The Highlander Open - Cup Stage
Round 2
Round commencing: -
Schedule deadline: | Result deadline:
Results submitted:
by mister mistah yay ya (The Sideboob Squad)

5 - 0
[Screenshots: N\A ]

2 - 1
[Screenshots: N\A ]
Knights of the Round
The Sideboob Squad
6 - 0
SteamID Screenshots: A
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Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
The default date is: Friday, 22 August 2014, 20:00
Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
Dear Teams,
Please remember to submit,check and verify the results aswell as add both status and scoreboard screenshots.
Failure in providing the results before the playing deadline (August 24th 23:59 CEST) will result in a nullification of this match.
Need to use a merc for this match.
Here is ETF2L profile.
I approve of the Mercenary that the other team needs.
As do I
These scores aren’t right, we never even played Granary, and we won Upward 2-1. For some reason, I’m not allowed to submit results.
We got the demos and logs from, if you want to verify.
They actually left the game before we could have played Granary, before the match ended.
Dear teams.
I edited the scores based on the information you gave us. Please check if that is correct now.
A default win has been entered for granary. Please submit a higher resolution status screenshot and valid scoreboard screenshots.
You can upload the screens here:
Lemme explain, you guys started a whole argument that took about an hour and 30 minutes that when we stopped, there was like 5 minutes left in the reservation, so weren’t able to finish the game.
Also, we didn’t try the other 2 rounds, because you guys were arguing with us.
Thanks you, These results are indeed correct.
We all had only a single question that we needed answering:
Does one game, meaning both teams play RED and BLU once, count as a single round, or two rounds?
4.3.3 ABBA format
A/D and Payload maps have to be played for 2-3 rounds. In the first 2 rounds the ABBA format will be used.
In the case of both teams taking one round (1:1) there will be a decider round. In the first 2 rounds the teams should note the final cap time of the first team attacking. The team that has the best cap time (or more caps in the case a team did not cap all points) can choose if they want to attack or defend first in the 3rd round. Remember to reload the config between rounds, so teams can be switched.
Example: Team A attacks and sets a time of 4:56. Team B then attacks and caps the last point faster then Team A did, setting the score 1:0. Next team B attacks first and sets a time of 5:28, team A then attacks and caps faster. The score is then 1:1 and a decider round will need to be played. Since Team A’s attack time of 4:56 was faster then team B’s 5:28 they can choose who attacks first.
Results must be submitted as two maps (the same map).
If you played two rounds and the match was won 2-0, enter the result as ’2-0′ as result for each map.
If you played three rounds and the match was won 2-1, submit ‘2-1′ as the score for each map and tick the golden cap box for both maps.
If you didn’t bother to read that; this means that each round consists of both teams having their respective turn attacking and defending.
tldr; We were correct about the rules. Each two fights (A vs B, B vs A) count as one round.
The only problem about the match was that I was grossly negligent in expecting the game to take less than two hours, for that’s how long I set the server reservation for, and the arguments based on the misunderstandings on the rules, which indeed lasted a very long time.
Although, in addition to said argument, your team was the one that delayed each time when we wanted to start immediately, in which one particular player insulted our entire team (sans one) multiple times, and instigated several arguments.
(While everybody left at the very end of the match, the only time you really need a full team or 8 players would be at the beginning of the game. While our entire team thought that was a breach of rules, it wasn’t. It still counts as a loss though.)
Just wondering how did you guys beat us 5 – 0 when we never played the match…