Grandpa!)



2 - 1

[Screenshots: A ]



2 - 0

[Screenshots: A ]

European Sick Marmalade, Grandpa! vs European Prefix
6 - 0

SteamID Screenshots: A


Sick Marmalade, Grandpa! (9) Rocket Launcher, Evil Witch, Jopiii, Enigmus, haru_, PIPSQUEAK, Hedarf, Twurtle, Cpt.Rain
Prefix (8) Gigi, MARKO, Banjo, Holly, GannonCannon, RoyaleWithCheese, Included_Middle, Icyfeather
Unrostered (1) Inkd0Om


  1. ETF2L Staff said:

    Dear Teams,

    welcome to the quarter finals of the Highlander Open!

    From now on onwards there are no more fixed maps that you have to play for each match.
    Instead our “Map Elimination System” is used to determine the two mandatory and a third decider map.
    If you’re unfamiliar with this system you can read up on it here:
    The map pool used for this competition can be found here:

    In case you have any further questions or the rules are unclear to you don’t hesitate to contact an admin via http://etf2l.org/help/support/

  2. PIPSQUEAK: Strejk said:

    Maps will be Badwater as first map. Upward as second. And Process as decider.

  3. GannonCannon said:

    I confirm these maps

  4. Sir.Grey said:

    Best of luck to both teams! I’d love to watch you two go head to head, so please post the STV link :)
    Good luck and have fun!

  5. Dandere said:


  6. Sir.Grey said:

    Best of luck to both teams! Have fun guys :)

  7. Nimrod said:

    no habla espanol

  8. MARKO: PANZER - buud$cult said:

    We will be using one merc: http://etf2l.org/forum/user/99179/

    He has been aprooved by the other team.

  9. PIPSQUEAK: Strejk said:


  10. PIPSQUEAK: Strejk said:

    STV: connect

  11. PIPSQUEAK: Strejk said:

    GG WP! This was a really intense game!

  12. S@GA: MERKEL - op_sqd said:

    Should be 5-1 tho

  13. MARKO: PANZER - buud$cult said:

    gg everyone <:

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